require 'rational' require 'deprecated' class Fractional < Numeric extend DeprecatedFractionalMethods SINGLE_FRACTION = /^\s*(\-?\d+)\/(\-?\d+)\s*$/ MIXED_FRACTION = /^\s*(\-?\d*)\s+(\d+)\/(\d+)\s*$/ def initialize( value, options={} ) case value when Rational @value = value when String @value = Fractional.string_to_fraction( value, options ) when Fixnum @value = Rational(value) when Numeric @value = Fractional.float_to_fraction( value.to_f, options ) else raise TypeError, "Cannot instantiate Fractional from #{value.class}" end end def method_missing(name, *args, &blk) return_value = @value.send(name, *args, &blk) return_value.is_a?(Rational) ? : return_value end def to_s( options={} ) if options[:mixed_fraction] or options[:mixed_number] to_join = [] if whole_part != 0 to_join << whole_part.to_s end if fractional_part != 0 to_join << fractional_part.abs.to_s end to_join.join(" ") else @value.to_s end end def to_f @value.to_f end def to_r @value end def to_i whole_part end def whole_part @value.truncate end def fractional_part @value - whole_part end def ==( other_num ) @value == other_num end def <=>(other) case other when Fractional, Rational self.to_r <=> other.to_r when Numeric @value <=> other when String @value <=> else nil end end def coerce(other) case other when Numeric return, self when String return, self else raise TypeError, "#{other.class} cannot be coerced into #{Numeric}" end end [:+, :-, :*, :/, :**].each do |math_operator| define_method(math_operator) do |another_fractional| if another_fractional.is_a? Fractional or another_fractional.is_a? Rational, another_fractional.to_r)) elsif another_fractional.is_a? Numeric self.send(math_operator, else, another_fractional)) end end end def self.float_to_fraction( value, options={} ) if value.to_f.nan? return Rational(0,0) # Div by zero error elsif value.to_f.infinite? return Rational(value<0 ? -1 : 1,0) # Div by zero error end if options[:to_nearest] return self.round_to_nearest_fraction( value, options[:to_nearest] ) end # first try to convert a repeating decimal unless guesstimate is forbidden unless options[:exact] repeat = float_to_rational_repeat(value) return repeat unless repeat.nil? end # finally assume a simple decimal # The to_s helps with float rounding issues return Rational(value.to_s) end def self.string_to_fraction( value, options={} ) if string_is_mixed_fraction?(value) whole, numerator, denominator = value.scan(MIXED_FRACTION).flatten return Rational( (whole.to_i.abs * denominator.to_i + numerator.to_i) * whole.to_i / whole.to_i.abs, denominator.to_i ) elsif string_is_single_fraction?(value) numerator, denominator = value.split("/") return Rational(numerator.to_i, denominator.to_i) else return float_to_fraction(value.to_f, options) end end def self.string_is_fraction?( value ) value.is_a? String and (value.match(SINGLE_FRACTION) or value.match(MIXED_FRACTION)) end def self.string_is_mixed_fraction?( value ) string_is_fraction?(value) and value.match(MIXED_FRACTION) end def self.string_is_single_fraction?( value ) string_is_fraction?(value) and value.match(SINGLE_FRACTION) end def self.float_to_rational_repeat(base_value) normalized_value = base_value.to_f repeat = find_repeat( normalized_value ) if repeat.nil? or repeat.length < 1 # try again chomping off the last number (fixes float rounding issues) normalized_value = normalized_value.to_s[0...-1].to_f repeat = find_repeat(normalized_value.to_s) end if !repeat or repeat.length < 1 return nil else return fractional_from_parts( find_before_decimal(normalized_value), find_after_decimal(normalized_value), repeat) end end def self.find_after_decimal( decimal ) s_decimal = decimal.to_s regex = /(#{find_repeat(s_decimal)})+/ last = s_decimal.index( regex ) first = s_decimal.index( '.' ) + 1 s_decimal[first...last] end def self.find_before_decimal( decimal ) numeric = decimal.to_f.truncate.to_i if numeric == 0 decimal.to_f < 0 ? "-0" : "0" else numeric.to_s end end def self.find_repeat( decimal ) return largest_repeat( decimal.to_s.reverse, 0 ).reverse end def self.largest_repeat( string, i ) if i * 2 > string.length return "" end repeat_string = string[0..i] next_best = largest_repeat( string, i + 1) if repeat_string == string[i+1..2*i + 1] repeat_string.length > next_best.length ? repeat_string : next_best else next_best end end def self.fractional_from_parts(before_decimal, after_decimal, repeat) numerator = "#{before_decimal}#{after_decimal}#{repeat}".to_i - "#{before_decimal}#{after_decimal}".to_i denominator = 10 ** (after_decimal.length + repeat.length) - 10 ** after_decimal.length return Rational( numerator, denominator ) end def self.round_to_nearest_fraction(value, to_nearest_fraction) to_nearest_float = / to_nearest_float).round * to_nearest_float) end end