require 'spec_helper' module Appstats describe Parser do before(:each) do @parser = end describe("#initialize") do it "should set rules to nil" do @parser.raw_rules.should == nil @parser.raw_tokenize.should == nil @parser.repeating.should == false @parser.tokenize_regex == nil @parser.rules.should == [] @parser.tokenize.should == [] @parser.constants.should == [] @parser.constants_no_spaces.should == [] end it "should set rules from constructor" do parser = => ":name or :bust", :tokenize => "a bb c", :repeating => true) parser.raw_rules.should == ":name or :bust" parser.raw_tokenize.should == "a bb c" parser.repeating.should == true parser.rules.should == [ { :rule => :name, :stop => :constant }, "OR", { :rule => :bust, :stop => :end} ] parser.tokenize.should == ["\\s+A","\\s+BB","\\s+C"] parser.tokenize_no_spaces.should == ["A","BB","C"] parser.constants.should == ["\\s+OR"] parser.constants_no_spaces.should == ["OR"] end it "should espace tokens as required" do parser = => "( ) abc |") parser.tokenize.should == ['\(','\)','\s+ABC','\|'] parser.tokenize_regex.should == '\(|\)|\s+ABC|\|' parser.tokenize_no_spaces.should == ['\(','\)','ABC','\|'] parser.tokenize_regex_no_spaces.should == '\(|\)|ABC|\|' end end describe "#rules" do it "should end on constant if tokens present" do => ":name", :tokenize => ")").rules.should == [ { :rule => :name, :stop => :end } ] end it "should handle one variable" do => ":name").rules.should == [ { :rule => :name, :stop => :end } ] end it "should handle many variables" do => ":name :date").rules.should == [ { :rule => :name, :stop => :space }, { :rule => :date, :stop => :end } ] end it "should deal with colons" do => ":name : :date").rules.should == [ { :rule => :name, :stop => :constant }, ":", { :rule => :date, :stop => :end } ] end it "should deal with constant" do => "blah").rules.should == ["BLAH"] end it "should deal with constant and variables" do => ":name blah :date").rules.should == [ { :rule => :name, :stop => :constant }, "BLAH", { :rule => :date, :stop => :end } ] end it "should deal with multiple constants and variables" do => ":name blah more blah :date").rules.should == [ { :rule => :name, :stop => :constant }, "BLAH", "MORE", "BLAH", { :rule => :date, :stop => :end } ] end end describe "#constants" do it "should be empty if only variables" do => ":name :blah").constants.should == [ ] end it "should track all constants" do => ":name : :date").constants.should == [ ":" ] end it "should upper case constants" do => "blah").constants.should == ["\\s+BLAH"] end it "should deal with multiple constants" do => ":name = :blah and :moreblah").constants.should == ["=","\\s+AND"] end end describe "#constants_no_spaces" do it "should be empty if only variables" do => ":name :blah").constants_no_spaces.should == [ ] end it "should track all constants" do => ":name : :date").constants_no_spaces.should == [ ":" ] end it "should upper case constants" do => "blah").constants_no_spaces.should == ["BLAH"] end it "should deal with multiple constants" do => ":name = :blah and :moreblah").constants_no_spaces.should == ["=","AND"] end end describe "#parse_constant" do it "should handle nil" do Parser.parse_constant(nil,nil).should == [nil,nil] Parser.parse_constant("",nil).should == [nil,nil] end it "should find the constant" do Parser.parse_constant("= blah blah more blah ","=").should == ["=","blah blah more blah"] end it "should find the constants with multiple characters" do Parser.parse_constant("hey blah blah more blah ","hey").should == ["hey","blah blah more blah"] end it "should return nil if not found" do Parser.parse_constant("blah blah more blah ","=").should == [nil,"blah blah more blah"] end it "should be case insensitive" do Parser.parse_constant(" blah stuff on more blah stuff ","blah").should == ["blah","stuff on