#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/puppettest' require 'puppet' require 'puppettest' require 'mocha' require 'puppettest/support/resources' require 'puppettest/support/utils' class TestTransactions < Test::Unit::TestCase include PuppetTest::FileTesting include PuppetTest::Support::Resources include PuppetTest::Support::Utils class Fakeprop true) def finish $finished << self.name end end if block type.class_eval(&block) end cleanup do Puppet::Type.rmtype(:generator) end return type end # Create a new type that generates instances with shorter names. def mkreducer(&block) type = mkgenerator() do def eval_generate ret = [] if title.length > 1 ret << self.class.create(:title => title[0..-2]) else return nil end ret end end if block type.class_eval(&block) end return type end def test_reports path1 = tempfile() path2 = tempfile() objects = [] objects << Puppet::Type.newfile( :path => path1, :content => "yayness" ) objects << Puppet::Type.newfile( :path => path2, :content => "booness" ) trans = assert_events([:file_created, :file_created], *objects) report = nil assert_nothing_raised { report = trans.generate_report } # First test the report logs assert(report.logs.length > 0, "Did not get any report logs") report.logs.each do |obj| assert_instance_of(Puppet::Util::Log, obj) end # Then test the metrics metrics = report.metrics assert(metrics, "Did not get any metrics") assert(metrics.length > 0, "Did not get any metrics") assert(metrics.has_key?("resources"), "Did not get object metrics") assert(metrics.has_key?("changes"), "Did not get change metrics") metrics.each do |name, metric| assert_instance_of(Puppet::Util::Metric, metric) end end def test_prefetch # Create a type just for testing prefetch name = :prefetchtesting $prefetched = false type = Puppet::Type.newtype(name) do newparam(:name) {} end cleanup do Puppet::Type.rmtype(name) end # Now create a provider type.provide(:prefetch) do def self.prefetch(resources) $prefetched = resources end end # Now create an instance inst = type.create :name => "yay" # Create a transaction trans = Puppet::Transaction.new(mk_catalog(inst)) # Make sure prefetch works assert_nothing_raised do trans.prefetch end assert_equal({inst.title => inst}, $prefetched, "type prefetch was not called") # Now make sure it gets called from within evaluate() $prefetched = false assert_nothing_raised do trans.evaluate end assert_equal({inst.title => inst}, $prefetched, "evaluate did not call prefetch") end def test_refreshes_generate_events path = tempfile() firstpath = tempfile() secondpath = tempfile() file = Puppet::Type.newfile(:title => "file", :path => path, :content => "yayness") first = Puppet::Type.newexec(:title => "first", :command => "/bin/echo first > #{firstpath}", :subscribe => [:file, path], :refreshonly => true ) second = Puppet::Type.newexec(:title => "second", :command => "/bin/echo second > #{secondpath}", :subscribe => [:exec, "first"], :refreshonly => true ) assert_apply(file, first, second) assert(FileTest.exists?(secondpath), "Refresh did not generate an event") end unless %x{groups}.chomp.split(/ /).length > 1 $stderr.puts "You must be a member of more than one group to test transactions" else def ingroup(gid) require 'etc' begin group = Etc.getgrgid(gid) rescue => detail puts "Could not retrieve info for group %s: %s" % [gid, detail] return nil end return @groups.include?(group.name) end def setup super @groups = %x{groups}.chomp.split(/ /) unless @groups.length > 1 p @groups raise "You must be a member of more than one group to test this" end end def newfile(hash = {}) tmpfile = tempfile() File.open(tmpfile, "w") { |f| f.puts rand(100) } # XXX now, because os x apparently somehow allows me to make a file # owned by a group i'm not a member of, i have to verify that # the file i just created is owned by one of my groups # grrr unless ingroup(File.stat(tmpfile).gid) Puppet.info "Somehow created file in non-member group %s; fixing" % File.stat(tmpfile).gid require 'etc' firstgr = @groups[0] unless firstgr.is_a?