# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ~/_data/modules/defaults/banner.yml # Default configuration settings for BANNER lanes # # Product/Info: # https://jekyll.one # # Copyright (C) 2019 Juergen Adams # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # See: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/j1_template/blob/master/LICENSE # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Description (used for J1 CC only) # description: title: Banner scope: Default settings location: _data/modules/defaults/banner.yml # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Default settings # globals: data_path: /assets/data/banner/index.html # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # BANNER # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- banners: # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DIVIDER banner # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - name: Divider Banner banner: id: divider enabled: false type: divider_banner # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TEASER banner # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - name: Teaser Banner banner: id: teaser_banner enabled: false type: teaser_banner icon_family: MDI style: light background_color_1: md_gray_50 background_color_2: md_gray_50 lane_span: fixed helper_classes: mt-4 mb-4 boxes: - box: enabled: true width: 12 type: text animate: fadeInUp title: All You need for your New Amazing Site description: > Jekyll meets Bootstrap - and makes a lot of friends. J1 Template combines the best of open source software for the Web and the Web site generator Jekyll. J1 is Open Source and the modules packed as well - no pain for private or professional use. Explore this site to learn what's possible if you go the Jekyll Way.
tagline: > Create powerful modern Static Webs: Secure, Flexible and Fast. buttons: - button: text: Start class: btn-primary btn-raised btn-flex icon: rocket icon_color: md_white icon_size: lg href: /pages/public/start/kickstarter/web_in_a_day/intro/ - button: text: Download class: btn-primary btn-raised btn-flex icon: download icon_color: md_white icon_size: lg href: /pages/public/start/downloads/linux_starter/ - button: text: Become a Patron class: btn-danger btn-raised btn-flex icon: patreon icon_color: md_white icon_size: lg href: https://www.patreon.com/join/jekyll_one target: blank # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # IMAGE Banner # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - name: Image Banner banner: enabled: false id: image_banner type: image_banner background_color_1: md_gray_300 background_color_2: md_gray_50 lane_span: fluid helper_classes: mt-4 mb-4 boxes: - box: enabled: false gridify: false size_y: 450 darken: 1 background_image: /assets/images/master_header/ideas-start-here-1920x1200.png buttons: - button: text: Start class: btn-primary btn-raised btn-flex icon: rocket icon_color: md_white icon_size: lg href: /pages/public/start/kickstarter/web_in_a_day/intro/ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PARALLAX Banner # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - name: Parallax Banner banner: enabled: false id: parallax_banner type: parallax_banner style: dark background_color_1: md_gray_300 background_color_2: md_gray_50 lane_span: fluid helper_classes: mt-4 mb-4 boxes: - box: enabled: true type: quote cite_text: > Making is like Wanting,
but even Better cite: J1 Team text_color: rgba_lighten_900 cite_color: rgba_lighten gridify: true size_y: 300 darken: 7 background_image: /assets/images/quotes/people.png buttons: - button: text: Start class: btn-primary btn-raised btn-flex icon: rocket icon_color: md_white icon_size: lg href: /pages/public/start/kickstarter/web_in_a_day/intro/ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NEWS banner # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - name: News Banner banner: enabled: false id: news_banner type: news_banner style: light background_color_1: md_gray_300 background_color_2: md_gray_50 lane_span: fixed helper_classes: mt-4 mb-4 boxes: - box: enabled: true type: header title: Latest News - box: enabled: true type: preview title: category: featured - box: enabled: true type: recent_news title: More Articles category: featured max_posts: 5