more blah stuff"] Parser.parse_constant(" BLAH stuff on more blah stuff ","blah").should == ["BLAH","stuff on more blah stuff"] Parser.parse_constant(" blah stuff on more blah stuff ","BLAH").should == ["blah","stuff on more blah stuff"] end it "should only find the first instance" do Parser.parse_constant("one == two","==").should == [nil,"one == two"] end end describe "#parse_word" do it "should handle nil" do @parser.parse_word(nil,nil).should == [nil,nil] @parser.parse_word("",nil).should == [nil,nil] end it "should look for global tokens" do parser = => "xx") parser.parse_word("blah xx",:end).should == ["blah","xx"] parser.parse_word("blah xx stop","stop").should == ["blah","xx stop"] end it "should handle :end" do @parser.parse_word("blah",:end).should == ["blah",nil] @parser.parse_word("more blah blah blah",:end).should == ["more blah blah blah",nil] end it "should handle :space" do @parser.parse_word("more blah blah blah",:space).should == ["more","blah blah blah"] @parser.parse_word("who dat",:space).should == ["who","dat"] end it "should handle :space when no more spaces" do @parser.parse_word("blah",:space).should == ["blah",nil] end it "should strip front space" do @parser.parse_word(" blah ",:space).should == ["blah",nil] @parser.parse_word(" more blah blah blah ",:space).should == ["more","blah blah blah"] @parser.parse_word(" who dat ",:space).should == ["who","dat"] end it "should on constant" do @parser.parse_word(" blah stuff = more blah stuff ","=").should == ["blah stuff","= more blah stuff"] end it "should be case insensitive" do @parser.parse_word(" blah stuff on more blah stuff ","on").should == ["blah stuff","on more blah stuff"] @parser.parse_word(" blah stuff ON more blah stuff ","on").should == ["blah stuff","ON more blah stuff"] @parser.parse_word(" blah stuff on more blah stuff ","ON").should == ["blah stuff","on more blah stuff"] end it "should grab whole string if not constant not present" do @parser.parse_word(" blah ","x").should == ["blah", nil] end it "should be able to explicitly set if you want an exact match or not" do @parser.parse_word(" aa bbb ","x",false).should == ["aa bbb", nil] @parser.parse_word(" aa bbb ","x",true).should == [nil, "aa bbb"] @parser.parse_word(" aa bbb ","bbb",false).should == ["aa", "bbb"] @parser.parse_word(" aa bbb ","bbb",true).should == ["aa", "bbb"] end it "should remove tokens from the beginning" do parser = => "xx yy zz") parser.parse_word(" xx yy zz zzaa bbb ",:space).should == ["aa", "bbb"] parser.raw_results.should == [ "xx", "yy", "zz", "zz" ] end it "should remove tokens from the end (:space)" do parser = => "xx yy zz") parser.parse_word(" aa xx y z bbb ",:space).should == ["aa", "xx y z bbb"] parser.raw_results.should == [ ] end it "should remove tokens from the end (:end)" do parser = => "xx yy zz") parser.parse_word(" aa xx y z bbb ",:end).should == ["aa", "xx y z bbb"] parser.raw_results.should == [ ] end it "should remove tokens from the end (constant)" do parser = => "xx yy zz") parser.parse_word(" aa xx y on z bbb ","on").should == ["aa", "xx y on z bbb"] parser.raw_results.should == [ ] end it "should handle constants" do parser = => ":operation :action :date on :server where :contexts") parser.parse_word("today on my.local where stuff","on",true).should == ["today","on my.local where stuff"] end end describe "#merge_regex_filter" do it "should handle nil" do Parser.merge_regex_filter([nil,nil]).should == "" Parser.merge_regex_filter(['','']).should == "" end it "should handle nil on one side" do Parser.merge_regex_filter(['\s',nil]).should == '(\s)' Parser.merge_regex_filter([nil,'\s']).should == '(\s)' Parser.merge_regex_filter(['\s','']).should == '(\s)' Parser.merge_regex_filter(['','\s']).should == '(\s)' end it "should handle both sides" do Parser.merge_regex_filter(['\s','a|b']).should == '(\s|a|b)' end it "should handle three inputs" do Parser.merge_regex_filter(['\s','a|b','dd']).should == '(\s|a|b|dd)' Parser.merge_regex_filter(['\s','',nil]).should == '(\s)' end end describe "#parse" do it "fails if no rules" do @parser.parse("blah").should == false end it "fails on nil" do parser = => ":name") parser.parse(nil).should == false end describe "non repeating" do it "passes on a simple rule" do parser = => ":name") parser.parse("blah").should == true parser.raw_results.should == [ {:name => "blah"} ] end it "passes on several rules" do parser = => ":one :two :three") parser.parse("a bbb cc").should == true parser.results.should == {:one => "a", :two => "bbb", :three => "cc" } end it "passes on combination of constants and rules" do parser = => ":operation :action :date on :server where :contexts") parser.parse("# logins today on my.local where stuff").should == true parser.results.should == {:operation => "#", :action => "logins", :date => "today" , :server => "my.local", :contexts => "stuff" } end it "passes on combination of constants and rules" do parser = => ":operation :action :date on :server where :contexts") parser.parse("# logins where stuff").should == true parser.results.should == {:operation => "#", :action => "logins", :date => nil , :server => nil, :contexts => "stuff" } end it "should be able to skip constants" do parser = => ":one aa :two bbb :three") parser.parse("1 bbb 3") parser.results.should == { :one => "1", :two => nil, :three => "3" } end it "should handle missing constants" do parser = => ":one aa :two bbb :three") parser.parse("1").should == true parser.results.should == {:one => "1", :two => nil, :three => nil } end it "should handle missing constants" do parser = => ":one aa :two bbb :three") parser.parse("1 one aa 222 ").should == true parser.results.should == {:one => "1 one", :two => "222", :three => nil } end end describe "repeating" do it "should tokenize single repeating entities" do parser = => ":context", :repeating => true, :tokenize => "and or || && = <= >= <> !=") parser.parse("a = b").should == true parser.raw_results.should == [ { :context => "a"}, "=", { :context => "b"} ] end end it "should tokenize tokens" do parser = => ":context_key = :context_value", :tokenize => "( )") parser.parse("( ( a = b ) )").should == true parser.raw_results.should == [ "(", "(", { :context_key => "a"}, "=", { :context_value => "b"}, ")", ")" ] end it "should tokenize letters only if spaces between them" do parser = => ":one :two", :tokenize => "( aa a1 )") parser.parse("(blaa aa a1 bla1)").should == true parser.raw_results.should == [ "(", { :one => "blaa"}, "aa", "a1", { :two => "bla1"}, ")" ] end describe "real examples" do it "should find host" do parser = => ":operation :action :date on :host where :contexts") parser.parse("# logins between 2010-01-15 and 2010-01-31 on your.localnet").should == true parser.results.should == {:operation => "#", :action => "logins", :date => "between 2010-01-15 and 2010-01-31", :host => "your.localnet", :contexts => nil } end it "should handle last week" do parser = => ":operation :action :date on :host where :contexts") parser.parse("# logins last week where service_provider = Cox Communications").should == true parser.results.should == {:operation => "#", :action => "logins", :date => "last week", :host => nil, :contexts => "service_provider = Cox Communications" } end it "should handle lots of brackets" do parser = => ":context", :repeating => true, :tokenize => "and or || && = <= >= <> != ( ) like") parser.parse("(a=b and c=4) or (aaa=5)").should == true parser.raw_results.should == ["(", {:context=>"a"}, "=", {:context=>"b"}, "and", {:context=>"c"}, "=", {:context=>"4"}, ")", "or", "(", {:context=>"aaa"}, "=", {:context=>"5"}, ")"] end end end end end