%@ CodeTemplate Language="C#" TargetLanguage="C#" Description="TestFu DatabasePopulator Crud Harness" %>
<%@ Property Name="Namespace" Type="System.String"
Description="Namespace of the populator." %>
<%@ Property Name="DataSetNameFormat" Type="System.String"
Description="Format string to create the DatabaseSet class name." %>
<%@ Property Name="DalNamespace" Type="System.String"
Description="Namespace of the Dal" %>
<%@ Property Name="DalFormatName" Type="System.String"
Description="Format string to create the Dal class name" %>
<%@ Property Name="CrudPopulatorNameFormat" Type="System.String"
Description="Format string to create the CrudPopulator class name." %>
<%@ Property Name="DatabasePopulatorNameFormat" Type="System.String"
Description="Format string to create the DatabasePopulator class name." %>
<%@ Property Name="TableNamePrefix" Type="System.String"
Description="Prefix to be removed." %>
<%@ Property Name="TablePopulatorNameFormat" Type="System.String"
Description="Format string to create the TablePopulator class names." %>
<%@ Property Name="ColumnDataGeneratorNameFormat" Type="System.String"
Description="Format string to create the ColumnGenenerator properties." %>
<%@ Property Name="UniqueValidatorNameFormat" Type="System.String"
Description="Format string to create the UniqueValidator properties." %>
<%@ Property Name="ForeignKeyProviderNameFormat" Type="System.String"
Description="Format string to create the ForeignKeyProviderNameFormat properties." %>
<%@ Property Name="Database" Type="SchemaExplorer.DatabaseSchema"
Description="Target database for the IDatabasePopulator." %>
<%@ Assembly Name="SchemaExplorer" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="SchemaExplorer" %>
// Strongly typed CRUD populator for the <%= DatabaseName %>
// This file was generated by CodeSmith. Do not edit it! Modify
// the template if you need to tweak it for you.
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using MbUnit.Core.Framework;
using MbUnit.Framework;
using TestFu.Data;
using TestFu.Data.SqlClient;
using TestFu.Data.Graph;
using <%= DalNamespace %>;
namespace <%= Namespace %>
/// A CRUD harness for the <%= DatabaseName %> database.
/// Note to implementors:
/// Implementors should modify the CodeSmith template that generated
/// this class to inject their Create,Update,Read and Delete methods.
/// Each generated method contains a
/// that should be replaced with the proper DAL code.
/// The Create* methods create a new row and verify that it is
/// present in the database using the Read* methods.
/// The Update* methods apply an update between two rows and
/// verify that the update was succesful using Read* methods.
/// The Delete* remove a row from the tables and verify
/// that it has been removed using Read* methods.
public class <%= CrudPopulatorName %> : <%= DatabasePopulatorName %>
#region Fields
private <%= DalNamespace %>.<%= Format(DalFormatName, DatabaseName) %> dal = new <%= DalNamespace %>.<%= Format(DalFormatName, DatabaseName) %>();
#region Constructors
/// Initializes a new with the
/// connection string of the database.
/// A valid conneciton string to the target database.
/// The is a
/// null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
/// The is empty.
public <%= CrudPopulatorName %>(string connectionString)
:this(new <%= DataSetName %>(), connectionString)
/// Initializes a new with the
/// connection string of the database.
/// A representing the structure of the
/// <%= DatabaseName %> database.
/// A valid conneciton string to the target database.
/// The or the is a
/// null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
/// The is empty.
public <%= CrudPopulatorName %>(
DataSet dataSet,
string connectionString
<% foreach(TableSchema table in this.Database.Tables) {%>
#region <%= table.Name %>
/// Creates a new in the
/// <%= table.Name %> table.
/// The created instance
public virtual DataRow Create<%= Format(table.Name) %>()
// generate row
DataRow row = this.<%=GetTablePopulatorPropertyName(table)%>.Generate();
// Add the row to the <%= table.Name %> table here
<%= TableRow(table) %> irow = new <%= TableRow(table) %>();
<% foreach(ColumnSchema column in table.Columns) {%>
<% if (column.AllowDBNull) {%>
if (row["<%= column.Name%>"] is DBNull)
<% if (column.SystemType.IsValueType) {%>
irow.Is<%= Format(column.Name) %>Null = true;
<% } else { %>
irow.<%= Format(column.Name) %> = null;
irow.<%= Format(column.Name) %> = (<%= column.SystemType %>)row["<%= column.Name %>"];
<% } else {%>
irow.<%= Format(column.Name) %> = (<%= column.SystemType %>)row["<%= column.Name %>"];
<% } %>
<% } // foreach(ColumnSchema column in table.Columns) %>
this.dal.<%= TableCollection(table) %>.Insert(irow);
catch(Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Inserted row:");
throw new ApplicationException("Insertion in <%= table.Name %> failed",ex);
// RapTier does not return the new identity when the primary key is
// identity. Hence, we cannot verify anything!
return row;
<% if (table.PrimaryKey.MemberColumns.Count != table.Columns.Count) {%>
/// Updates a row (chosen randomly) with a new generated row in the
/// <%= table.Name %> table.