(Integer) str = Etc.getgrnam(firstgr) firstgr = str.gid end File.chown(nil, firstgr, tmpfile) end hash[:name] = tmpfile assert_nothing_raised() { return Puppet.type(:file).create(hash) } end def newexec(file) assert_nothing_raised() { return Puppet.type(:exec).create( :name => "touch %s" % file, :path => "/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin", :returns => 0 ) } end # modify a file and then roll the modifications back def test_filerollback transaction = nil file = newfile() properties = {} check = [:group,:mode] file[:check] = check assert_nothing_raised() { file.retrieve } assert_nothing_raised() { check.each { |property| value = file.value(property) assert(value) properties[property] = value } } component = mk_catalog("file",file) require 'etc' groupname = Etc.getgrgid(File.stat(file.name).gid).name assert_nothing_raised() { # Find a group that it's not set to group = @groups.find { |group| group != groupname } unless group raise "Could not find suitable group" end file[:group] = group file[:mode] = "755" } trans = assert_events([:file_changed, :file_changed], component) file.retrieve assert_rollback_events(trans, [:file_changed, :file_changed], "file") assert_nothing_raised() { file.retrieve } properties.each { |property,value| assert_equal( value, file.value(property), "File %s remained %s" % [property, file.value(property)] ) } end # test that services are correctly restarted and that work is done # in the right order def test_refreshing transaction = nil file = newfile() execfile = File.join(tmpdir(), "exectestingness") exec = newexec(execfile) properties = {} check = [:group,:mode] file[:check] = check file[:group] = @groups[0] config = mk_catalog(file) config.apply @@tmpfiles << execfile # 'subscribe' expects an array of arrays exec[:subscribe] = [[file.class.name,file.name]] exec[:refreshonly] = true assert_nothing_raised() { file.retrieve exec.retrieve } check.each { |property| properties[property] = file.value(property) } assert_nothing_raised() { file[:mode] = "755" } # Make a new catalog so the resource relationships get # set up. config = mk_catalog(file, exec) trans = assert_events([:file_changed, :triggered], config) assert(FileTest.exists?(execfile), "Execfile does not exist") File.unlink(execfile) assert_nothing_raised() { file[:group] = @groups[1] } trans = assert_events([:file_changed, :triggered], config) assert(FileTest.exists?(execfile), "Execfile does not exist") end # Verify that one component requiring another causes the contained # resources in the requiring component to get refreshed. def test_refresh_across_two_components transaction = nil file = newfile() execfile = File.join(tmpdir(), "exectestingness2") @@tmpfiles << execfile exec = newexec(execfile) properties = {} check = [:group,:mode] file[:check] = check file[:group] = @groups[0] assert_apply(file) config = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new fcomp = Puppet::Type.type(:component).create(:name => "file") config.add_resource fcomp config.add_resource file config.add_edge(fcomp, file) ecomp = Puppet::Type.type(:component).create(:name => "exec") config.add_resource ecomp config.add_resource exec config.add_edge(ecomp, exec) # 'subscribe' expects an array of arrays #component[:require] = [[file.class.name,file.name]] ecomp[:subscribe] = fcomp exec[:refreshonly] = true trans = assert_events([], config) assert_nothing_raised() { file[:group] = @groups[1] file[:mode] = "755" } trans = assert_events([:file_changed, :file_changed, :triggered], config) end # Make sure that multiple subscriptions get triggered. def test_multisubs path = tempfile() file1 = tempfile() file2 = tempfile() file = Puppet.type(:file).create( :path => path, :ensure => "file" ) exec1 = Puppet.type(:exec).create( :path => ENV["PATH"], :command => "touch %s" % file1, :refreshonly => true, :subscribe => [:file, path] ) exec2 = Puppet.type(:exec).create( :path => ENV["PATH"], :command => "touch %s" % file2, :refreshonly => true, :subscribe => [:file, path] ) assert_apply(file, exec1, exec2) assert(FileTest.exists?