require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'stringio' require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'net_http_response') module WebMock module HttpLibAdapters class NetHttpAdapter < HttpLibAdapter adapter_for :net_http OriginalNetHTTP = Net::HTTP unless const_defined?(:OriginalNetHTTP) OriginalNetBufferedIO = Net::BufferedIO unless const_defined?(:OriginalNetBufferedIO) def self.enable! Net.send(:remove_const, :BufferedIO) Net.send(:remove_const, :HTTP) Net.send(:remove_const, :HTTPSession) Net.send(:const_set, :HTTP, @webMockNetHTTP) Net.send(:const_set, :HTTPSession, @webMockNetHTTP) Net.send(:const_set, :BufferedIO, Net::WebMockNetBufferedIO) end def self.disable! Net.send(:remove_const, :BufferedIO) Net.send(:remove_const, :HTTP) Net.send(:remove_const, :HTTPSession) Net.send(:const_set, :HTTP, OriginalNetHTTP) Net.send(:const_set, :HTTPSession, OriginalNetHTTP) Net.send(:const_set, :BufferedIO, OriginalNetBufferedIO) #copy all constants from @webMockNetHTTP to original Net::HTTP #in case any constants were added to @webMockNetHTTP instead of Net::HTTP #after WebMock was enabled. #i.e Net::HTTP::DigestAuth @webMockNetHTTP.constants.each do |constant| if ! OriginalNetHTTP.send(:const_set, constant, @webMockNetHTTP.const_get(constant)) end end end @webMockNetHTTP = do class << self def socket_type StubSocket end if Module.method(:const_defined?).arity == 1 def const_defined?(name) super || self.superclass.const_defined?(name) end else def const_defined?(name, inherit=true) super || self.superclass.const_defined?(name, inherit) end end if Module.method(:const_get).arity != 1 def const_get(name, inherit=true) super rescue NameError self.superclass.const_get(name, inherit) end end if Module.method(:constants).arity != 0 def constants(inherit=true) (super + self.superclass.constants(inherit)).uniq end end end def request(request, body = nil, &block) request_signature = WebMock::NetHTTPUtility.request_signature_from_request(self, request, body) WebMock::RequestRegistry.instance.requested_signatures.put(request_signature) if webmock_response = WebMock::StubRegistry.instance.response_for_request(request_signature) @socket = WebMock::CallbackRegistry.invoke_callbacks( {:lib => :net_http}, request_signature, webmock_response) build_net_http_response(webmock_response, &block) elsif WebMock.net_connect_allowed?(request_signature.uri) check_right_http_connection after_request = lambda do |response| if WebMock::CallbackRegistry.any_callbacks? webmock_response = build_webmock_response(response) WebMock::CallbackRegistry.invoke_callbacks( {:lib => :net_http, :real_request => true}, request_signature, webmock_response) end response.extend Net::WebMockHTTPResponse response if block response end super_with_after_request = lambda { response = super(request, nil, &nil) } if started? if WebMock::Config.instance.net_http_connect_on_start else start_with_connect_without_finish { } end else start_with_connect { } end else raise end end def start_without_connect raise IOError, 'HTTP session already opened' if @started if block_given? begin @started = true return yield(self) ensure do_finish end end @started = true self end def start_with_connect_without_finish # :yield: http if block_given? begin do_start return yield(self) end end do_start self end alias_method :start_with_connect, :start def start(&block) if WebMock::Config.instance.net_http_connect_on_start super(&block) else start_without_connect(&block) end end def build_net_http_response(webmock_response, &block) response = Net::HTTPResponse.send(:response_class, webmock_response.status[0].to_s).new("1.0", webmock_response.status[0].to_s, webmock_response.status[1]) body = webmock_response.body body = nil if body.to_s == '' response.instance_variable_set(:@body, body) webmock_response.headers.to_a.each do |name, values| values = [values] unless values.is_a?