// // Created by Davide D'Agostino on 2007-12-15. // Copyright 2009 Lipsiasoft s.r.l.. All rights reserved. // Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = '/images/ext/default/s.gif'; Ext.namespace('Backend'); Ext.namespace('Backend.util.Format'); Ext.Updater.defaults.loadScripts = false; Ext.Updater.defaults.showLoadIndicator = false; Ext.Updater.defaults.disableCaching = true; // How it works? // // Basically we can load (async) contents in 3 ways: // // * Loading a file .js (javascript) // * Loading a file .html (without extension are considered html) // * Updating directly the html of the page // // If we load a directly a js we put them a in the
// Consider that the head contains ONLY dynamic javascripts because the system one wose loaded after the loader mask in the . // We turn of Ext.Updater.defaults.loadScripts because we need to clean the cache (when required). // // So when we load a content we need to do two thing: // // * Clean the old html (loaded in the past ajax request) // * Clean the old