#!/usr/bin/env ruby # require 'delorean' require 'chronic' require 'active_support/time' require 'ice_cube' require 'flapjack/data/entity_check' require 'flapjack/data/event' if ENV['COVERAGE'] require 'simplecov' SimpleCov.start do add_filter '/features/' end end ENV["FLAPJACK_ENV"] = 'test' FLAPJACK_ENV = 'test' $: << File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'lib')) require 'pathname' require 'webmock/cucumber' WebMock.disable_net_connect! require 'flapjack/notifier' require 'flapjack/processor' require 'flapjack/patches' require 'resque_spec' class MockLogger attr_accessor :messages def initialize @messages = [] end %w(debug info warn error fatal).each do |level| class_eval <<-RUBY def #{level}(msg) @messages << msg end RUBY end end # poor man's stubbing class MockEmailer include EM::Deferrable end class RedisDelorean ExpireAsIfAtScript = <<EXPIRE_AS_IF_AT local keys = redis.call('keys', KEYS[1]) local current_time = tonumber(ARGV[1]) local expire_as_if_at = tonumber(ARGV[2]) local counter = 0 for i,k in ipairs(keys) do local key_ttl = redis.call('ttl', k) -- key does not have timeout if < 0 if ( (key_ttl >= 0) and ((current_time + key_ttl) <= expire_as_if_at) ) then redis.call('del', k) counter = counter + 1 end end return counter EXPIRE_AS_IF_AT def self.before_all(options = {}) redis = options[:redis] @expire_as_if_at_sha = redis.script(:load, ExpireAsIfAtScript) end def self.before_each(options = {}) @redis = options[:redis] end def self.time_travel_to(dest_time) # puts "travelling to #{Time.now.in_time_zone}, real time is #{Time.now_without_delorean.in_time_zone}" old_maybe_fake_time = Time.now.in_time_zone Delorean.time_travel_to(dest_time) # puts "travelled to #{Time.now.in_time_zone}, real time is #{Time.now_without_delorean.in_time_zone}" return if dest_time < old_maybe_fake_time # dumps the first offset -- we're not interested in time difference from # real, only with context to the fake frame of reference... # This may mean all scenarios using this code should have an initial # Given it is *datetime* # step offsets = Delorean.send(:time_travel_offsets).dup offsets.shift delta = -offsets.inject(0){ |sum, val| sum + val }.floor real_time = Time.now_without_delorean.to_i # puts "delta #{delta}, expire before real time #{Time.at(real_time + delta)}" result = @redis.evalsha(@expire_as_if_at_sha, ['*'], [real_time, real_time + delta]) # puts "Expired #{result} key#{(result == 1) ? '' : 's'}" end end redis_opts = { :db => 14, :driver => :ruby } redis = ::Redis.new(redis_opts) redis.flushdb RedisDelorean.before_all(:redis => redis) redis.quit # NB: this seems to execute outside the Before/After hooks # regardless of placement -- this is what we want, as the # @redis driver should be initialised in the sync block. Around do |scenario, blk| EM.synchrony do blk.call EM.stop end end Before do @logger = MockLogger.new end After do @logger.messages = [] end Before('@processor') do @processor = Flapjack::Processor.new(:logger => @logger, :redis_config => redis_opts, :config => {}) @redis = @processor.instance_variable_get('@redis') end After('@processor') do @redis.flushdb @redis.quit end Before('@notifier') do @notifier = Flapjack::Notifier.new(:logger => @logger, :redis_config => redis_opts, :config => {'email_queue' => 'email_notifications', 'sms_queue' => 'sms_notifications', 'default_contact_timezone' => 'America/New_York'}) @notifier_redis = @notifier.instance_variable_get('@redis') end After('@notifier') do @notifier_redis.flushdb @notifier_redis.quit end Before('@resque') do ResqueSpec.reset! @queues = {:email => 'email_queue'} end Before('@time') do RedisDelorean.before_each(:redis => @redis) end After('@time') do Delorean.back_to_the_present end