#!/usr/local/ruby-current/bin/ruby # # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Perform initial Mu setup tasks: # 1. Set up an appropriate Security Group # 2. Associate a specific Elastic IP address to this MU server, if required. # 3. Create an S3 bucket for Mu logs. require 'etc' require 'securerandom' require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))+"/mu-load-config.rb" require 'rubygems' require 'bundler/setup' require 'json' require 'erb' require 'optimist' require 'json-schema' require 'mu' Dir.chdir(MU.installDir) $opts = Optimist::options do banner <<-EOS Usage: #{$0} [-i] [-s] [-l] [-u] [-d] EOS opt :ip, "Attempt to configure the IP requested in the CHEF_PUBLIC_IP environment variable, or if none is set, to associate an arbitrary Elastic IP.", :require => false, :default => false, :type => :boolean opt :sg, "Attempt to configure a Security Group with appropriate permissions.", :require => false, :default => false, :type => :boolean opt :logs, "Ensure the presence of a cloud storage bucket for use with CloudTrails, syslog, deploy secrets, node SSL certificates, etc.", :require => false, :default => false, :type => :boolean opt :dns, "Ensure the presence of a private DNS Zone called for internal amongst Mu resources.", :require => false, :default => false, :type => :boolean opt :uploadlogs, "Push today's log files to the S3 bucket created by the -l option.", :require => false, :default => false, :type => :boolean opt :ephemeral, "Make sure all of our instance store (ephemeral) block devices are mapped and available.", :require => false, :default => false, :type => :boolean end if MU::Cloud::AWS.hosted? and !$MU_CFG['aws'] new_cfg = $MU_CFG.dup cfg_blob = MU::Cloud::AWS.hosted_config if cfg_blob cfg_blob['log_bucket_name'] ||= $MU_CFG['hostname'] new_cfg["aws"] = { "default" => cfg_blob } MU.log "Adding auto-detected AWS stanza to #{cfgPath}", MU::NOTICE if new_cfg != $MU_CFG or !cfgExists? MU.log "Generating #{cfgPath}" saveMuConfig(new_cfg) $MU_CFG = new_cfg end end end my_instance_id = MU::Cloud::AWS.getAWSMetaData("instance-id") resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2.describe_instances(instance_ids: [my_instance_id]) instance = resp.reservations.first.instances.first preferred_ip = MU.mu_public_ip if $opts[:ephemeral] and !MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud? instancetypes = MU::Cloud::AWS.listInstanceTypes if instancetypes[MU.myRegion][instance.instance_type]["storage"] == "EBS only" MU.log "#{instance.instance_type} instance types do not have ephemeral volumes, skipping ephemeral device setup", MU::NOTICE else # instance.block_device_mappings.each { |dev| # next if dev.ebs # } MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2.modify_instance_attribute( instance_id: instance.instance_id, block_device_mappings: MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.ephemeral_mappings ) end end # Create a security group, or manipulate an existing one, so that we have all # of the appropriate network holes. if $opts[:sg] open_ports = [443, MU.mommaCatPort, 7443, 8443, 9443, 8200] ranges = if $MU_CFG and $MU_CFG['my_networks'] and $MU_CFG['my_networks'].size > 0 $MU_CFG['my_networks'].map { |r| r = r+"/32" if r.match(/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/) r } else [""] end # This doesn't make sense. we can have multiple security groups in our account with a name tag of "Mu Master". This will then find and modify a security group that has nothing to do with us. admin_sg = nil if instance.security_groups.size > 0 instance.security_groups.each { |sg| found = MU::MommaCat.findStray("AWS", "firewall_rule", region: MU.myRegion, dummy_ok: true, cloud_id: sg.group_id) if found.size > 0 and !found.first.cloud_desc.group_name.match(/^Mu Client Rules for /) admin_sg = found.first break end } end # Clean out any old rules that aren't part of our current config admin_sg.cloud_desc.ip_permissions.each { |rule| rule.ip_ranges.each { |range| if range.description == "Mu Master service access" and !ranges.include?(range.cidr_ip) and rule.to_port != 80 and !