require 'spec_helper' describe SolidusBraintree::ConfigurationsController, type: :controller do routes { SolidusBraintree::Engine.routes } let!(:store_1) { create :store } let!(:store_2) { create :store } stub_authorization! describe "GET #list" do subject { get :list } it "assigns all store's configurations as @configurations" do subject expect(assigns(:configurations)). to eq [store_1.braintree_configuration, store_2.braintree_configuration] end it "renders the correct view" do expect(subject).to render_template :list end end describe "POST #update" do subject { post :update, params: configurations_params } let(:paypal_button_color) { 'blue' } let(:configurations_params) do { configurations: { configuration_fields: { => { paypal: true, apple_pay: true }, => { paypal: true, apple_pay: false, preferred_paypal_button_color: paypal_button_color } } } } end context "with valid parameters" do it "updates the configuration" do expect { subject }.to change { store_1.braintree_configuration.reload.paypal }. from(false).to(true) end it "displays a success message to the user" do subject expect(flash[:success]).to eq "Successfully updated Braintree configurations." end it "displays all configurations" do expect(subject).to redirect_to action: :list end end context "with invalid parameters" do let(:paypal_button_color) { 'invalid-color' } it "displays an error message to the user" do subject expect(flash[:error]).to eq "An error occurred while updating Braintree configurations." end it "returns the user to the edit page" do expect(subject).to redirect_to action: :list end end end end