en: comable: cart: 'Cart' shopping_cart: 'Shopping Cart' checkout: 'Checkout' show_cart: 'Show Cart' search: 'Search' category: 'Category' my_account: 'My Account' sign_in: 'Login' sign_out: 'Logout' guest: 'Guest' guest_order: 'Guest Checkout' add_to_cart: 'Add to Cart' browse_related_products: 'Browse related products' reorder: 'Buy it Again' change_email_or_password: 'Change email address or password' edit_your_address_book: 'Edit your address book' address_book: 'Address book' order_history: 'Order history' next_step: 'Continue' use_this_address: 'Use this address' complete_order: 'Place your order' use_as_billing_address: 'Use as Billing Address' use_as_shipping_address: 'Use as Shipping Address' new_billing_address: 'New billing address' new_shipping_address: 'New shiping address' edit_billing_address: 'Edit billing address' edit_shipping_address: 'Edit shiping address' other_addresses: 'Other addresses' new_address: 'New address' successful: 'Successful' failure: 'Failure' products: 'Products' pages: 'Pages' home: 'Home' support: 'Support' sample_header: 'Sample text' sample_subheader: 'This is sample text.' sample_text: 'Please write your message here.' default_store_name: 'K&B style' price: &price 'Price' quantity: &quantity 'Quantity' item_total_price: &item_total_price 'Item total' item_total_quantity: &item_total_quantity 'Item total quantity' soldout: 'Soldout' honorific: &honorific 'Dear %{name}' checkout_flow: sign_in: 'Login' address_and_payment: 'Address & Payment' confirm: 'Confirm' complete: 'Place Order' actions: new: 'New' edit: 'Edit' create: 'Create' update: 'Update' destroy: 'Destroy' cancel: 'Cancel' continue: 'Continue' errors: messages: out_of_stock: '(%{name}) was Sold Out.' out_of_stocks: 'Sold Out Items.' product_not_found: '%{name} could not be found or has been deleted.' products_not_found: 'This item could not be found or has been deleted.' carts: added: 'An item is added to Cart' empty: 'Cart is empty.' updated: 'Cart Updated' invalid: 'Cart Errored' orders: success: 'Your order has been placed.' failure: 'Your order has failed. Please check your order again.' order_mailer: complete: subject: 'Your %{store_name} order has been placed (Order: %{order_code})' dear: *honorific introductions: |- Thank you for shopping with %{store_name}. Your order items: outroductions: |- We hope to see you again soon. %{store_name} admin: not_found: 'Record not found.' general: 'General' images: 'Images' main_image: 'Main image' sub_image: 'Sub image' home: 'Home' product: 'Product' index: 'List' search: 'Search' back_to_store: 'Back to Store' confirmation_to_remove_product: 'This operation cannot be undone. Would you like to proceed?' confirmation_to_remove_stock: 'This operation cannot be undone. Would you like to proceed?' confirmation_to_remove_page: 'This operation cannot be undone. Would you like to proceed?' you_can_drag_and_drop: 'Edit the category tree by drag-and-drop.' you_can_right_click: 'Open the context menu by right click.' link_to_add_new_node: 'Add a new category from the following link: ' link_to_add_new_stock: 'Add a new stock from the following link: ' check_this_product_in_frontend: 'Check this product in Store' preview: 'preview' note: 'NOTE:' results: 'results' times: 'times' more: 'More' access_denied: 'Access denied' order_count: 'Order count' new_orders: 'New Order' new_users: 'New User' sales: 'Sales' better_than_last_week: 'Better than last week (%{percentage}%)' edit_profile: 'Edit profile' please_fill_when_using_sku: 'Please fill the text fielde when using sku.' operation: 'Operation' stocks: 'Stocks' clear_search_conditions: 'Clear search conditions' add_search_condition: 'Add search condition' remove_search_condition: '×' advanced_search: 'Advanced search' bill: 'Billing address' ship: 'Shipping address' add_sub_image: 'Add a sub image' sign_in: 'Login' sign_out: 'Logout' export_to_csv: 'Export to CSV' export_to_excel: 'Export to Excel' import: 'Import from file...' unknown_file_type: 'Unknown file type: %{filename}' is_not_exists: 'is not exists.' ship: 'Ship' help: 'Help' tracker_code_help_introduction: |- You can embed a Tracking ID, Order Information and many others by using a special symbol to Tracking code. For example, you can embed Total Price of the order by writing {{order.total_price}}. It will outputs as 1500 on the actual page. tracker_code_help_additional: 'order.order_items is Array. And you can retrieve the following information from each element.' list_of_usable_variables: 'Available variables are as follows.' mote_infomation_for_syntax: 'For more information about the syntax please refer to the following page:' help_of_store_email: 'This field will be used as sender of mail that send to customers. The mail will not be sent when the field is empty.' files: 'Files' use_this_theme: 'Use this theme' available_assigns: 'Available assigns' available_assigns_in_all_pages: 'Available assigns in all pages' available_filters: 'Available filters' about_sintax: 'About sintax' please_see_following_page_for_syntax: 'Please see the following page for the syntax:' please_select_file_form_directory_tree_to_edit: 'Please select a file form the directory tree to edit.' here_editor_will_be_displayed_and_you_can_edit_file: 'Here the editor will be displayed, you can edit file.' nav: dashboard: 'Dashboard' order: 'Orders' product: 'Products' stock: 'Stocks' category: 'Categories' page: 'Pages' user: 