module ActiveRecord class Base # takes params from request and returns records serialized to json. handles the majority of the functionality # for searching, sorting, and serializing records to be consumed by jqGrid. def self.find_for_grid(params) search_options = {:limit => params["rows"]} search_options[:offset] = (params["page"].to_i * params["rows"].to_i) - params["rows"].to_i search_options[:order] = "#{params['sidx']} #{params['sord']}" if params["sidx"] != "" if params["_search"] == "true" string_search_operations = { "eq" => "=", "ne" => "<>", "bw" => "LIKE", "bn" => "NOT LIKE", "ew" => "LIKE", "en" => "NOT LIKE", "cn" => "LIKE", "nc" => "NOT LIKE" } integer_search_operations = { "eq" => "=", "ne" => "<>", "lt" => "<", "le" => "<=", "gt" => ">", "ge" => ">=" } if [:text, :string].include?( {|c| == params["searchField"]}.first.type) && string_search_operations.keys.include?(params["searchOper"]) search_options[:conditions] = "#{params["searchField"]} " search_options[:conditions] << "#{string_search_operations[params["searchOper"]]}" search_options[:conditions] << "'#{"%" if ["ew", "en", "cn", "nc"].include?(params["searchOper"])}#{params["searchString"]}#{"%" if ["nc", "cn", "bn", "bw"].include?(params["searchOper"])}'" elsif [:integer].include?( {|c| == params["searchField"]}.first.type) && integer_search_operations.keys.include?(params["searchOper"]) search_options[:conditions] = "#{params["searchField"]} #{integer_search_operations[params["searchOper"]]} #{params["searchString"]}" end end count = self.count(:all, :conditions => search_options[:conditions]).to_f # raise count.inspect array = self.find(:all, search_options).collect {|r| r.attributes } {:total => (count / params["rows"].to_f).ceil, :page => params["page"], :records => count, :rows => array }.to_json end end end