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This authenticates and stores the returned session cookie used in subsequent requests. An optional third, truthy value enables Sandbox instead of production mode. 2. ***HTTP:*** Use `client.(url, params)` to make HTTP requests via the authenticated client. Request and response body will be converted to/from Ruby via `farraday_middleware`. 3. ***Models:*** Ruby interface for constructing valid Zuora objects. - `account = Zuora::Models::Account.new(:attribute => 'name')` - `account.valid?` a boolean indicating validity - `account.errors` a hash of error message(s) - `account.attributes` an array of attribute names 4. **Serializers:** Recursive data transformations for mapping between formats; a Ruby -> JSON serializer is included; `snake_case` attributes are transformed into JSON `lowerCamelCase` recursively in a nested structure. - ex. `Zuora::Serializers::Attribute.serialize account` 5. **Resources:** Wraps Zuora REST API endpoints. Hand a valid model and (optionally) a serializer to a Resource to trigger a request. Request will be made for valid models only. An exception will be raised if the model is invalid. Otherwise, a `Farraday::Response` object will be returned (responding to `.status`, `.headers`, and `.body`). 6. **Factories:** Factories are set up for easily constructing Zuora requests in development (via `factory_girl`) ```ruby account = create :account, :credit_card => create(:credit_card), :sold_to_contact => create(:contact), :bill_to_contact => create(:contact) account.valid? # => true ``` 7. **Test coverage:** Unit and integration specs coverage via `rspec`. Coming soon: HTTP response caching (using `VCR`) ## Models Models implement (recursive, nested) Zuora validations using `ActiveModel::Model` and soon, dirty attribute tracking via `ActiveModel::Dirty` * Account * CardHolder * Contact * PaymentMethod::CreditCard * RatePlan * RatePlanCharge * Subscription * Tier ## Resources In module `Zuora::Resources::` * `Account.create!` **[working]** * `Account.update!` [in progress] * `Subscription.create!` [in progress] * `Subscription.update!` [in progress] * `Subscription.cancel!` [in progress] * `PaymentMethod.update!` [in progress] ## Examples ### Creating an Account ```ruby username = 'your@username.com' password = 'super_secure_password' client = Zuora::Client.new(username, password, true) # true for sandbox account = Zuora::Models::Account.new( :name => 'Abc', :auto_pay => true, :currency => 'USD', :bill_cycle_day => '0', :payment_term => 'Net 30', :bill_to_contact => Zuora::Models::Contact.new( :first_name => 'Abc', :last_name => 'Def', :address_1 => '123 Main St', :city => 'Palm Springs', :state => 'FL', :zip_code => '90210', :country => 'US' ), :sold_to_contact => Zuora::Models::Contact.new( :first_name => 'Abc', :last_name => 'Def', :country => 'US' ), :credit_card => Zuora::Models::PaymentMethod.new( :card_type => 'Visa', :card_number => '4111111111111111', :expiration_month => '03', :expiration_year => '2017', :security_code => '122', ) ) # Create an account in one of two ways: serializer = Zuora::Serializers::Attribute # Using the low-level API exposed by `Client` response = client.post('/rest/v1/accounts', serializer.serialize accont) # or using the higher-level resource API response = Zuora::Resources::Accounts.create!(client, account, serializer) # Le response pp response #true, "accountId"=>"2c92c0fa521b466c0152250822741a71", "accountNumber"=>"A00000038", "paymentMethodId"=>"2c92c0fa521b466c0152250829c81a7b"}, url=#, request= #, request_headers= {"User-Agent"=>"Faraday v0.9.2", "Content-Type"=>"application/json", "Cookie"=> "ZSession=LBToVw72ZCAQLjdZ9Ksj8rx2BlP3NbgmMYwCzuf_slSJqIhMbJjdQ1T-4otbdfjUOImQ_XJOCbJgdCd7jHmGsnnJyG49NyRkI7FVKOukVQtdJssJ5n1xAXJeVjxj3qj97iiIZp697v3G2w86iCTN6kWycUlSVezBElbC8_EhScbx8YmaP4QJxXRIFHHdOQPq3IN-9ezk21Cpq3fdXn6s0fIPMU7NUFj7-kD4dcYNBAyd7i2fJVAIV31mXNBH2MuU;"}, ssl= #, parallel_manager=nil, params=nil, response=#, response_headers= {"server"=>"Zuora App", "content-type"=>"application/json;charset=utf-8", "expires"=>"Sat, 09 Jan 2016 06:17:18 GMT", "cache-control"=>"max-age=0, no-cache, no-store", "pragma"=>"no-cache", "date"=>"Sat, 09 Jan 2016 06:17:18 GMT", "content-length"=>"165", "connection"=>"close", "set-cookie"=> "ZSession=dOz9WgdPQbb9J9wzwhuR_t1j9feD4dYBUEZ_sjK6pS9KAaJtPdKN-jAivNELsaANWMJrvHW_1eLxT7XqzjLVBJKzLDJT7_0ucvzcrwNcwMW8mUGpeUhQQu_h2HzNH1kZjc1HX6pfw-BH66BafLemLIdqL75ifmglk8YuTOf_wTg54GsovkrgJCAp9zferw6pYHkZoQUXyH7zmUmmWvMAZ1ZVamhLOf1P3FrrHaw6eIiUj0ehlKvrtxB-GHIgYxh6; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly"}, status=200>, @on_complete_callbacks=[]> ``` # Changelog * **[0.1.0] Initial release** # Roadmap * **[0.1.1] Additional resources** See Resource list above * **[0.2.0] Add VCR** Fast, deterministic HTTP requests and responses * **[0.3.0] Dirty attribute tracking:** only serialize attributes that have been explicitly set. Currently, unset attributes are sent as `nil` which might override Zuora defaults. # Commit rights Anyone who has a patch accepted may request commit rights. Please do so inside the pull request post-merge. # Contributors * [John Gerhardt](https://github.com/jwg2s) * [Shaun Robinson](https://github.com/env) # License MIT License. Copyright 2016 Contactually, Inc. http://contactually.com