'Users' general_settings: 'General settings' store: 'Store' shipment_method: 'Shipment methods' payment_method: 'Payment methods' tracker: 'Tracker' theme: 'Theme' products: detail: 'Product details' list: 'Product list' orders: detail: 'Order details' cart: 'Cart infomation' user: 'User details' shipment: 'Shipment fee' payment: 'Payment charge' users: detail: 'User details' edit: 'Editing user' new_orders: 'Recently orders (%{count})' pages: general: 'General' seo: 'SEO' visibility: 'publishing/closed' published: 'Published' unpublished: 'Unpublished' stores: edit: 'Editing store' shipment_methods: edit: 'Editing shipment method' payment_methods: edit: 'Editing payment method' actions: index: 'List' new: 'New' edit: 'Edit' update: 'Update' destroy: 'Destroy' save: 'Save' cancel: 'Cancel' property: 'property' categories: new_node: 'New category' sample: suede_dress: 'Suede Dress' girly_coat: 'Double Button Girly Coat' fur_gloves: 'Fur Gloves with Side Stitching' leather_boots: 'Leather Boots' clothing: 'Clothing' color: 'Color' size: 'Size' navy: 'Navy' beige: 'Beige' black_cat: 'Balck Cat' credit_card: 'Credit Card' activerecord: state_machines: comable/order: state: states: cart: 'Cart' orderer: 'Billing address' delivery: 'Shipping address' shipment: 'Shipment method' payment: 'Payment method' confirm: 'Order confirmed' completed: 'Order placed' canceled: 'Canceled' resumed: 'Resumed' events: cancel: 'Cancel' resume: 'Resume' comable/payment: state: states: pending: 'Pending' ready: 'Authorized' completed: 'Completed' canceled: 'Canceled' resumed: 'Resumed' comable/shipment: state: states: pending: 'Pending' ready: 'Ready' completed: 'Completed' canceled: 'Canceled' resumed: 'Resumed' models: comable/order: 'Orders' comable/order_items: 'Order items' attributes: comable/user: id: 'ID' email: 'Email address' password: 'Password' password_confirmation: 'Password (confirmation)' current_password: 'Current password' bill_address: 'Billing address' ship_address: 'Shipping address' bill_full_name: 'Full name of the billing address' orders: 'Orders' role: 'Role' sign_in_count: 'Sign in count' current_sign_in_at: 'Current sign in at' last_sign_in_at: 'Last sign in at' current_sign_in_ip: 'Current sign in ip' last_sign_in_ip: 'Last sign in ip' comable/order: id: 'ID' code: 'Order number' email: 'Email address' bill_address: 'Billing address' ship_address: 'Shipping address' payment_method: 'Payment method' shipment_method: 'Shipment method' payment_fee: 'Payment fee' shipment_fee: 'Shipment fee' item_total_price: 'Item total' total_price: 'Total' order_items: 'Order items' completed_at: 'Completed at' state: 'State' bill_address: 'Billing address' ship_address: 'Shipping adress' bill_full_name: 'Full name of the billing address' order_items: 'Order items' user_id: 'User ID' guest_token: 'Guest token' payment_state: 'Payment state' shipment_state: 'Shipment state' comable/order_item: &comable_order_item quantity: *quantity price: *price product: 'Product' subtotal_price: 'Subtotal' name: 'Product name' code: 'SKU code' sku_h_choice_name: 'SKU Horizontal item name' sku_v_choice_name: 'SKU Vertical item name' sku_h_choice_name: 'SKU Horizontal choice name' sku_v_choice_name: 'SKU Vertical choice name' order: 'Order' comable/address: &comable_address full_name: 'Full name' family_name: 'Last name' first_name: 'First name' state_name: 'State name' zip_code: 'Zip code' city: 'City' detail: 'Detail' phone_number: 'Phone number' comable/product: id: 'ID' code: 'Code' name: 'Name' price: 'Price' caption: 'Caption' categories: 'Categories' sku_h_item_name: 'SKU Horizontal item name' sku_v_item_name: 'SKU Vertical item name' comable/stock: id: 'ID' code: 'SKU Code' quantity: 'Quantity' sku_h_choice_name: 'SKU Horizontal choice name' sku_v_choice_name: 'SKU Vertical choice name' product: 'Product' product_code: 'Product code' comable/store: name: 'Name' meta_keywords: 'Meta keywords' meta_description: 'Meta description' email: 'Email' comable/shipment_method: name: 'Name' fee: 'Fee' activated_flag: 'Activated' traking_url: 'Tracking URL' comable/payment_method: name: 'Name' payment_provider: 'Oayment provider' fee: 'Fee' enable_price: 'Enable price range' comable/tracker: activated_flag: 'Activated' name: 'Name' tracker_id: 'Tracker ID' code: 'Code' place: 'Place' comable/order/order_items: <<: *comable_order_item comable/order/bill_address: <<: *comable_address comable/order/ship_address: <<: *comable_address comable/payment: id: 'ID' order_id: 'Order ID' payment_method_id: 'Payment method ID' fee: 'Fee' state: 'Status' completed_at: 'Completed at' comable/shipment: id: 'ID' order_id: 'Order ID' shipment_method_id: 'Shipment method ID' fee: 'Fee' state: 'Status' tracking_number: 'Tracking number' completed_at: 'Completed at' comable/page: id: 'ID' title: 'Title' content: 'Content' seo: 'SEO' page_title: 'PageTitle' meta_description: 'Meta Description' meta_keywords: 'Meta Keywords' slug: 'Slug' published_at: 'Published at' created_at: 'Created at' updated_at: 'Updated at' enumerize: comable/user: role: customer: 'Customer' reporter: 'Reporter' admin: 'Administrator' comable/tracker: place: everywhere: 'Everywhere' checkout: 'Checkout' views: pagination: first: "« First" last: "Last »" next: "Next ›" previous: "‹ Previous" truncate: "…" ransack: predicates: gteq: 'Greater than or equal to' lteq: 'Less than or equal to' eq_any_splitted: 'Exact match' cont_any_splitted: 'Partial match'