en: config: Configuration scripting: Scripting postings: Postings new_posting: New Posting select_posting: Select Posting go_to_now: Go to NOW fields: Fields updated_at: Updated At user_view: User Management reports: Reports import_synonym: Import Synonyms import_type: Import Types system: System applications: Applications create_posting: Create api_auth: API Authorization roles: viewer: Viewer admin: Admin dev: Developer user_manager: User Manager script: selection: Selection tester: Testing selection_list: Scripts selection_history: Script History detail: Script Detail save_error: "must be capitalized and contain only letters and digits (no spaces)" tag_grid: new: New Tag script_grid: title: Scripts new: New Script name: Name tag: Associated Tag created_dt: Create Date/Time user_grid: title: Users new: New User name: Name login: Login firstname: First Name lastname: Last Name active: Active roles: Roles select_roles: Select one or more roles created_dt: Last Checked In script_form: save: Save checkin: Check In checkout: Check Out discard: Discard discarded: Discarded checked_out: Checked out print: Print script_tester: attributes: Compute Attributes parameters: Parameters results: Results/Errors compute: Compute script_log: title: Script Versions version: Version last_update: Last Update user_name: Edited By log_message: Log Message run_script: download_csv: CSV Download download_xlsx: Excel Download attr_selection: Attribute Selection select_attr: Select Attribute select_node: Select Node reporting: parameters: Report Parameters report_select: Select Report select: Select Report select_version: Select Version select_script: Select Script generate: Generate Report background: Background Report jobs: promise_view: Jobs Dashboard title: Job Name start_dt: Start Date end_dt: End Date user_login: User Login cformat: Format data_import_view: import: Import import_data: Import Data import_type: Import Type results: Results/Errors select: Provide Import Type and Import Data attributes: version: Version key: Key value: Value name: Name description: Description comment: Comment db_model_name: Model Name synonym_fields: Synonym Fields cleaner_function: Model Cleaner Method validation_function: Validation Function preprocess_function: Preprocess Function role__name: Role Name created_dt: Last Modified posting__name: Posting posting: Posting user__name: User internal_name: Internal Name import_type__name: Import Type synonym: Synonym posting_type: Posting Type posting_type__name: Posting Type tag: Script Tag tag__name: Script Tag api_key: API Key app_name: Application Name script_name: Script Name