(Array) values.each do |value| response.add_field(name, value) end end response.instance_variable_set(:@read, true) response.extend Net::WebMockHTTPResponse raise Timeout::Error, "execution expired" if webmock_response.should_timeout webmock_response.raise_error_if_any yield response if block_given? response end def build_webmock_response(net_http_response) webmock_response = webmock_response.status = [ net_http_response.code.to_i, net_http_response.message] webmock_response.headers = net_http_response.to_hash webmock_response.body = net_http_response.body webmock_response end def check_right_http_connection unless @@alredy_checked_for_right_http_connection ||= false WebMock::NetHTTPUtility.puts_warning_for_right_http_if_needed @@alredy_checked_for_right_http_connection = true end end end @webMockNetHTTP.version_1_2 [ [:Get, Net::HTTP::Get], [:Post, Net::HTTP::Post], [:Put, Net::HTTP::Put], [:Delete, Net::HTTP::Delete], [:Head, Net::HTTP::Head], [:Options, Net::HTTP::Options] ].each do |c| @webMockNetHTTP.const_set(c[0], c[1]) end end end end # patch for StringIO behavior in Ruby 2.2.3 # class PatchedStringIO < StringIO #:nodoc: alias_method :orig_read_nonblock, :read_nonblock def read_nonblock(size, *args) orig_read_nonblock(size) end end class StubSocket #:nodoc: attr_accessor :read_timeout, :continue_timeout def initialize(*args) end def closed? @closed ||= true end def readuntil(*args) end end module Net #:nodoc: all class WebMockNetBufferedIO < BufferedIO def initialize(io, debug_output = nil) @read_timeout = 60 @rbuf = '' @debug_output = debug_output @io = case io when Socket, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket, IO io when StringIO when String end raise "Unable to create local socket" unless @io end end end module WebMock module NetHTTPUtility def self.request_signature_from_request(net_http, request, body = nil) protocol = net_http.use_ssl? ? "https" : "http" path = request.path if path.respond_to?(:request_uri) # path = path.request_uri end path = WebMock::Util::URI.heuristic_parse(path).request_uri if path =~ /^http/ if request["authorization"] =~ /^Basic / userinfo = WebMock::Util::Headers.decode_userinfo_from_header(request["authorization"]) userinfo = WebMock::Util::URI.encode_unsafe_chars_in_userinfo(userinfo) + "@" else userinfo = "" end uri = "#{protocol}://#{userinfo}#{net_http.address}:#{net_http.port}#{path}" method = request.method.downcase.to_sym headers = Hash[* {|k,v| [k, v]}.inject([]) {|r,x| r + x}] validate_headers(headers) headers.reject! {|k,v| k =~ /[Aa]uthorization/ && v.first =~ /^Basic / } #we added it to url userinfo if request.body_stream body = request.body_stream = nil end if body != nil && body.respond_to?(:read) request.set_body_internal else request.set_body_internal body end, uri, :body => request.body, :headers => headers) end def self.validate_headers(headers) # For Ruby versions < 2.3.0, if you make a request with headers that are symbols # Net::HTTP raises a NoMethodError # # WebMock normalizes headers when creating a RequestSignature, # and will update all headers from symbols to strings. # # This could create a false positive in a test suite with WebMock. # # So before this point, WebMock raises an ArgumentError if any of the headers are symbols # instead of the cryptic NoMethodError "undefined method `split' ...` from Net::HTTP if <'2.3.0') header_as_symbol = headers.keys.find {|header| header.is_a? Symbol} if header_as_symbol raise"Net:HTTP does not accept headers as symbols") end end end def self.check_right_http_connection @was_right_http_connection_loaded = defined?(RightHttpConnection) end def self.puts_warning_for_right_http_if_needed if !@was_right_http_connection_loaded && defined?(RightHttpConnection) $stderr.puts "\nWarning: RightHttpConnection has to be required before WebMock is required !!!\n" end end end end WebMock::NetHTTPUtility.check_right_http_connection