package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.rim.device.api.system.DeviceInfo; import net.rim.device.api.system.RadioInfo; import com.rho.BBVersionSpecific; import com.rho.RhoEmptyLogger; import com.rho.RhoLogger; import com.rho.RhoConf; import com.rho.RhodesApp; import com.rho.Version; import; import net.rim.device.api.servicebook.ServiceRecord; import net.rim.device.api.servicebook.ServiceBook; public class NetworkAccess implements INetworkAccess { private static final RhoLogger LOG = RhoLogger.RHO_STRIP_LOG ? new RhoEmptyLogger() : new RhoLogger("NetworkAccess"); private static String URLsuffix = ""; private static String WIFIsuffix = ""; private static boolean networkConfigured = false; private static boolean bes = true; private static long m_nMaxPacketSize = 0; void checkWAP(ServiceRecord[] records) { for(int i=0; i < records.length; i++) { //Search through all service records to find the //valid non-Wi-Fi and non-MMS //WAP 2.0 Gateway Service Record. if (records[i].isValid() && !records[i].isDisabled()) { if (records[i].getUid() != null && records[i].getUid().length() != 0) { if ((records[i].getUid().toLowerCase().indexOf("wifi") == -1) && (records[i].getUid().toLowerCase().indexOf("mms") == -1)) { URLsuffix = ";ConnectionUID=" + records[i].getUid()+";connectionhandler=none;deviceside=true"; networkConfigured = true; LOG.INFO("Found WAP2 provider. Suffix: " + URLsuffix); break; } } } } } public void configure() { networkConfigured = false; bes = false; URLsuffix = ""; WIFIsuffix = ""; String strDeviceside = ";deviceside=true"; if ( com.rho.RhoConf.getInstance().getInt("no_deviceside_postfix") == 1 ) strDeviceside = ""; if (DeviceInfo.isSimulator()) { URLsuffix = strDeviceside; WIFIsuffix = ";interface=wifi"; networkConfigured = true; }else { ServiceBook sb = ServiceBook.getSB(); if (sb != null) { ServiceRecord[] wifis = sb.findRecordsByCid("WPTCP"); for ( int i = 0; i < wifis.length; i++ ){ if (/*srs[i].isDisabled() ||*/ !wifis[i].isValid()) continue; WIFIsuffix = ";interface=wifi";// + strDeviceside; //";deviceside=true;ConnectionUID=" + //wifis[i].getUid(); LOG.TRACE("WIFI :" + WIFIsuffix ); break; } checkWAP(wifis); ServiceRecord[] srs = sb.getRecords(); // search for BIS-B transport for (int i = 0; i < srs.length; i++) { if (srs[i].isDisabled() || !srs[i].isValid()) continue; if (srs[i].getCid().equals("IPPP") && srs[i].getName().equals("IPPP for BIBS")) { LOG.INFO("SRS: CID: " + srs[i].getCid() + " NAME: " + srs[i].getName()); URLsuffix = ";deviceside=false;ConnectionType=mds-public"; networkConfigured = true; break; } } // search for BES transport for (int i = 0; i < srs.length; i++) { LOG.INFO("SB: " + srs[i].getName() + ";UID: " + srs[i].getUid() + ";CID: " + srs[i].getCid() + ";APN: " + srs[i].getAPN() + ";Descr: " + srs[i].getDataSourceId() + ";Valid: " + (srs[i].isValid() ? "true" : "false") + ";Disabled: "+ (srs[i].isDisabled()? "true" : "false") ); if (srs[i].isDisabled() || !srs[i].isValid()) continue; if (srs[i].getCid().equals("IPPP") && srs[i].getName().equals("Desktop")) { URLsuffix = ""; networkConfigured = true; bes = true; break; } } } } String strConfPostfix = com.rho.RhoConf.getInstance().getString("bb_connection_postfix"); if ( strConfPostfix != null && strConfPostfix.length() > 0 ) { URLsuffix = strConfPostfix; networkConfigured = true; }else if (networkConfigured == false) { URLsuffix = strDeviceside;//";deviceside=true"; networkConfigured = true; } LOG.INFO("Postfix: " + URLsuffix + ";Wifi: " + WIFIsuffix); } /*public IHttpConnection doLocalRequest(String strUrl, String strBody) { HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); headers.addProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); HttpConnection http = Utilities.makeConnection(strUrl, headers, strBody.getBytes()); // RhodesApplication.getInstance().postUrl(strUrl, strBody, headers); return new BBHttpConnection(http); }*/ public long getMaxPacketSize() { if ( WIFIsuffix != null && isWifiActive() ) return 0; m_nMaxPacketSize = RhoConf.getInstance().getInt("bb_net_maxpacketsize_kb")*1024; if ( (/*DeviceInfo.isSimulator() ||*/ URLsuffix.indexOf(";deviceside=true") < 0) && m_nMaxPacketSize == 0 ) { //avoid 403 error on BES/BIS // m_nMaxPacketSize = 1024*250; } return m_nMaxPacketSize; } public boolean isWifiActive() { return BBVersionSpecific.isWifiActive(); } public IHttpConnection connect(String url, boolean ignoreSuffixOnSim) throws IOException { if ( RhodesApp.getInstance().isRhodesAppUrl(url) ) { URI uri = new URI(url); return new RhoConnection(uri); } int fragment = url.indexOf('#'); if (-1 != fragment) { url = url.substring(0, fragment); } boolean ignoreSuffix = !URI.isLocalHost(url) && ignoreSuffixOnSim && DeviceInfo.isSimulator(); HttpConnection http = (HttpConnection)baseConnect(url, ignoreSuffix ); return new BBHttpConnection(http); } public SocketConnection socketConnect(String strHost, int nPort) throws IOException { return socketConnect("socket", strHost, nPort); } public SocketConnection socketConnect(String proto, String strHost, int nPort) throws IOException { boolean ignoreSuffix = DeviceInfo.isSimulator();// && proto.equals("ssl") && //URLsuffix.indexOf("deviceside=true") != -1; String strUrl = proto + "://" + strHost + ":" + Integer.toString(nPort); return (SocketConnection)baseConnect(strUrl, ignoreSuffix); } void setConnectionTimeout(Connection conn, int nTimeOutMS)throws { Version.SoftVersion ver = Version.getSoftVersion(); if ( ver.nMajor < 6 ) { SocketConnectionEnhanced sce = (SocketConnectionEnhanced) conn; short sceOption = SocketConnectionEnhanced.READ_TIMEOUT; sce.setSocketOptionEx(sceOption, nTimeOutMS); } } private Connection doConnect(String urlArg, boolean bThrowIOException) throws IOException { Connection conn = null; try { String url = new String(urlArg); if (url.startsWith("https")) url += ";EndToEndDesired;RdHTTPS"; int nTimeoutMS = RhoConf.getInstance().getInt("net_timeout")*1000; if (nTimeoutMS == 0) nTimeoutMS = 30000; //30 sec by default if ( url.indexOf(";deviceside=true") == 0 && nTimeoutMS > 0 ) url += ";ConnectionTimeout=" + nTimeoutMS; LOG.INFO("Connect to url: " + url); conn =, Connector.READ_WRITE, true); if ( url.indexOf(";deviceside=true") >= 0 && nTimeoutMS > 0 ) setConnectionTimeout(conn, nTimeoutMS); } catch ( ioe) { LOG.ERROR(" InterruptedIOException", ioe ); if (conn != null) conn.close(); conn = null; throw ioe; } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.ERROR(" exception", ioe ); String strMsg = ioe.getMessage(); boolean bTimeout = strMsg != null && (strMsg.indexOf("timed out") >= 0 || strMsg.indexOf("Timed out") >= 0); boolean bDNS = strMsg != null && (strMsg.equalsIgnoreCase("Error trying to resolve") || strMsg.indexOf("DNS") >= 0); if ( bTimeout || bDNS || bThrowIOException ) { if (conn != null) conn.close(); conn = null; throw ioe; } }catch(Exception exc) { throw new IOException("Could not open network connection."); } return conn; } public Connection baseConnect(String strUrl, boolean ignoreSuffix) throws IOException { Connection conn = null; //Try wifi first if ( WIFIsuffix != null && isWifiActive() ) { conn = doConnect(strUrl + WIFIsuffix + (URLsuffix.startsWith(";ConnectionUID=")? "":URLsuffix), false); //if ( conn == null ) // conn = doConnect(strUrl + WIFIsuffix, false); } if ( conn == null ) { if ( isNetworkAvailable() ) { conn = doConnect(strUrl + URLsuffix, true); //if ( conn == null && URLsuffix != null && URLsuffix.length() > 0 ) // conn = doConnect(strUrl, true); }else throw new IOException("No network coverage."); } return conn; } public void close() { } public boolean isNetworkAvailable() { if (!(RadioInfo.getState() == RadioInfo.STATE_ON)) return false; if ((RadioInfo.getNetworkService() & RadioInfo.NETWORK_SERVICE_DATA) == 0) return false; //if (bes) // return true; //if (URLsuffix == null) // return false; //return networkConfigured; return true; } }