require 'active_support/concern' require 'active_support/core_ext/class/attribute' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/keys' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections' require 'logger' module Authority # NOTE: once this method is called, the library has started meta programming # and abilities should no longer be modified def self.abilities configuration.abilities.freeze end def self.verbs abilities.keys end def self.adjectives abilities.values end def self.enforce(action, resource, user) action_authorized = user.send("can_#{action}?", resource) unless action_authorized message = "#{user} is not authorized to #{action} this resource: #{resource.inspect}" raise end resource end class << self attr_accessor :configuration end def self.configure self.configuration ||= yield(configuration) if block_given? require_authority_internals! configuration end private def self.require_authority_internals! require 'authority/abilities' require 'authority/authorizer' require 'authority/user_abilities' end class SecurityTransgression < StandardError ; end end require 'authority/configuration' require 'authority/controller' require 'authority/railtie' if defined?(Rails) require 'authority/version'