require 'spec_helper' describe 'Admin Panel Stripe elements payment', type: :feature, :js => true do stub_authorization! let!(:country) { create(:country, :states_required => true) } let!(:state) { create(:state, :country => country) } let!(:shipping_method) { create(:shipping_method) } let!(:stock_location) { create(:stock_location) } let!(:mug) { create(:product, :name => 'RoR Mug') } let!(:zone) { create(:zone) } let!(:stripe_elements_payment_method) do Spree::Gateway::StripeElementsGateway.create!( :name => 'Stripe Element', :preferred_secret_key => 'sk_test_VCZnDv3GLU15TRvn8i2EsaAN', :preferred_publishable_key => 'pk_test_Cuf0PNtiAkkMpTVC2gwYDMIg' ) end let!(:order) { OrderWalkthrough.up_to(:payment) } before { visit spree.new_admin_order_payment_path(order.number) } it 'can process a valid payment' do fill_in_stripe_payment wait_for { !page.has_current_path?(spree.admin_order_payments_path(order.number)) } expect(page.body).to have_content('Payment has been successfully created!') expect(page).to have_current_path spree.admin_order_payments_path(order.number) end if Spree.version.to_f >= 4.1 it 'shows an error with an invalid card name' do fill_in_stripe_payment(true) expect(page).to have_content("Credit card Name can't be blank") expect(page).to have_current_path spree.admin_order_payments_path(order.number) end else it 'can proces valid payment with invalid card name' do fill_in_stripe_payment(true) wait_for { !page.has_current_path?(spree.admin_order_payments_path(order.number)) } expect(page.body).to have_content('Payment has been successfully created!') expect(page).to have_current_path spree.admin_order_payments_path(order.number) end end it 'shows an error with an invalid card number' do fill_in_stripe_payment(false, true) expect(page).to have_content('The card number is not a valid credit card number.') expect(page).to have_current_path spree.new_admin_order_payment_path(order.number) end it 'shows an error with an invalid card code' do fill_in_stripe_payment(false, false, true) expect(page).to have_content("Your card's security code is invalid.") expect(page).to have_current_path spree.new_admin_order_payment_path(order.number) end it 'shows an error with an invalid card expiration' do fill_in_stripe_payment(false, false, false, true) if Spree.version.to_f >= 4.1 expect(page).to have_content('Credit card Month is not a number') expect(page).to have_content('Credit card Year is not a number') expect(page).to have_current_path spree.admin_order_payments_path(order.number) else expect(page).to have_content("Your card's expiration year is invalid.") expect(page).to have_current_path spree.new_admin_order_payment_path(order.number) end end def fill_in_stripe_payment(invalid_name = false, invalid_number = false, invalid_code = false, invalid_expiration = false) fill_in 'Name *', with: invalid_name ? '' : 'Stripe Elements Gateway Payment' fill_in_card_number(invalid_number) fill_in 'Card Code *', with: invalid_code ? '1' : '123' fill_in_card_expiration(invalid_expiration) click_button "Update" end def fill_in_card_number(invalid_number) number = invalid_number ? '123' : '4242 4242 4242 4242' fill_in_field('Card Number *', '#card_number1', number) end def fill_in_card_expiration(invalid_expiration) card_expiry = invalid_expiration ? '01 / ' : "01 / #{Time.current.year + 1}" fill_in_field('Expiration *', '#card_expiry1', card_expiry) end def fill_in_field(field_name, field_id, number) until page.find(field_id).value == number fill_in field_name, with: number end end end