module ChunkyPNG
# Factory method to create {ChunkyPNG::Point} instances.
# This method tries to be as flexible as possible with regards to the given input: besides
# explit coordinates, this method also accepts arrays, hashes, strings, {ChunkyPNG::Dimension}
# instances and anything that responds to :x and :y.
# @overload Point(x, y)
# @param [Integer, :to_i] x The x-coordinate
# @param [Integer, :to_i] y The y-coordinate
# @return [ChunkyPNG::Point] The instantiated point.
# @overload Point(array)
# @param [Array] array A two element array which represent the x- and y-coordinate.
# @return [ChunkyPNG::Point] The instantiated point.
# @overload Point(hash)
# @param [Hash] array A hash with the :x or 'x' and :y or
# 'y' keys set, which will be used as coordinates.
# @return [ChunkyPNG::Point] The instantiated point.
# @overload Point(string)
# @param [String] string A string that contains the coordinates, e.g. '0, 4',
# '(0 4)', [0,4}', etc.
# @return [ChunkyPNG::Point] The instantiated point.
# @raise [ChunkyPNG::ExpectationFailed] if the arguments weren't understood.
# @see ChunkyPNG::Point
def self.Point(*args)
case args.length
when 2;*args)
when 1; case source = args.first
when ChunkyPNG::Point; source
when ChunkyPNG::Dimension;, source.height)
when Array;[0], source[1])
when Hash;[:x] || source['x'], source[:y] || source['y'])
when /^[\(\[\{]?(\d+)\s*[,]?\s*(\d+)[\)\]\}]?$/;$1.to_i, $2.to_i)
if source.respond_to?(:x) && source.respond_to?(:y), source.y)
raise ChunkyPNG::ExpectationFailed, "Don't know how to construct a point from #{source.inspect}!"
else raise ChunkyPNG::ExpectationFailed, "Don't know how to construct a point from #{args.inspect}!"
# Simple class that represents a point on a canvas using an x and y coordinate.
# This class implements some basic methods to handle comparison, the splat operator and
# bounds checking that make it easier to work with coordinates.
# @see ChunkyPNG.Point
class Point
# @return [Integer] The x-coordinate of the point.
attr_accessor :x
# @return [Integer] The y-coordinate of the point.
attr_accessor :y
# Initializes a new point instance.
# @param [Integer, :to_i] x The x-coordinate.
# @param [Integer, :to_i] y The y-coordinate.
def initialize(x, y)
@x, @y = x.to_i, y.to_i
# Checks whether 2 points are identical.
# @return [true, false] true iff the x and y coordinates match
def eql?(other)
other.x == x && other.y == y
alias_method :==, :eql?
# Comparses 2 points.
# It will first compare the y coordinate, and it only takes the x-coordinate into
# account if the y-coordinates of the points are identical. This way, an array of
# points will be sorted into the order in which thet would occur in the pixels
# array returned by {ChunkyPNG::Canvas#pixels}.
# @param [ChunkyPNG::Point] other The point to compare this point with.
# @return [-1, 0, 1] -1 If this point comes before the other one, 1
# if after, and 0 if the points are identical.
def <=>(other)
((y <=> other.y) == 0) ? x <=> other.x : y <=> other.y
# Converts the point instance to an array.
# @return [Array] A 2-element array, i.e. [x, y].
def to_a
[x, y]
alias_method :to_ary, :to_a
# Checks whether the point falls into a dimension
# @param [ChunkyPNG::Dimension, ...] dimension_like The dimension of which the bounds
# should be taken for the check.
# @return [true, false] true iff the x and y coordinate fall width the width
# and height of the dimension.
def within_bounds?(*dimension_like)