# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. autoload :Hpricot, 'hpricot' module Buildr #:nodoc: # Search best artifact version from remote repositories module ArtifactSearch extend self def include(method = nil) (@includes ||= []).tap { push method if method } end def exclude(method = nil) (@excludes ||= []).tap { push method if method } end # TODO: return the url for best matching repo def best_version(spec, *methods) spec = Artifact.to_hash(spec) spec[:version] = requirement = VersionRequirement.create(spec[:version]) select = lambda do |candidates| candidates.find { |candidate| requirement.satisfied_by?(candidate) } end result = nil methods = search_methods if methods.empty? if requirement.composed? until result || methods.empty? method = methods.shift type = method.keys.first from = method[type] if (include.empty? || !(include & [:all, type, from]).empty?) && (exclude & [:all, type, from]).empty? if from.respond_to?(:call) versions = from.call(spec.dup) else versions = send("#{type}_versions", spec.dup, *from) end result = select[versions] end end end result ||= requirement.default raise "Could not find #{Artifact.to_spec(spec)}" + "\n You may need to use an specific version instead of a requirement" unless result spec.merge :version => result end def requirement?(spec) VersionRequirement.requirement?(spec[:version]) end private def search_methods [].tap do push :runtime => [Artifact.list] push :local => Buildr.repositories.local Buildr.repositories.remote.each { |remote| push :remote => remote } push :mvnrepository => [] end end def depend_version(spec) spec[:version][/[\w\.]+/] end def runtime_versions(spec, artifacts) spec_classif = spec.values_at(:group, :id, :type) artifacts.inject([]) do |in_memory, str| candidate = Artifact.to_hash(str) if spec_classif == candidate.values_at(:group, :id, :type) in_memory << candidate[:version] end in_memory end end def local_versions(spec, repo) path = (spec[:group].split(/\./) + [spec[:id]]).flatten.join('/') Dir[File.expand_path(path + "/*", repo)].map { |d| d.pathmap("%f") }.sort.reverse end def remote_versions(art, base, from = :metadata, fallback = true) path = (art[:group].split(/\./) + [art[:id]]).flatten.join('/') base ||= "http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/pub/mirrors/maven2" uris = {:metadata => "#{base}/#{path}/maven-metadata.xml"} uris[:listing] = "#{base}/#{path}/" if base =~ /^https?:/ xml = nil until xml || uris.empty? begin xml = URI.read(uris.delete(from)) rescue URI::NotFoundError => e from = fallback ? uris.keys.first : nil end end return [] unless xml doc = Hpricot(xml) case from when :metadata then doc.search("versions/version").map(&:innerHTML).reverse when :listing then doc.search("a[@href]").inject([]) { |vers, a| vers << a.innerHTML.chop if a.innerHTML[-1..-1] == '/' vers }.sort.reverse else fail "Don't know how to parse #{from}: \n#{xml.inspect}" end end def mvnrepository_versions(art) uri = "http://www.mvnrepository.com/artifact/#{art[:group]}/#{art[:id]}" xml = begin URI.read(uri) rescue URI::NotFoundError => e puts e.class, e return [] end doc = Hpricot(xml) doc.search("table.grid/tr/td[1]/a").map(&:innerHTML) end end # ArtifactSearch end