require 'bundler' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks require 'opal/rspec/rake_task' require_relative 'spec/rspec/core/core_spec_loader' require_relative 'spec/rspec/expectations/expectation_spec_loader' require_relative 'spec/rspec/support/support_spec_loader' require_relative 'spec/rspec/mocks/mocks_spec_loader' desc 'Run the full suite, this can time out on Travis' task :default => [:unit_specs, :verify_opal_specs, :integration_specs, :verify_rspec_specs] desc 'Run only tests that use the opal-rspec Rake task' task :rake_only => [:verify_rspec_specs, :verify_opal_specs] desc 'Sanity checks a given version of MRI and run a basic check' task :mri_sanity_check => [:unit_specs, :integration_specs] desc 'Runs a set of specs in opal' do |_, task| task.pattern = 'spec/opal/**/*_spec.{rb,opal}' task.default_path = 'spec/opal' end desc 'Generates an RSpec requires file free of dynamic requires' task :generate_requires do # Do this free of any requires used to make this Rake task happen sh 'ruby -Irspec/lib -Irspec-core/lib/rspec -Irspec-support/lib/rspec util/create_requires.rb' end # Rake.application.last_comment was removed in Rake v12.0 # def (Rake.application).last_comment; last_description; end unless Rake.application.respond_to? :last_comment desc 'Runs a test to test browser based specs using Opal specs in spec/opal' :integration_specs do |t| t.pattern = 'spec/mri/integration/**/*_spec.rb' end desc 'Unit tests for MRI focused components of opal-rspec' :unit_specs do |t| t.pattern = 'spec/mri/unit/**/*_spec.rb' t.exclude_pattern = 'spec/mri/unit/opal/rspec/opal/**/*' end desc 'A more limited spec suite to test pattern usage' do |_, task| task.pattern = 'spec/other/dummy_spec.rb' task.default_path = 'spec/other' end do |_, task| task.pattern = 'spec/other/color_on_by_default_spec.rb' task.default_path = 'spec/other' end Opal::RSpec::CoreSpecLoader.rake_tasks_for(:rspec_core_specs) Opal::RSpec::ExpectationSpecLoader.rake_tasks_for(:rspec_expectation_specs) Opal::RSpec::SupportSpecLoader.rake_tasks_for(:rspec_support_specs) Opal::RSpec::MocksSpecLoader.rake_tasks_for(:rspec_mocks_specs) # These are done desc 'Verifies all RSpec specs' task :verify_rspec_specs => [ :verify_rspec_support_specs, :verify_rspec_core_specs, :verify_rspec_expectation_specs, :verify_rspec_mocks_specs ] desc 'Verifies other_spec_dir task ran correctly' task :verify_other_specs do test_output = `rake other_specs --trace` unless /1 example, 0 failures/.match(test_output) raise "Expected 1 passing example, but got output '#{test_output}'" end puts 'Test successful' end desc 'Will run a spec suite (rake opal_specs) and check for expected combination of failures and successes' task :verify_opal_specs do require 'tempfile' test_output = Tempfile.create('opal_specs') do |f| `bundle exec rake opal_specs --trace > #{f.path}` f.path end test_output.force_encoding 'UTF-8' raise "Expected test runner to fail due to failed tests, but got return code of #{$?.exitstatus}" if $?.success? count_match = /(\d+) examples, (\d+) failures, (\d+) pending/.match(test_output) unless count_match raise "Expected a finished count of test failures/success/etc. but did not see it\n" + "Expected /(\d+) examples, (\d+) failures, (\d+) pending/ to match:\n\n> #{test_output.gsub("\n", "\n> ")}" end total, failed, pending = count_match.captures actual_failures = [] test_output.scan /\d+\) (.*)/ do |match| actual_failures << match[0].strip end actual_failures.sort! failure_messages = [] bad_strings = [/.*is still running, after block problem.*/, /.*should not have.*/, /.*Expected \d+ after hits but got \d+.*/, /.*Expected \d+ around hits but got \d+.*/] bad_strings.each do |regex| test_output.scan(regex) do |match| failure_messages << "Expected not to see #{regex} in output, but found match #{match}" end end expected_pending_count = 12 expected_failures ='spec/opal/expected_failures.txt').split("\n").compact.sort if actual_failures != expected_failures unexpected = actual_failures - expected_failures missing = expected_failures - actual_failures failure_messages << "Expected test failures do not match actual\n" failure_messages << "\nUnexpected fails:\n#{unexpected.join("\n")}\n\nMissing fails:\n#{missing.join("\n")}\n\n" end failure_messages << "Expected #{expected_pending_count} pending examples but actual was #{pending}" unless pending == expected_pending_count.to_s if failure_messages.empty? puts 'Test successful!' puts "#{total} total specs, #{failed} expected failures, #{pending} expected pending" else raise "Test failed, reasons:\n\n#{failure_messages.join("\n")}\n" end end desc "Build build/opal-rspec.js" task :dist do require 'fileutils' FileUtils.mkdir_p 'build' builder = Opal::Config.stubbed_files, # stubs already specified in lib/opal/rspec.rb compiler_options: { dynamic_require_severity: :ignore }) # RSpec is full of dynamic requires src ='opal-rspec') min = uglify src gzp = gzip min'build/opal-rspec.js', 'w+') do |out| out << src end puts "development: #{src.size}, minified: #{min.size}, gzipped: #{gzp.size}" end # Used for uglifying source to minify def uglify(str) IO.popen('uglifyjs', 'r+') do |i| i.puts str i.close_write return end rescue Errno::ENOENT $stderr.puts '"uglifyjs" command not found (install with: "npm install -g uglify-js")' nil end # Gzip code to check file size def gzip(str) IO.popen('gzip -f', 'r+') do |i| i.puts str i.close_write return end rescue Errno::ENOENT $stderr.puts '"gzip" command not found, it is required to produce the .gz version' nil end