h1. Gigantron: Processor of Data

h1. → 'gigantron'

h2. What

Gigantron is a simple framework for the creation and organization of
data processing projects. Data-processing transforms are created as Rake tasks
and data is handled through DataMapper models.

Ruby is great for exploratory data processing.  Data processing projects tend 
to grow up and encompass large numbers of random scripts and input files.  It 
is easy to get lost in coding and lose organization.  Gigantron is an attempt 
to use code generation and random magic to make maintaining organized DP 
projects simple.  Code is separated into data (models) and operations on the 
data (tasks).  Code generators stub out these files and the associated tests 
for the user.

Gigantron was written for my own needs working with atmospheric data and will
evolve through use to reduce the trivialities that can sometimes dominate the
work of developers.

h2. Installing

<pre syntax="ruby">sudo gem install gigantron</pre>

h2. The basics

# Generate new project
shell> $ gigantron project
      create  tasks
      create  db
      create  models
      create  lib
      create  test
      create  Rakefile
      create  database.yml
      create  initialize.rb
      create  tasks/import.rake
      create  test/test_helper.rb
      create  test/models
      create  test/tasks
      create  test/tasks/test_import.rb
  dependency  install_rubigen_scripts
      create    script
      create    script/generate
      create    script/destroy
shell> $ cd project
# Create new model
shell> $ script/generate model modis
      exists  models/
      create  models/modis.rb
      exists  test/
      exists  test/models/
      create  test/models/test_modis.rb
shell> $ script/generate task modis_to_kml
      exists  tasks/
      create  tasks/modis_to_kml.rake
      exists  test/
      exists  test/tasks/
      create  test/tasks/test_modis_to_kml.rb

One can edit these files to add functionality.  Gigantron by default includes
ActiveSupport for convenience.

h2. How to submit patches

* github: "http://github.com/schleyfox/gigantron/tree/master":http://github.com/schleyfox/gigantron/tree/master

<pre>git clone git://github.com/schleyfox/gigantron.git</pre>

h3. Build and test instructions

<pre>cd gigantron
rake test
rake install_gem</pre>

h2. License

This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license. 

h2. Contact

Comments are welcome. Send an email to "Ben Hughes":mailto:ben@pixelmachine.org