require 'sym' require 'sym/data' require 'sym/cipher_handler' require 'openssl' module Sym module Extensions # This is the module that is really included in your class # when you include +Sym+. # # The module provides easy access to the encryption configuration # via the +#encryption_config+ method, as well as two key # methods: +#encr+ and +#decr+. # # Methods +#encr_password+ and +#decr_password+ provide a good # example of how this module can be extended to provide more uses # of various ciphers, by calling into the private +_encr+ and +_decr+ # methods.f module InstanceMethods include Sym::Data include Sym::CipherHandler def encryption_config Sym::Configuration.config end # Expects key to be a base64 encoded key def encr(data, key, iv = nil) raise Sym::Errors::NoPrivateKeyFound if key.nil? _encr(data, encryption_config.data_cipher, iv) do |cipher_struct| cipher_struct.cipher.key = decode_key(key) end end # Expects key to be a base64 encoded key def decr(encrypted_data, key, iv = nil) raise Sym::Errors::NoPrivateKeyFound if key.nil? _decr(encrypted_data, encryption_config.data_cipher, iv) do |cipher_struct| cipher_struct.cipher.key = decode_key(key) end end def encr_password(data, password, iv = nil) _encr(data, encryption_config.password_cipher, iv) do |cipher_struct| key, salt = _key_from_password(cipher_struct.cipher, password) cipher_struct.cipher.key = key cipher_struct.salt = salt end end def decr_password(encrypted_data, password, iv = nil) _decr(encrypted_data, encryption_config.password_cipher, iv) do |cipher_struct| key, = _key_from_password(cipher_struct.cipher, password, cipher_struct.salt) cipher_struct.cipher.key = key end end private def decode_key(encoded_key) Base64.urlsafe_decode64(encoded_key) rescue encoded_key end def _key_from_password(cipher, password, salt = nil) key_len = cipher.key_len salt ||= OpenSSL::Random.random_bytes 16 iter = 20000 digest = key = OpenSSL::PKCS5.pbkdf2_hmac(password, salt, iter, key_len, digest) return key, salt end # Expects key to be a base64 encoded key data def _encr(data, cipher_name, iv = nil, &block) data, compression_enabled = encode_incoming_data(data) cipher_struct = create_cipher(direction: :encrypt, cipher_name: cipher_name, iv: iv) yield cipher_struct if block_given? encrypted_data = update_cipher(cipher_struct.cipher, data) wrapper_struct = encrypted_data: encrypted_data, iv: cipher_struct.iv, cipher_name:, salt: cipher_struct.salt, compress: !compression_enabled) encode(wrapper_struct, false) end # Expects key to be a base64 encoded key data def _decr(encoded_data, cipher_name, iv = nil, &block) wrapper_struct = decode(encoded_data) cipher_struct = create_cipher(cipher_name: cipher_name, iv: wrapper_struct.iv, direction: :decrypt, salt: wrapper_struct.salt) yield cipher_struct if block_given? decode(update_cipher(cipher_struct.cipher, wrapper_struct.encrypted_data)) end def encode_incoming_data(data) compression_enabled = !data.respond_to?(:size) || (data.size > 100 && encryption_config.compression_enabled) data = encode(data, compression_enabled) [data, compression_enabled] end end end end