#-*- mode: ruby -*- require 'fileutils' gemspec version = ENV['JRUBY_VERSION'] || File.read( File.join( basedir, '..', '..', 'VERSION' ) ).strip # maven does treats prereleased version as snapshot - undo it here ruby_version = model.version.sub( /-SNAPSHOT/, '' ) self.version nil inherit "org.jruby:jruby-artifacts:#{version}" name "JRuby Jars Gem" jar 'org.jruby:jruby-stdlib', '${project.parent.version}' jar 'org.jruby:jruby-core', '${project.parent.version}', scope: "compile" plugin( :clean, '2.5' ) do execute_goals( :clean, :phase => :clean, :id => 'clean-lib', :filesets => [ { :directory => '${basedir}/lib', :includes => ['*.jar'] } ], :failOnError => false ) end properties( 'tesla.dump.pom' => 'pom.xml', 'tesla.dump.readonly' => true, 'jruby.plugins.version' => '3.0.1', # we share the already installed gems 'gem.home' => '${jruby_home}/lib/ruby/gems/shared', # need jruby_home but not jruby.home as name otherwise # polyglot-plugin will pick the jruby from jruby.home 'jruby_home' => '${basedir}/../../' ) unless version =~ /-SNAPSHOT/ properties 'jruby.home' => '${basedir}/../..' end execute 'copy jruby.jar', 'prepare-package' do |ctx| source = File.expand_path( ctx.project.properties[ 'jruby_home' ].to_pathname ) # TODO somehow the lib/jruby.jar gets moved away to avoid conflicts FileUtils.cp( Dir[ File.join( source, "lib/jruby.jar" ) ].first, File.join( ctx.project.basedir.to_pathname, 'lib', "jruby-core-#{ctx.project.version}-complete.jar" ) ) end # do not push the gem during deploy phase # the bang reuses the plugin declaration which is already in place and # adds the extra execute_goal to it jruby_plugin!( :gem, :gemspec => 'jruby-jars.gemspec', # tell maven to include the jar files into gem :includeDependencies => true, :jrubyVersion => '') do execute_goals :id => 'default-push', :skip => true end build do final_name "${project.artifactId}-#{ruby_version}" end plugin :invoker, :properties => { 'ruby.version' => ruby_version, 'gem.home' => '${project.build.directory}/rubygems', 'gem.path' => '${project.build.directory}/rubygems' } plugin( 'net.ju-n.maven.plugins:checksum-maven-plugin' ) # vim: syntax=Ruby