(file1), "File 1 did not get created") assert(FileTest.exists?(file2), "File 2 did not get created") end # Make sure that a failed trigger doesn't result in other events not # getting triggered. def test_failedrefreshes path = tempfile() newfile = tempfile() file = Puppet.type(:file).create( :path => path, :ensure => "file" ) exec1 = Puppet.type(:exec).create( :path => ENV["PATH"], :command => "touch /this/cannot/possibly/exist", :logoutput => true, :refreshonly => true, :subscribe => file, :title => "one" ) exec2 = Puppet.type(:exec).create( :path => ENV["PATH"], :command => "touch %s" % newfile, :logoutput => true, :refreshonly => true, :subscribe => [file, exec1], :title => "two" ) assert_apply(file, exec1, exec2) assert(FileTest.exists?(newfile), "Refresh file did not get created") end # Make sure that unscheduled and untagged objects still respond to events def test_unscheduled_and_untagged_response Puppet::Type.type(:schedule).mkdefaultschedules Puppet[:ignoreschedules] = false file = Puppet.type(:file).create( :name => tempfile(), :ensure => "file", :backup => false ) fname = tempfile() exec = Puppet.type(:exec).create( :name => "touch %s" % fname, :path => "/usr/bin:/bin", :schedule => "monthly", :subscribe => ["file", file.name] ) config = mk_catalog(file, exec) # Run it once assert_apply(config) assert(FileTest.exists?(fname), "File did not get created") assert(!exec.scheduled?, "Exec is somehow scheduled") # Now remove it, so it can get created again File.unlink(fname) file[:content] = "some content" assert_events([:file_changed, :triggered], config) assert(FileTest.exists?(fname), "File did not get recreated") # Now remove it, so it can get created again File.unlink(fname) # And tag our exec exec.tag("testrun") # And our file, so it runs file.tag("norun") Puppet[:tags] = "norun" file[:content] = "totally different content" assert(! file.insync?(file.retrieve), "Uh, file is in sync?") assert_events([:file_changed, :triggered], config) assert(FileTest.exists?(fname), "File did not get recreated") end def test_failed_reqs_mean_no_run exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).create( :command => "/bin/mkdir /this/path/cannot/possibly/exit", :title => "mkdir" ) file1 = Puppet::Type.type(:file).create( :title => "file1", :path => tempfile(), :require => exec, :ensure => :file ) file2 = Puppet::Type.type(:file).create( :title => "file2", :path => tempfile(), :require => file1, :ensure => :file ) config = mk_catalog(exec, file1, file2) assert_apply(config) assert(! FileTest.exists?(file1[:path]), "File got created even tho its dependency failed") assert(! FileTest.exists?(file2[:path]), "File got created even tho its deep dependency failed") end end def test_relationship_graph config = mktree config.meta_def(:f) do |name| self.resource("File[%s]" % name) end {"one" => "two", "File[f]" => "File[c]", "File[h]" => "middle"}.each do |source_ref, target_ref| source = config.resource(source_ref) or raise "Missing %s" % source_ref target = config.resource(target_ref) or raise "Missing %s" % target_ref target[:require] = source end trans = Puppet::Transaction.new(config) graph = nil assert_nothing_raised do graph = trans.relationship_graph end assert_instance_of(Puppet::Node::Catalog, graph, "Did not get relationship graph") # Make sure all of the components are gone comps = graph.vertices.find_all { |v| v.is_a?(Puppet::Type::Component)} assert(comps.empty?, "Deps graph still contains components %s" % comps.collect { |c| c.ref }.join(",")) assert_equal([], comps, "Deps graph still contains components") # It must be reversed because of how topsort works sorted = graph.topsort.reverse # Now make sure the appropriate edges are there and are in the right order assert(graph.dependents(config.f(:f)).include?