module Spree module Api class BaseController < ActionController::Metal include Spree::Api::ControllerSetup include ::ActionController::Head self.responder = Spree::Api::Responders::AppResponder attr_accessor :current_api_user before_filter :set_content_type before_filter :check_for_api_key, :if => :requires_authentication? before_filter :authenticate_user after_filter :set_jsonp_format rescue_from Exception, :with => :error_during_processing rescue_from CanCan::AccessDenied, :with => :unauthorized rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, :with => :not_found helper Spree::Api::ApiHelpers def set_jsonp_format if params[:callback] && request.get? self.response_body = "#{params[:callback]}(#{self.response_body})" headers["Content-Type"] = 'application/javascript' end end def map_nested_attributes_keys(klass, attributes) nested_keys = klass.nested_attributes_options.keys attributes.inject({}) do |h, (k,v)| key = nested_keys.include?(k.to_sym) ? "#{k}_attributes" : k h[key] = v h end.with_indifferent_access end private def set_content_type content_type = case params[:format] when "json" "application/json" when "xml" "text/xml" end headers["Content-Type"] = content_type end def check_for_api_key render "spree/api/errors/must_specify_api_key", :status => 401 and return if api_key.blank? end def authenticate_user if requires_authentication? || api_key.present? unless @current_api_user = Spree.user_class.find_by_spree_api_key(api_key) render "spree/api/errors/invalid_api_key", :status => 401 and return end else # Effectively, an anonymous user @current_api_user = end end def unauthorized render "spree/api/errors/unauthorized", :status => 401 and return end def error_during_processing(exception) render :text => { exception: exception.message }.to_json, :status => 422 and return end def requires_authentication? Spree::Api::Config[:requires_authentication] end def not_found render "spree/api/errors/not_found", :status => 404 and return end def current_ability end def invalid_resource!(resource) @resource = resource render "spree/api/errors/invalid_resource", :status => 422 end def api_key request.headers["X-Spree-Token"] || params[:token] end helper_method :api_key def find_product(id) begin product_scope.find_by_permalink!(id.to_s) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound product_scope.find(id) end end def product_scope if current_api_user.has_spree_role?("admin") scope = Product unless params[:show_deleted] scope = scope.not_deleted end else scope = end scope.includes(:master) end end end end