require "rorvswild/version" module RorVsWild def*args)*args) # Compatibility with 0.0.1 end class Client def self.default_config { api_url: "", sql_threshold: 500 } end attr_reader :api_url, :api_key, :app_id, :sql_threshold, :error, :request def initialize(config) config = self.class.default_config.merge(config) @sql_threshold = config[:sql_threshold] @api_url = config[:api_url] @api_key = config[:api_key] @app_id = config[:app_id] setup_callbacks end def setup_callbacks ApplicationController.rescue_from(StandardError, &method(:after_exception)) ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("sql.active_record", &method(:after_sql_query)) ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("render_template.action_view", &method(:after_view_rendering)) ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("process_action.action_controller", &method(:after_http_request)) ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("start_processing.action_controller", &method(:before_http_request)) end def before_http_request(name, start, finish, id, payload) @request = {controller: payload[:controller], action: payload[:action], path: payload[:path]} @queries = [] @views = [] @error = nil end def after_http_request(name, start, finish, id, payload) request[:db_runtime] = (payload[:db_runtime] || 0).round request[:view_runtime] = (payload[:view_runtime] || 0).round request[:other_runtime] = compute_duration(start, finish) - request[:db_runtime] - request[:view_runtime] request[:params] = params_filter.filter(payload[:params]) if error { post_request } rescue => exception log_error(exception) end def after_sql_query(name, start, finish, id, payload) return if !queries || payload[:name] == "EXPLAIN".freeze runtime, sql, plan = compute_duration(start, finish), nil, nil file, line, method = extract_file_and_line_from_call_stack(caller) if !file # I have no idea of the origin of the query, so at least we log the SQL. file, line, method = ["Unknow", 0, "Unknow"] sql = payload[:sql] end plan = explain(sql = payload[:sql], payload[:binds]) if runtime > sql_threshold queries << {file: file, line: line, sql: sql, plan: plan, runtime: runtime} rescue => exception log_error(exception) end def after_view_rendering(name, start, finish, id, payload) views << {file: relative_path(payload[:identifier]), runtime: compute_duration(start, finish)} if views end def after_exception(exception) file, line = exception.backtrace.first.split(":") @error = { exception: exception.class.to_s, backtrace: exception.backtrace, message: exception.message, file: relative_path(file), line: line.to_i } raise exception end ####################### ### Private methods ### ####################### private def queries @queries end def views @views end def slowest_views views.sort { |h1, h2| h2[:runtime] <=> h1[:runtime] }[0, 25] end def slowest_queries queries.sort { |h1, h2| h2[:runtime] <=> h1[:runtime] }[0, 25] end def explain(sql, binds) rows = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query("EXPLAIN " + sql, "EXPLAIN", binds) { |row| row["QUERY PLAN"] }.join("\n") rescue => ex end def post_request post("/requests", request: request.merge(queries: slowest_queries, views: slowest_views, error: error)) rescue => exception log_error(exception) end def extract_file_and_line_from_call_stack(stack) location = stack.find { |str| str.include?(Rails.root.to_s) } || stack.find { |str| !str.include?("/active_support/notifications/") } # Origin of the call comes from a gem probably return unless location # Ok I have no idea file, line, method = location.split(":") file.sub!(Rails.root.to_s, "") method.sub!("block in ", "") method.sub!("in `", "") method.sub!("'", "") [file, line, method] end def compute_duration(start, finish) ((finish - start) * 1000).round end def relative_path(path) path.sub(Rails.root.to_s, "") end def post(path, data) uri = URI(api_url + path) Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) do |http| post = post.content_type = "application/json" post.basic_auth(app_id, api_key) post.body = data.to_json http.request(post) end end def params_filter @params_filter ||= end def logger Rails.logger end def log_error(exception) logger.error("[RorVsWild] " + exception.inspect) logger.error("[RorVsWild] " + exception.backtrace.join("\n[RorVsWild] ")) end end end