# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module TencentCloud module Memcached module V20190318 # DescribeInstances请求参数结构体 class DescribeInstancesRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param InstanceIds: 实例ID组成的数组,数组下标从0开始 # @type InstanceIds: Array # @param InstanceNames: 实例名称组成的数组,数组下标从0开始 # @type InstanceNames: Array # @param Limit: 实例列表的大小,参数默认值100 # @type Limit: Integer # @param Offset: 偏移量,取Limit整数倍 # @type Offset: Integer # @param OrderBy: 枚举范围: AddTimeStamp, InstanceName, ProjectId # @type OrderBy: String # @param OrderType: 0倒序,1正序,默认倒序 # @type OrderType: Integer # @param ProjectIds: 项目ID组成的数组,数组下标从0开始 # @type ProjectIds: Array # @param SearchKeys: 搜索关键词:支持实例ID、实例名称、完整IP # @type SearchKeys: Array # @param UniqSubnetIds: 子网ID数组,数组下标从0开始,如:subnet-fdj24n34j2 # @type UniqSubnetIds: Array # @param UniqVpcIds: 私有网络ID数组,数组下标从0开始,如果不传则默认选择基础网络,如:vpc-sad23jfdfk # @type UniqVpcIds: Array # @param Vips: 实例服务IP组成的数组,数组下标从0开始 # @type Vips: Array attr_accessor :InstanceIds, :InstanceNames, :Limit, :Offset, :OrderBy, :OrderType, :ProjectIds, :SearchKeys, :UniqSubnetIds, :UniqVpcIds, :Vips def initialize(instanceids=nil, instancenames=nil, limit=nil, offset=nil, orderby=nil, ordertype=nil, projectids=nil, searchkeys=nil, uniqsubnetids=nil, uniqvpcids=nil, vips=nil) @InstanceIds = instanceids @InstanceNames = instancenames @Limit = limit @Offset = offset @OrderBy = orderby @OrderType = ordertype @ProjectIds = projectids @SearchKeys = searchkeys @UniqSubnetIds = uniqsubnetids @UniqVpcIds = uniqvpcids @Vips = vips end def deserialize(params) @InstanceIds = params['InstanceIds'] @InstanceNames = params['InstanceNames'] @Limit = params['Limit'] @Offset = params['Offset'] @OrderBy = params['OrderBy'] @OrderType = params['OrderType'] @ProjectIds = params['ProjectIds'] @SearchKeys = params['SearchKeys'] @UniqSubnetIds = params['UniqSubnetIds'] @UniqVpcIds = params['UniqVpcIds'] @Vips = params['Vips'] end end # DescribeInstances返回参数结构体 class DescribeInstancesResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param InstanceList: 实例详细信息列表 # @type InstanceList: Array # @param TotalNum: 实例数量 # @type TotalNum: Integer # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :InstanceList, :TotalNum, :RequestId def initialize(instancelist=nil, totalnum=nil, requestid=nil) @InstanceList = instancelist @TotalNum = totalnum @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['InstanceList'].nil? @InstanceList = [] params['InstanceList'].each do |i| instancelistinfo_tmp = InstanceListInfo.new instancelistinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @InstanceList << instancelistinfo_tmp end end @TotalNum = params['TotalNum'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # 实例详细信息列表 class InstanceListInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Tags: 实例关联的标签信息 # @type Tags: Array # @param AddTimeStamp: 实例创建时间 # @type AddTimeStamp: String # @param AppId: 用户AppID # @type AppId: Integer # @param AutoRenewFlag: 实例是否设置自动续费标识,1:设置自动续费;0:未设置自动续费 # @type AutoRenewFlag: Integer # @param CmemId: 实例内置ID # @type CmemId: Integer # @param DeadlineTimeStamp: 实例截止时间 # @type DeadlineTimeStamp: String # @param Expire: 过期策略 # @type Expire: Integer # @param InstanceDesc: 实例描述信息 # @type InstanceDesc: String # @param InstanceId: 实例ID # @type InstanceId: String # @param InstanceName: 实例名称 # @type InstanceName: String # @param IsolateTimeStamp: 实例隔离时间 # @type IsolateTimeStamp: