module Spec class ShouldHelper < ShouldBase def initialize(target) @target = target end def not end def have(expected_number=nil), expected_number) end def satisfy(&block) return if fail_with_message "Supplied expectation was not satisfied" end def equal(expected) fail_with_message(default_message("should equal", expected)) unless (@target == expected) end def be(expected = :___no_arg) return self if (expected == :___no_arg) return if (expected == false and @target.nil?) return if (expected == true and (!@target.nil?) and (@target != false)) fail_with_message(default_message("should be", expected)) unless (@target.equal?(expected)) end def a self end alias an a def instance end def kind end def respond end def method_missing(sym, *args) return if @target.send("#{sym}?", *args) fail_with_message(default_message("should be #{sym}" + (args.empty? ? '' : (' ' + args.join(', '))))) end def match(expected) fail_with_message(default_message("should match", expected)) unless (@target =~ expected) end def include(sub) fail_with_message(default_message("should include", sub)) unless (@target.include? sub) end def raise(exception=Exception) begin rescue exception return rescue => e fail_with_message("#{default_message("should raise", exception)} but raised #{e.inspect}") end fail_with_message("#{default_message("should raise", exception)} but raised nothing") end def throw(symbol) begin catch symbol do fail_with_message(default_message("should throw", symbol.inspect)) end rescue NameError fail_with_message(default_message("should throw", symbol.inspect)) end end end end