module Tenon module ApplicationHelper def flash_messages messages = [] %w(notice alert warning error).each do |msg| unless flash[msg.to_sym].blank? content = content_tag(:p, flash[msg.to_sym]) content += link_to fa_icon('times'), '#', id: 'flash-dismiss' messages << content_tag(:div, content, class: "flash flash-#{msg}") end end messages.join('').html_safe end def menu_item(title, link, options = {}) klass = '' # set the link class to active if it matches the current link or any of the alternate supplied links options[:alt_links].each { |a| klass = request.fullpath.match(a) ? 'active' : '' unless klass == 'active' } if options[:alt_links].is_a?(Array) klass = 'active' if link == request.fullpath klass += " #{options[:class]}" unless options[:class].blank? link_to(title, link, class: klass) end # now uses def gravatar_for(object) gravatar_image_tag( end def table_row(*args) html = '' args.each_with_index do |cell, i| html += "#{cell}" end html += '\n' html.html_safe end def seo_meta_tags obj = instance_variable_get("@#{params[:controller].singularize}") tags = [] if obj if obj.respond_to?(:seo_keywords) && !obj.seo_keywords.blank? tags << tag(:meta, name: 'keywords', content: obj.seo_keywords) end if obj.respond_to?(:seo_description) && !obj.seo_description.blank? tags << tag(:meta, name: 'description', content: obj.seo_description) end end tags.join end # eg. first_image(@product) def first_image(obj, options = {}) opts = { collection: :images, method: :image, style: :thumbnail, default: image_path('noimage.jpg') }.merge(options.symbolize_keys!) image = obj.send(opts[:collection]).first image ? image.send(opts[:method]).url(opts[:style]) : opts[:default] end def html(options = {}, &blk) options.recursive_symbolize_keys! open = h5bp_opening_tag(options[:ie_versions]) body = capture_haml(&blk) close = ''.html_safe open + body + close end def route_exist?(thing) main_app.polymorphic_path(thing) rescue NoMethodError false end def current_translations I18n.backend.send(:init_translations) unless I18n.backend.initialized? @translations ||= I18n.backend.send(:translations) @translations[I18n.locale].with_indifferent_access end private def h5bp_opening_tag(ie_versions = 6..8) ie_versions = ie_versions.to_a htmls = [] max = ie_versions.max # individual IE versions ie_versions.each do |version| next if version == max klass = { |e| e > version }.map { |e| "ie-lt#{e}" }.join(' ') htmls << if_ie("", version: version) end # trailing GT for forward compatibility htmls << if_ie("", version: ">=#{max}", show_in_other_browsers: true) htmls.join($INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR).html_safe end def if_ie(obj, options = {}) options.recursive_symbolize_keys! # grab the kwargs version = options[:version] negative = options[:negative] show_in_other_browsers = options[:show_in_other_browsers] # support things like >10 if version.respond_to?(:start_with?) && version.respond_to?(:scan) modifier = if version.start_with?('>=') 'gte' elsif version.start_with?('<=') 'lte' elsif version.start_with?('<') 'lt' elsif version.start_with?('>') 'gt' end version = version.scan(/\d/).join.to_i end selector = "#{negative && '!'}(#{modifier} IE #{version})" if show_in_other_browsers "#{obj}" else "" end end # humanizing various things def human(object) if object.is_a?(Date) object.strftime('%B %d, %Y') elsif object.is_a?(Time) object.strftime('%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p') elsif object.is_a?(String) object.humanize else object end end end end