require 'spec_helper' describe SimpleService::ArgumentValidator do context 'execute' do class FooCommand < SimpleService::Command def execute; true; end end class BadInheritanceCommand def execute; true; end end let(:valid_args) {{ context: { foo: 'bar'}, expects: [:foo], returns: [:foo], commands: [FooCommand] }} context 'when all arguments are valid' do it 'does not raise error' do expect { }.to_not raise_error end it 'returns true' do expect( ).to eql true end end it 'raises error when context does not contain expected keys' do expect { args = valid_args.merge(expects: [:baz]) }.to raise_error( SimpleService::ExpectedKeyError, 'keys required by the organizer but not found in the context: baz' ) end it 'raises error when commands are not defined' do expect { args = valid_args.merge(commands: nil) }.to raise_error( SimpleService::OrganizerCommandsNotDefinedError, 'This Organizer class does not contain any command definitions' ) end it 'raises error when commands do not inherit from SimpleService::Command' do expect { args = valid_args.merge(commands: [BadInheritanceCommand]) }.to raise_error( SimpleService::CommandParentClassInvalidError, 'BadInheritanceCommand - must inherit from SimpleService::Command' ) end end end