(rule.to_port == 22 and range.cidr_ip == "#{preferred_ip}/32") MU.log "Revoking old Mu Master service access rule for #{range.cidr_ip} port #{rule.to_port.to_s}", MU::NOTICE MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: MU.myRegion, credentials: admin_sg.credentials).revoke_security_group_ingress( group_id: admin_sg.cloud_desc.group_id, ip_permissions: [ { to_port: rule.to_port, from_port: rule.from_port, ip_protocol: rule.ip_protocol, ip_ranges: [ { cidr_ip: range.cidr_ip } ] } ] ) end } } rules = Array.new open_ports.each { |port| rules << { "port" => port, "hosts" => ranges, "description" => "Mu Master service access" } } rules << { "port" => 22, "hosts" => ["#{preferred_ip}/32"], "description" => "Mu Master service access" } rules << { "port" => 80, "hosts" => [""], "description" => "Mu Master service access" } rules << { "port_range" => "0-65535", "sgs" => admin_sg.cloud_id, "description" => "Mu Master service access" } MU.log "Configuring basic TCP access for Mu services", MU::NOTICE, details: rules if !admin_sg.nil? MU.log "Using an existing Security Group, #{admin_sg}, already associated with this Mu server." open_ports.each { |port| admin_sg.addRule(ranges, port: port, comment: "Mu Master service access") } admin_sg.addRule(["#{preferred_ip}/32"], port: 22, comment: "Mu Master service access") admin_sg.addRule([""], port: 80, comment: "Mu Master service access") admin_sg.addRule([admin_sg.cloud_id], comment: "Mu Master service access") else cfg = { "name" => "Mu Master", "cloud" => "AWS", "region" => MU.myRegion, "rules" => rules } if !instance.vpc_id.nil? cfg["vpc"] = {"vpc_id" => instance.vpc_id} end admin_sg = MU::Cloud::FirewallRule.new(kitten_cfg: cfg, mu_name: "Mu Master") admin_sg.create admin_sg.groom end end # Muddle with our IP address if instance.public_ip_address != preferred_ip and !preferred_ip.nil? and !preferred_ip.empty? and $opts[:ip] has_elastic_ip = false if !instance.public_ip_address.nil? filters = Array.new filters << {name: "domain", values: ["vpc"]} if !instance.vpc_id.nil? filters << {name: "public-ip", values: [instance.public_ip_address]} resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2.describe_addresses(filters: filters) if resp.addresses.size > 0 has_elastic_ip end end if has_elastic_ip MU.log "Public IP address is #{instance.public_ip_address}" else is_private = false if !instance.vpc_id.nil? # Fix this to actually verify the subnet is private is_private = true if instance.public_ip_address.nil? && instance.public_dns_name.empty? # is_private = MU::VPC.isSubnetPrivate?(instance.subnet_id) public_ip = MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.findFreeElasticIp if !is_private else public_ip = MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.findFreeElasticIp(classic: true) end if !is_private if public_ip.nil? MU.log "Warning: Could not find a free Elastic IP to associate, continuing to use #{instance.public_ip_address} for now", MU::NOTICE else MU.log "Warning: About to associate the IP address #{public_ip} with this instance. This will disconnect your session. It is safe to reconnect and restart configuration.", MU::NOTICE sleep 5 if !instance.vpc_id.nil? MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.associateElasticIp(my_instance_id, ip: public_ip) else MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.associateElasticIp(my_instance_id, classic: true, ip: public_ip) end end else MU.log "We are in a private subnet, will not attempt to assign a public IP." end end elsif $opts[:ip] MU.log "Currently assigned IP address is #{instance.public_ip_address}" end $bucketname = MU.adminBucketName if $opts[:logs] MU::Cloud::AWS.listCredentials.each { |credset| bucketname = MU::Cloud::AWS.adminBucketName(credset) exists = false MU.log "Configuring log and secret Amazon S3 bucket '#{bucketname}' for credential set #{credset}" resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.s3(credentials: credset).list_buckets resp.buckets.each { |bucket| exists = true if bucket.name == bucketname } if !exists MU.log "Creating #{bucketname} bucket" begin resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.s3(credentials: credset).create_bucket(bucket: bucketname, acl: "private") rescue Aws::S3::Errors::BucketAlreadyExists => e MU.log "#{e.inspect}", MU::NOTICE end end resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.s3(credentials: credset).list_objects( bucket: bucketname, prefix: "log_vol_ebs_key" ) found = false resp.contents.each { |object| found = true if object.key == "log_vol_ebs_key" } if !found MU.log "Creating new key for encrypted EBS log volume" key = SecureRandom.random_bytes(32) MU::Cloud::AWS.s3(credentials: credset).put_object( bucket: bucketname, key: "log_vol_ebs_key", body: "#{key}" ) end if File.exist?