= Asciidoctor reveal.js 4.1 :source-highlighter: highlight.js :highlightjs-theme: a11y-dark.css :highlightjs-languages: asciidoc :icons: font :imagesdir: images/ // reveal.js config :customcss: release-4.1.css :revealjs_hash: true :revealjs_width: 1080 == New Features icon:rocket[set=fas] == Steps You can use steps to [.highlight-strong.step]#highlight# or [.highlight-strong.step]#incrementally reveal individual elements# on a slide! [%notitle] === Cats! [.grow,step=1] Here's some cute cats! image:cute-cat-1.jpg[cute-cat-laying,step=4] image:cute-cat-2.jpg[cute-cat-yawning,step=2] image:cute-cat-3.jpg[cute-cat-melting,step=3] [%notitle] === List You can declare the `%step` option on lists... [%step] * α * β * γ [%notitle] === Blocks ...or on virtually any block like code blocks, tables, images or paragraphs [%step] -- [.highlight-blue%step] blue white [.highlight-red%step] red -- == Footnotesfootnote:[Just a title, nothing more.] [%notitle] === Press Release The hail-and-rainbow protocol can be initiated at three levels: . doublefootnote:[The double hail-and-rainbow level makes my toes tingle.] . tertiary . supermassive A bold statement!footnote:disclaimer[Opinions are my own.] Another outrageous statement.footnote:disclaimer[] == Data attributes You can declare custom data attributes on _virtually any blocks_ using AsciiDoc attributes prefixed by `data-`. + Here's an example: [source, asciidoc] ---- == Atom podium [data-medal=gold] . Protons [data-medal=silver] . Electrons [data-medal=bronze] . Neutrons ---- == Font Awesome icon:font-awesome-flag[set=fab] * Version 5.13.0 * Support icon sets (using `set` attribute) ** *Brand:* icon:firefox[set=fab] ** *Solid*: icon:address-book[set=fas] ** *Regular*: icon:address-book[set=far] * `font-awesome-version` attribute == MathJax * Version 2.7.6 * `mathjaxdir` attributefootnote:[Configure MathJax location.] [.text-left] == Built-in text alignments [%notitle] === Text Alignments [.text-left] -- [.text-align-attr]`[.text-left]` + Let's go to the left! -- [.text-center] -- [.text-align-attr]`[.text-center]` + Right in the middle -- [.text-right] -- [.text-align-attr]`[.text-right]` + Now to the right! -- [transition=fade,transition-speed=slow] == Learn More! * https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-reveal.js/[Asciidoctor reveal.js] * https://revealjs.com[reveal.js] * https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor/[Asciidoctor] * https://asciidoctor.org/docs/what-is-asciidoc/[What is AsciiDoc?] * https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-reveal.js/raw/master/examples/release-4.1.adoc[This slide deck's AsciiDoc source]