require 'git_tracker/commit_message' require 'commit_message_helper' describe GitTracker::CommitMessage do include CommitMessageHelper subject { } let(:file) { "COMMIT_EDITMSG" } it "requires path to the temporary commit message file" do -> { }.should raise_error ArgumentError end describe "#mentions_story?" do def stub_commit_message(story_text) File.stub(:read).with(file) { example_commit_message(story_text) } end context "commit message contains the special Pivotal Tracker story syntax" do it "allows just the number" do stub_commit_message("[#8675309]") subject.should be_mentions_story("8675309") end it "allows multiple numbers" do stub_commit_message("[#99 #777 #8675309 #111222]") subject.should be_mentions_story("99") subject.should be_mentions_story("777") subject.should be_mentions_story("8675309") subject.should be_mentions_story("111222") end it "allows state change before number" do stub_commit_message("[Fixes #8675309]") subject.should be_mentions_story("8675309") end it "allows state change after the number" do stub_commit_message("[#8675309 Delivered]") subject.should be_mentions_story("8675309") end it "allows surrounding text" do stub_commit_message("derp de #herp [Fixes #8675309] de herp-ity derp") subject.should be_mentions_story("8675309") end end context "commit message doesn't contain the special Pivotal Tracker story syntax" do it "requires brackets" do stub_commit_message("#8675309") subject.should_not be_mentions_story("8675309") end it "requires a pound sign" do stub_commit_message("[8675309]") subject.should_not be_mentions_story("8675309") end it "doesn't allow the bare number" do stub_commit_message("8675309") subject.should_not be_mentions_story("8675309") end it "doesn't allow multiple state changes" do stub_commit_message("[Fixes Deploys #8675309]") subject.should_not be_mentions_story("8675309") end it "doesn't allow comments" do stub_commit_message("#[#8675309]") subject.should_not be_mentions_story("8675309") end end end describe "#append" do let(:fake_file) { } before do File.stub(:open).and_yield(fake_file) end def stub_original_commit_message(message) File.stub(:read) { message } end it "handles no existing message" do stub_original_commit_message("\n\n# some other comments\n") subject.append("[#8675309]") fake_file.content.should == <<-COMMIT_MESSAGE [#8675309] # some other comments COMMIT_MESSAGE end it "preserves existing messages" do stub_original_commit_message("A first line\n\nWith more here\n# other comments\n") subject.append("[#8675309]") fake_file.content.should == <<-COMMIT_MESSAGE A first line With more here [#8675309] # other comments COMMIT_MESSAGE end it "preserves line breaks in comments" do stub_original_commit_message("# comment #1\n# comment B\n# comment III") subject.append("[#8675309]") fake_file.content.should == <<-COMMIT_MESSAGE [#8675309] # comment #1 # comment B # comment III COMMIT_MESSAGE end end end