String # @param ModTimeStamp: 实例修改时间 # @type ModTimeStamp: String # @param PayMode: 计费模式:0-按量计费,1-包年包月 # @type PayMode: Integer # @param ProjectId: 项目ID # @type ProjectId: Integer # @param RegionId: 地域id 1--广州 4--上海 5-- 香港 6--多伦多 7--上海金融 8--北京 9-- 新加坡 11--深圳金融 15--美西(硅谷)16--成都 17--德国 18--韩国 19--重庆 21--印度 22--美东(弗吉尼亚)23--泰国 24--俄罗斯 25--日本 # @type RegionId: Integer # @param SetId: 仓库ID # @type SetId: Integer # @param Status: 实例当前状态,0:待初始化;1:实例在流程中;2:实例运行中;-2:实例已隔离;-3:实例待删除 # @type Status: Integer # @param SubnetId: vpc网络下子网id 如:46315 # @type SubnetId: Integer # @param UniqSubnetId: vpc网络下子网id 如:subnet-fd3j6l35mm0 # @type UniqSubnetId: String # @param UniqVpcId: vpc网络id 如:vpc-fk33jsf43kgv # @type UniqVpcId: String # @param Vip: 实例vip # @type Vip: String # @param VpcId: vpc网络id 如:75101 # @type VpcId: Integer # @param Vport: 实例端口号 # @type Vport: Integer # @param ZoneId: 区域ID # @type ZoneId: Integer attr_accessor :Tags, :AddTimeStamp, :AppId, :AutoRenewFlag, :CmemId, :DeadlineTimeStamp, :Expire, :InstanceDesc, :InstanceId, :InstanceName, :IsolateTimeStamp, :ModTimeStamp, :PayMode, :ProjectId, :RegionId, :SetId, :Status, :SubnetId, :UniqSubnetId, :UniqVpcId, :Vip, :VpcId, :Vport, :ZoneId def initialize(tags=nil, addtimestamp=nil, appid=nil, autorenewflag=nil, cmemid=nil, deadlinetimestamp=nil, expire=nil, instancedesc=nil, instanceid=nil, instancename=nil, isolatetimestamp=nil, modtimestamp=nil, paymode=nil, projectid=nil, regionid=nil, setid=nil, status=nil, subnetid=nil, uniqsubnetid=nil, uniqvpcid=nil, vip=nil, vpcid=nil, vport=nil, zoneid=nil) @Tags = tags @AddTimeStamp = addtimestamp @AppId = appid @AutoRenewFlag = autorenewflag @CmemId = cmemid @DeadlineTimeStamp = deadlinetimestamp @Expire = expire @InstanceDesc = instancedesc @InstanceId = instanceid @InstanceName = instancename @IsolateTimeStamp = isolatetimestamp @ModTimeStamp = modtimestamp @PayMode = paymode @ProjectId = projectid @RegionId = regionid @SetId = setid @Status = status @SubnetId = subnetid @UniqSubnetId = uniqsubnetid @UniqVpcId = uniqvpcid @Vip = vip @VpcId = vpcid @Vport = vport @ZoneId = zoneid end def deserialize(params) unless params['Tags'].nil? @Tags = [] params['Tags'].each do |i| taginfo_tmp = TagInfo.new taginfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @Tags << taginfo_tmp end end @AddTimeStamp = params['AddTimeStamp'] @AppId = params['AppId'] @AutoRenewFlag = params['AutoRenewFlag'] @CmemId = params['CmemId'] @DeadlineTimeStamp = params['DeadlineTimeStamp'] @Expire = params['Expire'] @InstanceDesc = params['InstanceDesc'] @InstanceId = params['InstanceId'] @InstanceName = params['InstanceName'] @IsolateTimeStamp = params['IsolateTimeStamp'] @ModTimeStamp = params['ModTimeStamp'] @PayMode = params['PayMode'] @ProjectId = params['ProjectId'] @RegionId = params['RegionId'] @SetId = params['SetId'] @Status = params['Status'] @SubnetId = params['SubnetId'] @UniqSubnetId = params['UniqSubnetId'] @UniqVpcId = params['UniqVpcId'] @Vip = params['Vip'] @VpcId = params['VpcId'] @Vport = params['Vport'] @ZoneId = params['ZoneId'] end end # 标签信息 class TagInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param TagKey: 标签键 # @type TagKey: String # @param TagValue: 标签值 # @type TagValue: String attr_accessor :TagKey, :TagValue def initialize(tagkey=nil, tagvalue=nil) @TagKey = tagkey @TagValue = tagvalue end def deserialize(params) @TagKey = params['TagKey'] @TagValue = params['TagValue'] end end end end end