(config.f(:c)), "c not marked a dep of f") assert(sorted.index(config.f(:c)) < sorted.index(config.f(:f)), "c is not before f") config.resource("one").each do |o| config.resource("two").each do |t| assert(graph.dependents(o).include?(t), "%s not marked a dep of %s" % [t.ref, o.ref]) assert(sorted.index(t) < sorted.index(o), "%s is not before %s" % [t.ref, o.ref]) end end trans.catalog.leaves(config.resource("middle")).each do |child| assert(graph.dependents(config.f(:h)).include?(child), "%s not marked a dep of h" % [child.ref]) assert(sorted.index(child) < sorted.index(config.f(:h)), "%s is not before h" % child.ref) end # Lastly, make sure our 'g' vertex made it into the relationship # graph, since it's not involved in any relationships. assert(graph.vertex?(config.f(:g)), "Lost vertexes with no relations") # Now make the reversal graph and make sure all of the vertices made it into that reverse = graph.reversal %w{a b c d e f g h}.each do |letter| file = config.f(letter) assert(reverse.vertex?(file), "%s did not make it into reversal" % letter) end end # Test pre-evaluation generation def test_generate mkgenerator() do def generate ret = [] if title.length > 1 ret << self.class.create(:title => title[0..-2]) else return nil end ret end end yay = Puppet::Type.newgenerator :title => "yay" rah = Puppet::Type.newgenerator :title => "rah" config = mk_catalog(yay, rah) trans = Puppet::Transaction.new(config) assert_nothing_raised do trans.generate end %w{ya ra y r}.each do |name| assert(trans.catalog.vertex?(Puppet::Type.type(:generator)[name]), "Generated %s was not a vertex" % name) assert($finished.include?(name), "%s was not finished" % name) end # Now make sure that cleanup gets rid of those generated types. assert_nothing_raised do trans.cleanup end %w{ya ra y r}.each do |name| assert(!trans.catalog.vertex?(Puppet::Type.type(:generator)[name]), "Generated vertex %s was not removed from graph" % name) assert_nil(Puppet::Type.type(:generator)[name], "Generated vertex %s was not removed from class" % name) end end # Test mid-evaluation generation. def test_eval_generate $evaluated = [] cleanup { $evaluated = nil } type = mkreducer() do def evaluate $evaluated << self.title return [] end end yay = Puppet::Type.newgenerator :title => "yay" rah = Puppet::Type.newgenerator :title => "rah", :subscribe => yay config = mk_catalog(yay, rah) trans = Puppet::Transaction.new(config) trans.prepare # Now apply the resources, and make sure they appropriately generate # things. assert_nothing_raised("failed to apply yay") do trans.eval_resource(yay) end ya = type["ya"] assert(ya, "Did not generate ya") assert(trans.relationship_graph.vertex?(ya), "Did not add ya to rel_graph") # Now make sure the appropriate relationships were added assert(trans.relationship_graph.edge?(yay, ya), "parent was not required by child") assert(! trans.relationship_graph.edge?(ya, rah), "generated child ya inherited depencency on rah") # Now make sure it in turn eval_generates appropriately assert_nothing_raised("failed to apply yay") do trans.eval_resource(type["ya"]) end %w{y}.each do |name| res = type[name] assert(res, "Did not generate %s" % name) assert(trans.relationship_graph.vertex?(res), "Did not add %s to rel_graph" % name) assert($finished.include?("y"), "y was not finished") end assert_nothing_raised("failed to eval_generate with nil response") do trans.eval_resource(type["y"]) end assert(trans.relationship_graph.edge?(yay, ya), "no edge was created for ya => yay") assert_nothing_raised("failed to apply rah") do trans.eval_resource(rah) end ra = type["ra"] assert(ra, "Did not generate ra") assert(trans.relationship_graph.vertex?(ra), "Did not add ra to rel_graph" % name) assert($finished.include?("ra"), "y was not finished") # Now make sure this generated resource has the same relationships as # the generating resource assert(! trans.relationship_graph.edge?(yay, ra), "rah passed its dependencies on to its children") assert(! trans.relationship_graph.edge?