# frozen_string_literal: true require 'active_support/core_ext' require 'global_registry' require 'global_registry_bindings/exceptions' require 'global_registry_bindings/options' require 'global_registry_bindings/entity/entity_methods' require 'global_registry_bindings/entity/entity_type_methods' require 'global_registry_bindings/entity/relationship_type_methods' require 'global_registry_bindings/entity/push_entity_methods' require 'global_registry_bindings/entity/delete_entity_methods' require 'global_registry_bindings/entity/mdm_methods' require 'global_registry_bindings/entity/push_relationship_methods' module GlobalRegistry #:nodoc: module Bindings #:nodoc: # Call this in your model to enable and configure Global Registry bindings. # # Options: # # * `:id_column`: Column used to track the Global Registry ID for the model instance. Can be a :string or :uuid # column. (default: `:global_registry_id`) # * `:mdm_id_column`: Column used to enable MDM tracking and set the name of the column. MDM is disabled when this # option is nil or empty. (default: `nil`) # * `:type`: Global Registry entity type. Default value is underscored name of the model. # * `:push_on`: Array of Active Record lifecycle events used to push changes to Global Registry. # (default: `[:create, :update, :delete]`) # * `:parent_association`: Name of the Active Record parent association. Must be defined before calling # global_registry_bindings in order to determine foreign_key field. (default: `nil`) # * `:parent_association_class`: Class name of the parent model. Required if `:parent_association` can not be used # to determine the parent class. This can happen if parent is defined by another gem, like `has_ancestry`. # (default: `nil`) # * `:related_association`: Name of the Active Record related association. Setting this option changes the # global registry binding from entity to relationship. Active Record association must be defined before calling # global_registry_bindings in order to determine the foreign key. `:parent_relationship_name` and # `:related_relationship_name` must be set for relationship binding to work. (default: `nil`) # * `:related_association_class`: Class name of the related model. Required if `:related_association` can not be # used to determine the related class. (default: `nil`) # * `:parent_relationship_name`: Name of parent relationship role. (default: `nil`) # * `:related_relationship_name`: Name of the related relationship role. (default: `nil`) # * `:exclude_fields`: Model fields to exclude when pushing to Global Registry. Will additionally include # `:mdm_id_column` and `:parent_association` foreign key when defined. # (default: `[:id, :created_at, :updated_at, :global_registry_id]`) # * `:extra_fields`: Additional fields to send to Global Registry. This should be a hash with name as the key # and :type attributes as the value. Ex: `{language: :string}`. Name is a symbol and type is an ActiveRecord # column type. # * `:mdm_timeout`: Only pull mdm information at most once every `:mdm_timeout`. (default: `1.minute`) # # @api public def global_registry_bindings(options = {}) global_registry_bindings_parse_options! options include Options include Entity::EntityMethods if global_registry.push_on.any? { |item| %i[create update].include? item } if global_registry.related_association && global_registry.parent_association include Entity::RelationshipTypeMethods include Entity::PushRelationshipMethods else include Entity::EntityTypeMethods include Entity::PushEntityMethods end end include Entity::DeleteEntityMethods if global_registry.push_on.include? :delete include Entity::MdmMethods if global_registry.mdm_id_column.present? end private def global_registry_bindings_parse_options!(options) class_attribute :_global_registry_bindings_options_hash self._global_registry_bindings_options_hash = GlobalRegistry::Bindings::OptionsParser.new(self).parse(options) end end end