John always found it easier to push people away than to socialize with them. He preferred being alone and working on his projects than wasting time on meaningless conversations. As a result, his social relations worsened day by day, and he didn't care. John wasn't always like this. He used to love making new friends and hanging out with them, but as he grew up, he realized that he didn't have much in common with them. Moreover, he found that he was more productive when he was alone. Despite his worsening social relations, John didn't regret not caring about them. He knew that he was doing what was best for him, and that was all that mattered. He didn't need people in his life to be successful, and he proved it. John had always been interested in architecture, and he spent most of his time learning the intricacies of building structures. He designed his own buildings, envisioned how they would look, and even created 3D models to show to others. Finally, John decided to take his passion for architecture to the next level. He started his own architectural firm and hired recruiters to find the best architects and designers to work for him. John was an excellent leader, and the people he hired respected him and believed in his vision. The first building that John's firm designed and built was a massive shopping mall, which became the talk of the town. People came from all over to see and shop at the mall, and John's name became synonymous with its success. Some people criticized John for his lack of social skills, but he didn't care. He knew that he had accomplished something major, and that was all that mattered. John became one of the biggest names in architecture, and he continued to create impressive buildings and landmarks that people admired. In the end, John's lack of interest in social relations never held him back. He continued to achieve greatness and inspired others to pursue their passions without worrying about what others thought. John didn't need people in his life to be happy, and he proved that it was possible to live a fulfilling life without them.