= Cells View Components for Rails. == Overview Say you're writing a Rails online shop - the shopping cart is reappearing again and again in every view. You're thinking about a clean solution for that part. A mixture of controller code, before-filters, partials and helpers? No. That sucks. Take Cells. Cells are View Components for Rails. They look and feel like controllers. They don't have no +DoubleRenderError+. They can be rendered everywhere in your controllers or views. They are cacheable, testable, fast and wonderful. They bring back OOP to your view and improve your software design. And the best: You can have as many cells in your page as you need! == Installation It's a gem! Rails 3.x: gem install cells Rails 2.3: gem install cells -v 3.3.5 == Generate Creating a cell is nothing more than $ rails generate cell ShoppingCart display -e haml create app/cells/ create app/cells/shopping_cart create app/cells/shopping_cart_cell.rb create app/cells/shopping_cart/display.html.haml create test/cells/shopping_cart_test.rb That looks very familiar. == Render the cell Now, render your cart. Why not put it in layouts/application.html.erb for now?