module Testable module Element module Locator private # This method is what actually calls the browser instance to find # an element. If there is an element definition like this: # # text_field :username, id: 'username' # # This will become the following: # # browser.text_field(id: 'username') # # Note that the `to_subtype` method is called, which allows for the # generic `element` to be expressed as the type of element, as opposed # to `text_field` or `select_list`. For example, an `element` may be # defined like this: # # element :enable, id: 'enableForm' # # Which means it would look like this: # # Watir::HTMLElement:0x1c8c9 selector={:id=>"enableForm"} # # Whereas getting the subtype would give you: # # Watir::CheckBox:0x12f8b elector={element: (webdriver element)} # # Which is what you would get if the element definition were this: # # checkbox :enable, id: 'enableForm' # # Using the subtype does get tricky for scripts that require the # built-in sychronization aspects and wait states of Watir. # # The approach being used in this method is necessary to allow actions # like `set`, which are not available on `element`, even though other # actions, like `click`, are. But if you use `element` for your element # definitions, and your script requires a series of actions where elements # may be delayed in appearing, you'll get an "unable to locate element" # message, along with a Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException. # # A check is made if an UnknownObjectException occurs due to a ready # validation. That's necessary because a ready validation has to find # an element in order to determine the ready state, but that element # might not be present. # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def access_element(element, locators, qualifiers) if qualifiers.empty? if element == "element".to_sym @browser.element(locators).to_subtype else region_element.__send__(element, locators) end else # If the qualifiers are not empty, then that means the framework # has to consider a given set of elements so that it can check # the qualifier against them. plural = Testable.plural?(element) element = Testable.pluralize(element) unless plural elements = region_element.__send__(element, locators) # Consider the following element definition: # # select_list :car_make, name: 'car', selected: 'Audi', enabled: true # # In this case, the qualifiers will be `selected` (with a value of) # "Audi") and `enabled` (with a value of true. The arity of the # `selected` method would be 1 while the arity of the `enabled` # method would be 0. qualifiers.each do |qualifier, value|! do |ele| if ele.public_method(:"#{qualifier}?") ele.__send__(:"#{qualifier}?") == value else ele.__send__(:"#{qualifier}?", value) end end end # If the locator passed in was plural, then any elements matching # the locator and qualifier have to be returned. Otherwise, it will # just be the first item of the elements found. plural ? elements : elements.first end rescue Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException return false if caller_locations.any? do |str| str.to_s.match?("ready_validations_pass?") end raise end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength end end end