require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'helper.rb')) ROUNDINGS = { 'ceiling' => :ceiling, 'down' => :down, 'floor' => :floor, 'half_down' => :half_down, 'half_even' => :half_even, 'half_up' => :half_up, 'up' => :up, '05up' => :up05 } FUNCTIONS = { 'add'=>'add', 'divide'=>'divide', 'multiply'=>'multiply', 'subtract'=>'subtract', 'compare'=>'compare', 'copyabs'=>'copy_abs', 'copynegate'=>'copy_negate', 'copysign'=>'copy_sign', 'divideint'=>'divide_int', 'logb'=>'logb', 'minus'=>'minus', 'plus'=>'plus', 'reduce'=>'reduce', 'remainder'=>'remainder', 'remaindernear'=>'remainder_near', 'scaleb'=>'scaleb', 'rescale'=>'rescale', 'quantize'=>'quantize', 'samequantum'=>'same_quantum?', 'tointegral'=>'to_integral_value', 'tointegralx'=>'to_integral_exact', 'fma'=>'fma', 'squareroot'=>'sqrt', 'abs'=>'abs', 'nextminus'=>'next_minus', 'nextplus'=>'next_plus', 'nexttoward'=>'next_toward', 'tosci'=>'to_sci_string', 'toeng'=>'to_eng_string', 'class'=>'number_class', 'power'=>'power', 'log10'=>'log10', 'exp'=>'exp', 'ln'=>'ln' } # Functions not yet implemented PENDING = %w{ rotate shift trim and or xor invert max min maxmag minmag comparetotal comparetotmag } IGNORED = PENDING + %w{ copy apply } FLAG_NAMES = { 'inexact'=>:Inexact, 'rounded'=>:Rounded, 'clamped'=>:Clamped, 'subnormal'=>:Subnormal, 'invalid_operation'=>:InvalidOperation, 'underflow'=>:Underflow, 'overflow'=>:Overflow, 'division_by_zero'=>:DivisionByZero, 'division_undefined'=>:InvalidOperation, 'division_impossible'=>:DivisionImpossible, 'conversion_syntax'=>:ConversionSyntax } # Excluded tests that we don't currently pass EXCEPTIONS = %w{ powx1183 powx1184 powx4001 powx4002 powx4003 powx4005 powx4008 powx4010 powx4012 powx4014 logx901 logx902 logx903 logx903 logx905 expx901 expx902 expx903 expx905 lnx901 lnx902 lnx903 lnx905 } def unquote(txt) if txt[0,1]=="'" && txt[-1,1]=="'" txt = txt[1...-1].gsub("''","'") end if txt[0,1]=='"' && txt[-1,1]=='"' txt = txt[1...-1].gsub('""','"') end #txt = 'NaN' if txt=='#' || txt=='?' txt = 'sNaN' if txt=='#' txt = 'NaN' if txt=='?' txt end class TestBasic < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_dec missing = [] dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'dectest') dir = nil unless File.exists?(dir) if dir Dir[File.join(dir, '*.decTest')].each do |fn| name = File.basename(fn,'.decTest').downcase next if %w{ds dd dq}.include?(name[0,2]) || %w{decsingle decdouble decquad testall}.include?(name) initialize_context,'r') do |file| file.each_line do |line| line = line.split('--').first.strip if line.include?('--') next if line.strip.empty? if line.include?(' -> ') # test # to do :remove inline comments --... on the right of -> sides = line.split('->') # now split by whitespace but avoid breaking quoted strings (and take care or repeated quotes!) lhs = sides.first.strip.scan(/"(?:[^"]|"")*"|'(?:[^']|'')*'|\S+/) id = lhs.first funct = lhs[1].downcase valstemp = lhs[2..-1] rhs = sides.last.strip.split ans = rhs.first flags = rhs[1..-1].map{|f| DecNum.class_eval(FLAG_NAMES[f.downcase].to_s)}.compact next unless valstemp.grep(/#/).empty? $test_id = id funct = FUNCTIONS[original_funct=funct] next if EXCEPTIONS.include?(id) if funct # do test msg = " Test #{id}: #{funct}(#{valstemp.join(',')}) = #{ans}"'dectests.txt','a'){|f| f.puts msg} expected = result = result_flags = nil DecNum.local_context do |context| context.flags.clear! exact_input = !['apply','to_sci_string', 'to_eng_string'].include?(funct) if exact_input p = context.precision context.exact = true end!{|v| DecNum(unquote(v))} context.precision = p if exact_input result = context.send(funct, *valstemp) result_flags = context.flags.dup expected = unquote(ans) context.exact = true expected = DecNum(expected) unless result.is_a?(String) end result = 1 if result==true result = 0 if result==false expected_flags = DecNum::Flags(*flags) if ans!='?' assert_equal expected.to_s, result.to_s, msg end assert_equal expected_flags, result_flags, msg else missing << original_funct unless IGNORED.include?(original_funct) || missing.include?(original_funct) end elsif line.include?(':') # directive funct,value = line.split(':').map{|x| x.strip.downcase} case funct when 'rounding' value = ROUNDINGS[value] else value = value.to_i end if value.nil? #raise "error" # to do: skip untill next valid value of same funct else case funct when 'rounding','precision' DecNum.context.send "#{funct}=", value when 'maxexponent' DecNum.context.emax = value when 'minexponent' DecNum.context.emin = value when 'clamp' DecNum.context.clamp = (value==0 ? false : true) end end end end end end end # assert_empty missing # In Ruby 1.8 there's no assert_empty assert missing.empty?, "#{missing.inspect} is not empty" end end