require 'frameworks/capybara' require 'w3c_validators' require 'monkey-patches/cucumber-patches' #This is hackish but means we only run once in cucumber and not every scenario if(ENV['XVFB']=='true' || ENV['BROWSER'] == 'webkit') puts "You have chosen to use XVFB - ensure you have yum installed Xvfb Xorg and firefox" require 'headless' headless = headless.start at_exit do headless.destroy end end module Frameworks module EnvHelper include W3CValidators #Generate base urls to use in Cucumber step defs def generate_base_urls environment = ENV['ENVIRONMENT'].downcase #be defensive prepare_host if(environment =='sandbox') @base_url = @sandbox + @bbc_domain @pal_base_url = @sandbox + @bbc_domain @ssl_base_url = @sslsandbox + @bbc_domain @static_base_url = @static_sandbox + @bbc_domain @mobile_base_url = @mobiledot_prefix + "" @m_base_url = @mdot_prefix + "" elsif (environment =='live' && ENV['WWW_LIVE']=='false') @base_url = @www_prefix.chop + @bbc_domain @pal_base_url = @pal_prefix + environment + @bbc_domain @ssl_base_url = @ssl_prefix.chop + @bbc_domain @static_base_url = @static_prefix.chop + @bbci_domain @open_base_url = @open_prefix.chop + @bbc_domain @mobile_base_url = @mobiledot_prefix.chop + @bbc_domain @m_base_url = @mdot_prefix.chop + @bbc_domain else @base_url = @www_prefix + environment + @bbc_domain @pal_base_url = @pal_prefix + environment + @bbc_domain @ssl_base_url = @ssl_prefix + environment + @bbc_domain @static_base_url = @static_prefix + environment + @bbci_domain @static_base_url = @static_prefix.chop + @bbci_domain if environment == 'live' @open_base_url = @open_prefix + environment + @bbc_domain @mobile_base_url = @mobiledot_prefix + environment + @bbc_domain @m_base_url = @mdot_prefix + environment + @bbc_domain end proxy = ENV['http_proxy'] || ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] @proxy_host = proxy.scan(/http:\/\/(.*):80/)[0][0] if proxy end def validate_online(src) @validator ={:proxy_host => @proxy_host,:proxy_port => 80}) @validator.set_doctype!(:xhtml) begin results = @validator.validate_text(src) if results.errors.length > 0 results.errors.each do |err| puts err.to_s end raise "W3C Validation of " + current_url + " failed." end rescue Net::HTTPFatalError => e puts "WARNING - OUTGOING NETWORK ERROR FROM FORGE TO W3C - Validation Not Performed" end end def prepare_host ENV['SCHEME']=='https' ? scheme = 'https' : scheme = 'http' @www_prefix = "#{scheme}://www." @pal_prefix = "#{scheme}://pal." @ssl_prefix = "https://ssl." @static_prefix = "#{scheme}://static." @open_prefix = "#{scheme}://open." @bbc_domain = '' @bbci_domain = '' @sandbox = "#{scheme}://" @mobiledot_prefix = "#{scheme}://mobile." @mdot_prefix = "#{scheme}://m." @sslsandbox = "" @static_sandbox = "#{scheme}://" end end #EnvHelper end #Frameworks #Add module into world to ensure visibility of instance variables within Cucumber World(Frameworks::EnvHelper) #Call generate method in Before hook Before do #This is ugly but unavoidable since Capybara::RackTest::Driver.reset_host! does @browser = nil and wipes all brower level settings #it was either this or a monkey patch - need to think about pushing a softer reset change to capybara-mechanize to override this http_proxy = ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] || ENV['http_proxy'] if page.driver.class == Capybara::Mechanize::Driver if ENV['FW_CERT_LOCATION'] page.driver.browser.agent.cert, page.driver.browser.agent.key = ENV['FW_CERT_LOCATION'], ENV['FW_CERT_LOCATION'] end page.driver.browser.agent.ca_file = ENV['CA_CERT_LOCATION'] if ENV['CA_CERT_LOCATION'] page.driver.browser.agent.set_proxy(http_proxy.scan(/http:\/\/(.*):80/).to_s,80) if http_proxy #This is necessary because Mech2 does not ship with root certs like Mech1 did and boxes may not have the OpenSSL set installed page.driver.browser.agent.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end #TODO: See if this can be set at the driver level rather than in before do - and only want to start headless once if page.driver.class == Capybara::Driver::Webkit page.driver.browser.set_proxy(:host => http_proxy.scan(/http:\/\/(.*):80/).to_s,:port => '80') if http_proxy end generate_base_urls end