("#{MU.mySSLDir}/Mu_CA.pem") MU.log "Putting the Mu Master's public SSL certificate into #{bucketname}/Mu_CA.pem" MU::Cloud::AWS.s3(credentials: credset).put_object( bucket: bucketname, key: "Mu_CA.pem", body: File.read("#{MU.mySSLDir}/Mu_CA.pem"), acl: "public-read", ) end MU::Master.disk("/dev/xvdl", "/Mu_Logs", 50, "log_vol_ebs_key", "ram7") # MU.log "Uploading Mu_CA.pem to #{bucketname}" # MU::Cloud::AWS.s3.put_object( # bucket: bucketname, # acl: "public-read", # key: "Mu_CA.pem", # body: File.read("#{ENV['MU_DATADIR']}/ssl/Mu_CA.pem") # ) resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.s3(credentials: credset).list_objects( bucket: bucketname, prefix: "log_vol_ebs_key" ) owner = MU.structToHash(resp.contents.first.owner) MU::Cloud::AWS.s3(credentials: credset).put_bucket_acl( bucket: bucketname, acl: "log-delivery-write" ) MU::Cloud::AWS.s3(credentials: credset).put_bucket_versioning( bucket: bucketname, versioning_configuration: { status: "Enabled" } ) MU::Cloud::AWS.s3(credentials: credset).put_bucket_lifecycle( bucket: bucketname, lifecycle_configuration: { rules: [ { expiration: { days: 180 }, prefix: "master.log/", status: "Enabled" }, { expiration: { days: 180 }, prefix: "nodes.log/", status: "Enabled" }, { expiration: { days: 180 }, prefix: "AWSLogs/", status: "Enabled" } ] } ) begin MU::Cloud::AWS.s3(credentials: credset).put_bucket_policy( bucket: bucketname, policy: MU::Cloud::AWS.cloudtrailBucketPolicy(credset) ) rescue Aws::S3::Errors::MalformedPolicy => e MU.log e.message, MU::ERR, details: MU::Cloud::AWS.cloudtrailBucketPolicy(credset) next end begin resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.cloudtrail(credentials: credset).describe_trails.trail_list rescue Aws::CloudTrail::Errors::AccessDeniedException => e MU.log e.inspect, MU::WARN end if resp.empty? MU.log "Enabling Cloud Trails, logged to bucket #{bucketname}" begin MU::Cloud::AWS.cloudtrail(credentials: credset).create_trail( name: "cloudtrail", s3_bucket_name: bucketname, include_global_service_events: true ) rescue Aws::CloudTrail::Errors::MaximumNumberOfTrailsExceededException, Aws::CloudTrail::Errors::AccessDeniedException => e MU.log e.inspect, MU::WARN end # Make sure we actually enable cloudtrail logging MU::Cloud::AWS.cloudtrail(credentials: credset).start_logging( name: "cloudtrail" ) end } # Now that we've got S3 logging, let's also create an Mu_Logs stack in # CloudWatch logs. # For instances to log to this, they need to invoke the Chef recipe # aws-cloudwatch-logs. # XXX this isn't supported on CentOS yet, ostensibly. Bother later. end if $opts[:dns] and !MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud? if instance.vpc_id.nil? or instance.vpc_id.empty? MU.log "This Mu master appears to be in EC2 Classic. Route53 private DNS zones are not supported. Falling back to old /etc/hosts chicanery.", MU::ERR else ext_zone = MU::Cloud::DNSZone.find(cloud_id: "platform-mu") if ext_zone.nil? or ext_zone.size == 0 params = { :name => "platform-mu", :vpc => { :vpc_region => MU.myRegion, :vpc_id => instance.vpc_id }, :hosted_zone_config => { :comment => $bucketname, }, :caller_reference => $bucketname } begin resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.route53.create_hosted_zone(params) rescue Aws::Route53::Errors::HostedZoneAlreadyExists => e MU.log "#{e.inspect}, appending some gibberish...", MU::WARN params[:caller_reference] = params[:caller_reference]+(0...2).map { ('a'..'z').to_a[rand(26)] }.join retry end MU.log ".platform-mu private domain created" else ext_zone = ext_zone.values.first begin MU::Cloud::AWS.route53.associate_vpc_with_hosted_zone( hosted_zone_id: ext_zone.id, vpc: { vpc_region: MU.myRegion, vpc_id: instance.vpc_id } ) rescue Aws::Route53::Errors::ConflictingDomainExists end end resolver = Resolv::DNS.new my_ip = "" begin my_ip = resolver.getaddress($MU_CFG['hostname']).to_s end rescue Resolv::ResolvError if my_ip != MU.mu_public_ip MU::Cloud::AWS::DNSZone.manageRecord(ext_zone.id, $MU_CFG['hostname'], "A", targets: [MU.mu_public_ip], sync_wait: false) end end end if $opts[:uploadlogs] today = Time.new.strftime("%Y%m%d").to_s ["master.log", "nodes.log"].each { |log| if File.exist?("/Mu_Logs/#{log}-#{today}") MU.log "Uploading /Mu_Logs/#{log}-#{today} to bucket #{$bucketname}" MU::Cloud::AWS.s3.put_object( bucket: $bucketname, key: "#{log}/#{today}", body: File.read("/Mu_Logs/#{log}-#{today}") ) else MU.log "No log /Mu_Logs/#{log}-#{today} was found", MU::WARN end } end