require 'optparse' require 'reek/source' module Reek class Options CTX_SORT = '%c %w (%s)' SMELL_SORT = '[%s] %c %w' def self.default_options { :format => CTX_SORT } end @@opts = default_options def self.[](key) @@opts[key] end def self.parse_args(args) result = default_options parser = { |opts| set_options(opts, result) } parser.parse!(args) result end def self.set_options(opts, config) opts.banner = < 0 return Source.from_pathlist(ARGV) else return Source.from_io($stdin, 'stdin') end rescue OptionParser::ParseError, SystemCallError => err fatal_error(err) end end private def self.set_version_option(opts) opts.on("-v", "--version", "Show version") do puts "#{opts.program_name} #{Reek::VERSION}" exit(0) end end def self.set_help_option(opts) opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit(0) end end def self.set_sort_option(config, opts) opts.on('-f', "--format FORMAT", 'Specify the format of smell warnings') do |arg| config[:format] = arg unless arg.nil? end opts.on('-c', '--context-first', "Sort by context; sets the format string to \"#{CTX_SORT}\"") do config[:format] = CTX_SORT end opts.on('-s', '--smell-first', "Sort by smell; sets the format string to \"#{SMELL_SORT}\"") do config[:format] = SMELL_SORT end end def self.fatal_error(err) # :nodoc: puts "Error: #{err}" puts "Use '-h' for help." exit(1) end end end