module Lockbox module CarrierWaveExtensions def encrypt(**options) class_eval do # uses same hook as process (before cache) # processing can be disabled, so better to keep separate before :cache, :encrypt define_singleton_method :lockbox_options do options end def encrypt(file) # safety check # see CarrierWave::Uploader::Cache#cache! raise Lockbox::Error, "Expected files to be equal. Please report an issue." unless file && @file && file == @file # processors in CarrierWave move updated file to current_path # however, this causes versions to use the processed file # we only want to change the file for the current version @file ="encrypt_file") { lockbox.encrypt_io(file) }) end # TODO safe to memoize? def read r = super lockbox_notify("decrypt_file") { lockbox.decrypt(r) } if r end # use size of plaintext since read and content type use plaintext def size read.bytesize end def content_type if >="2.2.1") # based on CarrierWave::SanitizedFile#marcel_magic_content_type Marcel::Magic.by_magic(read).try(:type) || "invalid/invalid" elsif CarrierWave::VERSION.to_i >= 2 # based on CarrierWave::SanitizedFile#mime_magic_content_type MimeMagic.by_magic(read).try(:type) || "invalid/invalid" else # uses filename super end end # disable processing since already processed def rotate_encryption! io = io.original_filename = file.filename previous_value = enable_processing begin self.enable_processing = false store!(io) ensure self.enable_processing = previous_value end end private define_method :lockbox do @lockbox ||= begin table = model ? model.class.table_name : "_uploader" attribute = lockbox_name Utils.build_box(self, options, table, attribute) end end # for mounted uploaders, use mounted name # for others, use uploader name def lockbox_name if mounted_as mounted_as.to_s else uploader = self while uploader.parent_version uploader = uploader.parent_version end\z/, "").underscore end end # Active Support notifications so it's easier # to see when files are encrypted and decrypted def lockbox_notify(type) if defined?(ActiveSupport::Notifications) name = lockbox_name # get version version, _ = parent_version && parent_version.versions.find { |k, v| v == self } name = "#{name} #{version} version" if version ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("#{type}.lockbox", {name: name}) do yield end else yield end end end end end end if CarrierWave::VERSION.to_i > 3 raise Lockbox::Error, "CarrierWave #{CarrierWave::VERSION} not supported in this version of Lockbox" elsif CarrierWave::VERSION.to_i < 1 raise Lockbox::Error, "CarrierWave #{CarrierWave::VERSION} not supported" end CarrierWave::Uploader::Base.extend(Lockbox::CarrierWaveExtensions)