(ya, ra), "children have a direct relationship") # Now make sure that cleanup gets rid of those generated types. assert_nothing_raised do trans.cleanup end %w{ya ra y r}.each do |name| assert(!trans.relationship_graph.vertex?(type[name]), "Generated vertex %s was not removed from graph" % name) assert_nil(type[name], "Generated vertex %s was not removed from class" % name) end # Now, start over and make sure that everything gets evaluated. trans = Puppet::Transaction.new(config) $evaluated.clear assert_nothing_raised do trans.evaluate end assert_equal(%w{yay ya y rah ra r}, $evaluated, "Not all resources were evaluated or not in the right order") end def test_ignore_tags? config = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new config.host_config = true transaction = Puppet::Transaction.new(config) assert(! transaction.ignore_tags?, "Ignoring tags when applying a host catalog") config.host_config = false transaction = Puppet::Transaction.new(config) assert(transaction.ignore_tags?, "Not ignoring tags when applying a non-host catalog") end def test_missing_tags? resource = stub 'resource', :tagged? => true config = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new # Mark it as a host config so we don't care which test is first config.host_config = true transaction = Puppet::Transaction.new(config) assert(! transaction.missing_tags?(resource), "Considered a resource to be missing tags when none are set") # host catalogs pay attention to tags, no one else does. Puppet[:tags] = "three,four" config.host_config = false transaction = Puppet::Transaction.new(config) assert(! transaction.missing_tags?(resource), "Considered a resource to be missing tags when not running a host catalog") # config.host_config = true transaction = Puppet::Transaction.new(config) assert(! transaction.missing_tags?(resource), "Considered a resource to be missing tags when running a host catalog and all tags are present") transaction = Puppet::Transaction.new(config) resource.stubs :tagged? => false assert(transaction.missing_tags?(resource), "Considered a resource not to be missing tags when running a host catalog and tags are missing") end # Make sure changes generated by eval_generated resources have proxies # set to the top-level resource. def test_proxy_resources type = mkreducer do def evaluate return Puppet::PropertyChange.new(Fakeprop.new( :path => :path, :is => :is, :should => :should, :name => self.name, :resource => "a parent"), :is) end end resource = type.create :name => "test" config = mk_catalog(resource) trans = Puppet::Transaction.new(config) trans.prepare assert_nothing_raised do trans.eval_resource(resource) end changes = trans.instance_variable_get("@changes") assert(changes.length > 0, "did not get any changes") changes.each do |change| assert_equal(resource, change.source, "change did not get proxy set correctly") end end # Make sure changes in contained files still generate callback events. def test_generated_callbacks dir = tempfile() maker = tempfile() Dir.mkdir(dir) file = File.join(dir, "file") File.open(file, "w") { |f| f.puts "" } File.chmod(0644, file) File.chmod(0755, dir) # So only the child file causes a change dirobj = Puppet::Type.type(:file).create :mode => "755", :recurse => true, :path => dir exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).create :title => "make", :command => "touch #{maker}", :path => ENV['PATH'], :refreshonly => true, :subscribe => dirobj assert_apply(dirobj, exec) assert(FileTest.exists?(maker), "Did not make callback file") end # Yay, this out to be fun. def test_trigger $triggered = [] cleanup { $triggered = nil } trigger = Class.new do attr_accessor :name include Puppet::Util::Logging def initialize(name) @name = name end def ref self.name end def refresh $triggered << self.name end def to_s self.name end end # Make a graph with some stuff in it. graph = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new # Add a non-triggering edge. a = trigger.new(:a) b = trigger.new(:b) c = trigger.new(:c) nope = Puppet::Relationship.new(a, b) yep = Puppet::Relationship.new(a, c, {:callback => :refresh}) graph.add_edge(nope) # And a triggering one. graph.add_edge(yep) # Create our transaction trans = Puppet::Transaction.new(graph) # Set the non-triggering on assert_nothing_raised do trans.set_trigger(nope) end assert(! trans.targeted?