/// The update instance
public virtual DataRow Update<%= Format(table.Name) %>()
// generate row
DataRow row = this.<%=GetTablePopulatorPropertyName(table)%>.GetRandomRow();
// update random
return Update<%= Format(table.Name) %>(row);
/// Updates with in the
/// <%= table.Name %> table.
/// The update instance
public virtual DataRow Update<%= Format(table.Name) %>(DataRow row)
if (row==null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("row");
// changes values
this.<%= GetTablePopulatorPropertyName(table)%>.ChangeRowValues(row);
// Update the rowToUpdate with row in the <%= table.Name %> table
<%= TableRow(table) %> urow = new <%= TableRow(table) %>();
<% foreach(ColumnSchema column in table.Columns) {%>
<% if (column.AllowDBNull) {%>
if (row["<%= column.Name%>"] is DBNull)
<% if (column.SystemType.IsValueType) {%>
urow.Is<%= Format(column.Name) %>Null = true;
<% } else { %>
urow.<%= Format(column.Name) %> = null;
urow.<%= Format(column.Name) %> = (<%= column.SystemType %>)row["<%= column.Name %>"];
<% } else {%>
urow.<%= Format(column.Name) %> = (<%= column.SystemType %>)row["<%= column.Name %>"];
<% } %>
<% } // foreach(ColumnSchema column in table.Columns) %>
this.dal.<%= TableCollection(table) %>.Update(urow);
catch(Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Updated row:");
throw new ApplicationException("Update in <%= table.Name %> failed",ex);
return row;
<%}// if (table.PrimaryKey.MemberColumns.Count != table.Columns.COunt) {%>
/// Deletes a random row
/// from the <%= table.Name %> table.
public virtual void Delete<%= Format(table.Name) %>()
// choose a row
DataRow row = this.<%=GetTablePopulatorPropertyName(table)%>.GetRandomRow();
// delete
this.Delete<%= Format(table.Name) %>(row);
/// Deletes the row
/// from the <%= table.Name %> table.
public virtual void Delete<%= Format(table.Name) %>(DataRow row)
if (row==null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("row");
// Delete the row from the <%= table.Name %> table
this.dal.<%= TableCollection(table) %>.DeleteByPrimaryKey(
<% for(int i = 0;i
<%= (i!=0) ? "," : "" %>(<%= column.SystemType %>)row["<%= column.Name %>"]
<% } // foreach(ColumnSchema column in table.Columns) %>
catch(Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Deleted row:");
throw new ApplicationException("Delete in <%= table.Name %> failed",ex);
// check it is not in the table
DataRow readRow = Read<%= Format(table.Name) %>(row);
if (readRow!=null)
Console.WriteLine("Row to delete");
Console.WriteLine("Not deleted row");
Assert.Fail("Row delete failed");
/// Reads the <%= table.Name %> table for a row matching
/// and returns it.
/// Read row if foud; otherwize
/// a null reference.
public virtual DataRow Read<%= Format(table.Name) %>(DataRow row)
if (row==null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("row");
<%= TableRow(table) %> readRow = null;
readRow = this.dal.<%= TableCollection(table) %>.GetByPrimaryKey(
<% for(int i = 0;i
<%= (i!=0) ? "," : "" %>(<%= column.SystemType %>)row["<%= column.Name %>"]
<% } // foreach(ColumnSchema column in table.Columns) %>
catch(Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Read row:");
throw new ApplicationException("Read in <%= table.Name %> failed",ex);
if (readRow==null)
return null;
DataRow rrow = row.Table.NewRow();
<% foreach(ColumnSchema column in table.Columns) {%>
<% if (column.SystemType.IsValueType && column.AllowDBNull) {%>
if (readRow.Is<%= Format(column.Name) %>Null)
rrow["<%=column.Name %>"] = DBNull.Value;
rrow["<%=column.Name %>"] = readRow.<%= Format(column.Name) %>;
<%} else { %>
rrow["<%=column.Name %>"] = readRow.<%= Format(column.Name) %>;
<% } // foreach(ColumnSchema column in table.Columns) %>
return rrow;
<%} // foreach(TableSchema table in this.Database.Tables) %>
#region Misc
protected virtual void DisplayRow(DataRow row)
if (row==null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("row");
foreach(DataColumn column in row.Table.Columns)
Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: {1}",