Feature: Generate image thumbnails Scenario: Preserve default image_tag behaviour if no resize_to param is given Given the Server is running at "basic-app" When I go to "/page-with-untouched-image.html" Then I should see 'Original' Scenario: Preserve default image_tag behaviour after build if no resize_to param was given Given a fixture app "basic-app" And a successfully built app at "basic-app" When I cd to "build" Then the file "page-with-untouched-image.html" should contain 'Original' Scenario: Generate base64 thumbnail of image with resize_to param given Given the Server is running at "basic-app" When I go to "/page-with-images-to-resize.html" Then I should see base64ed thumbnails of the images Scenario: After build server resized images Given a fixture app "basic-app" And a successfully built app at "basic-app" When I cd to "build" Then the following images should exist: | filename | dimensions | | images/original.10x10gt.jpg | 10x5 | | images/original.5x5.jpg | 5x2 | And the file "page-with-images-to-resize.html" should contain 'Original.10x10gt' And the file "page-with-images-to-resize.html" should contain 'Original.5x5'