(b), "b is incorrectly targeted") # Now set the other assert_nothing_raised do trans.set_trigger(yep) end assert(trans.targeted?(c), "c is not targeted") # Now trigger our three resources assert_nothing_raised do assert_nil(trans.trigger(a), "a somehow triggered something") end assert_nothing_raised do assert_nil(trans.trigger(b), "b somehow triggered something") end assert_equal([], $triggered,"got something in triggered") result = nil assert_nothing_raised do result = trans.trigger(c) end assert(result, "c did not trigger anything") assert_instance_of(Array, result) event = result.shift assert_instance_of(Puppet::Event, event) assert_equal(:triggered, event.event, "event was not set correctly") assert_equal(c, event.source, "source was not set correctly") assert_equal(trans, event.transaction, "transaction was not set correctly") assert(trans.triggered?(c, :refresh), "Transaction did not store the trigger") end def test_set_target file = Puppet::Type.newfile(:path => tempfile(), :content => "yay") exec1 = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).create :command => "/bin/echo exec1" exec2 = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).create :command => "/bin/echo exec2" trans = Puppet::Transaction.new(mk_catalog(file, exec1, exec2)) # First try it with an edge that has no callback edge = Puppet::Relationship.new(file, exec1) assert_nothing_raised { trans.set_trigger(edge) } assert(! trans.targeted?(exec1), "edge with no callback resulted in a target") # Now with an edge that has an unsupported callback edge = Puppet::Relationship.new(file, exec1, :callback => :nosuchmethod, :event => :ALL_EVENTS) assert_nothing_raised { trans.set_trigger(edge) } assert(! trans.targeted?(exec1), "edge with invalid callback resulted in a target") # Lastly, with an edge with a supported callback edge = Puppet::Relationship.new(file, exec1, :callback => :refresh, :event => :ALL_EVENTS) assert_nothing_raised { trans.set_trigger(edge) } assert(trans.targeted?(exec1), "edge with valid callback did not result in a target") end # Testing #401 -- transactions are calling refresh() on classes that don't support it. def test_callback_availability $called = [] klass = Puppet::Type.newtype(:norefresh) do newparam(:name, :namevar => true) {} def method_missing(method, *args) $called << method end end cleanup do $called = nil Puppet::Type.rmtype(:norefresh) end file = Puppet::Type.newfile :path => tempfile(), :content => "yay" one = klass.create :name => "one", :subscribe => file assert_apply(file, one) assert(! $called.include?(:refresh), "Called refresh when it wasn't set as a method") end # Testing #437 - cyclic graphs should throw failures. def test_fail_on_cycle one = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).create(:name => "/bin/echo one") two = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).create(:name => "/bin/echo two") one[:require] = two two[:require] = one config = mk_catalog(one, two) trans = Puppet::Transaction.new(config) assert_raise(Puppet::Error) do trans.prepare end end def test_errors_during_generation type = Puppet::Type.newtype(:failer) do newparam(:name) {} def eval_generate raise ArgumentError, "Invalid value" end def generate raise ArgumentError, "Invalid value" end end cleanup { Puppet::Type.rmtype(:failer) } obj = type.create(:name => "testing") assert_apply(obj) end def test_self_refresh_causes_triggering type = Puppet::Type.newtype(:refresher, :self_refresh => true) do attr_accessor :refreshed, :testing newparam(:name) {} newproperty(:testing) do def sync self.is = self.should :ran_testing end end def refresh @refreshed = true end end cleanup { Puppet::Type.rmtype(:refresher)} obj = type.create(:name => "yay", :testing => "cool") assert(! obj.insync?(obj.retrieve), "fake object is already in sync") # Now make sure it gets refreshed when the change happens assert_apply(obj) assert(obj.refreshed, "object was not refreshed during transaction") end # Testing #433 def test_explicit_dependencies_beat_automatic # Create a couple of different resource sets that have automatic relationships and make sure the manual relationships win rels = {} # First users and groups group = Puppet::Type.type(:group).create(:name => nonrootgroup.name, :ensure => :present) user = Puppet::Type.type(:user).create(:name => nonrootuser.name, :ensure => :present, :gid => group.title) # Now add the explicit relationship group[:require] = user rels[group] = user # Now files d = tempfile() f = File.join(d, "file") file = Puppet::Type.newfile(:path => f, :content => "yay") dir = Puppet::Type.newfile(:path => d, :ensure => :directory, :require => file) rels[dir] = file rels.each do |after, before| config = mk_catalog(before, after) trans = Puppet::Transaction.new(config) str = "from %s to %s" % [before, after] assert_nothing_raised("Failed to create graph %s" % str) do trans.prepare end graph = trans.relationship_graph assert(graph.edge?(before, after), "did not create manual relationship %s" % str) assert(! graph.edge?(after, before), "created automatic relationship %s" % str) end end # #542 - make sure resources in noop mode still notify their resources, # so that users know if a service will get restarted. def test_noop_with_notify path = tempfile epath = tempfile spath = tempfile file = Puppet::Type.newfile(:path => path, :ensure => :file, :title => "file") exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).create(:command => "touch %s" % epath, :path => ENV["PATH"], :subscribe => file, :refreshonly => true, :title => 'exec1') exec2 = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).create(:command => "touch %s" % spath, :path => ENV["PATH"], :subscribe => exec, :refreshonly => true, :title => 'exec2') Puppet[:noop] = true assert(file.noop, "file not in noop") assert(exec.noop, "exec not in noop") @logs.clear assert_apply(file, exec, exec2) assert(! FileTest.exists?(path), "Created file in noop") assert(! FileTest.exists?(epath), "Executed exec in noop") assert(! FileTest.exists?(spath), "Executed second exec in noop") assert(@logs.detect { |l| l.message =~ /should be/ and l.source == file.property(:ensure).path}, "did not log file change") assert(@logs.detect { |l| l.message =~ /Would have/ and l.source == exec.path }, "did not log first exec trigger") assert(@logs.detect { |l| l.message =~ /Would have/ and l.source == exec2.path }, "did not log second exec trigger") end def test_only_stop_purging_with_relations files = [] paths = [] 3.times do |i| path = tempfile paths << path file = Puppet::Type.newfile(:path => path, :ensure => :absent, :backup => false, :title => "file%s" % i) File.open(path, "w") { |f| f.puts "" } files << file end files[0][:ensure] = :file files[0][:require] = files[1..2] # Mark the second as purging files[1].purging assert_apply(*files) assert(FileTest.exists?(paths[1]), "Deleted required purging file") assert(! FileTest.exists?(paths[2]), "Did not delete non-purged file") end def test_flush $state = "absent" $flushed = 0 type = Puppet::Type.newtype(:flushtest) do newparam(:name) newproperty(:ensure) do def retrieve $state end def set(value) $state = value :thing_changed end end def flush $flushed += 1 end end cleanup { Puppet::Type.rmtype(:flushtest) } obj = type.create(:name => "test", :ensure => "present") # first make sure it runs through and flushes assert_apply(obj) assert_equal("present", $state, "Object did not make a change") assert_equal(1, $flushed, "object was not flushed") # Now run a noop and make sure we don't flush obj[:ensure] = "other" obj[:noop] = true assert_apply(obj) assert_equal("present", $state, "Object made a change in noop") assert_equal(1, $flushed, "object was flushed in noop") end end