require 'pathname' module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues MODIFIED_FILES = :MODIFIED_FILES end class << self # Add an array of paths relative to the repo root or absolute paths that have been modified by # an action. # # :files: An array of paths relative to the repo root or absolute paths def add_modified_files(files) modified_files = lane_context[SharedValues::MODIFIED_FILES] || modified_files += files lane_context[SharedValues::MODIFIED_FILES] = modified_files end end # Commits the current changes in the repo as a version bump, checking to make sure only files which contain version information have been changed. class CommitVersionBumpAction < Action def require 'xcodeproj' require 'set' require 'shellwords' xcodeproj_path = params[:xcodeproj] ? File.expand_path(File.join('.', params[:xcodeproj])) : nil # find the repo root path repo_path ='git rev-parse --show-toplevel').strip repo_pathname = if xcodeproj_path # ensure that the xcodeproj passed in was OK UI.user_error!("Could not find the specified xcodeproj: #{xcodeproj_path}") unless else all_xcodeproj_paths = Dir[File.expand_path(File.join(repo_path, '**/*.xcodeproj'))] # find an xcodeproj (ignoring the Cocoapods one) xcodeproj_paths = Fastlane::Actions.ignore_cocoapods_path(all_xcodeproj_paths) # no projects found: error UI.user_error!('Could not find a .xcodeproj in the current repository\'s working directory.') if xcodeproj_paths.count == 0 # too many projects found: error if xcodeproj_paths.count > 1 relative_projects = { |e| }.join("\n") UI.user_error!("Found multiple .xcodeproj projects in the current repository's working directory. Please specify your app's main project: \n#{relative_projects}") end # one project found: great xcodeproj_path = xcodeproj_paths.first end # find the pbxproj path, relative to git directory pbxproj_pathname =, 'project.pbxproj')) pbxproj_path = pbxproj_pathname.relative_path_from(repo_pathname).to_s # find the info_plist files project = info_plist_files = do |object| object.isa == 'XCBuildConfiguration' do |object_hash| object_hash['buildSettings'] do |build_settings| build_settings.key?('INFOPLIST_FILE') do |build_settings| build_settings['INFOPLIST_FILE'] do |info_plist_path|, '..', info_plist_path))).relative_path_from(repo_pathname).to_s end # Removes .plist files that matched the given expression in the 'ignore' parameter ignore_expression = params[:ignore] if ignore_expression info_plist_files.reject! do |info_plist_file| info_plist_file.match(ignore_expression) end end extra_files = params[:include] extra_files += modified_files_relative_to_repo_root(repo_path) # create our list of files that we expect to have changed, they should all be relative to the project root, which should be equal to the git workdir root expected_changed_files = extra_files expected_changed_files << pbxproj_path expected_changed_files << info_plist_files if params[:settings] settings_plists_from_param(params[:settings]).each do |file| settings_file_pathname =, file)) expected_changed_files << settings_file_pathname.relative_path_from(repo_pathname).to_s end end expected_changed_files.flatten!.uniq! # get the list of files that have actually changed in our git workdir git_dirty_files ='git diff --name-only HEAD').split("\n") +'git ls-files --other --exclude-standard').split("\n") # little user hint UI.user_error!("No file changes picked up. Make sure you run the `increment_build_number` action first.") if git_dirty_files.empty? # check if the files changed are the ones we expected to change (these should be only the files that have version info in them) changed_files_as_expected = unless changed_files_as_expected unless params[:force] error = [ "Found unexpected uncommitted changes in the working directory. Expected these files to have ", "changed: \n#{expected_changed_files.join("\n")}.\nBut found these actual changes: ", "#{git_dirty_files.join("\n")}.\nMake sure you have cleaned up the build artifacts and ", "are only left with the changed version files at this stage in your lane, and don't touch the ", "working directory while your lane is running. You can also use the :force option to bypass this ", "check, and always commit a version bump regardless of the state of the working directory." ].join("\n") UI.user_error!(error) end end # get the absolute paths to the files git_add_paths = do |path| updated = path.gsub("$(SRCROOT)", ".").gsub("${SRCROOT}", ".") File.expand_path(File.join(repo_pathname, updated)) end # then create a commit with a message"git add #{' ')}") begin build_number = Actions.lane_context[Actions::SharedValues::BUILD_NUMBER] params[:message] ||= (build_number ? "Version Bump to #{build_number}" : "Version Bump")"git commit -m '#{params[:message]}'") UI.success("Committed \"#{params[:message]}\" 💾.") rescue => ex UI.error(ex) UI.important("Didn't commit any changes.") end end def self.description "Creates a 'Version Bump' commit. Run after `increment_build_number`" end def self.available_options [ :message, env_name: "FL_COMMIT_BUMP_MESSAGE", description: "The commit message when committing the version bump", optional: true), :xcodeproj, env_name: "FL_BUILD_NUMBER_PROJECT", description: "The path to your project file (Not the workspace). If you have only one, this is optional", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Please pass the path to the project, not the workspace") if value.end_with?(".xcworkspace") UI.user_error!("Could not find Xcode project") unless File.exist?(value) end), :force, env_name: "FL_FORCE_COMMIT", description: "Forces the commit, even if other files than the ones containing the version number have been modified", optional: true, default_value: false, is_string: false), :settings, env_name: "FL_COMMIT_INCLUDE_SETTINGS", description: "Include Settings.bundle/Root.plist with version bump", optional: true, default_value: false, is_string: false), :ignore, description: "A regular expression used to filter matched plist files to be modified", optional: true, default_value: nil, is_string: false), :include, description: "A list of extra files to be included in the version bump (string array or comma-separated string)", optional: true, default_value: [], type: Array) ] end def self.details list = <<-LIST.markdown_list All `.plist` files The `.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj` file LIST [ "This action will create a 'Version Bump' commit in your repo. Useful in conjunction with `increment_build_number`.", "It checks the repo to make sure that only the relevant files have changed. These are the files that `increment_build_number` (`agvtool`) touches:".markdown_preserve_newlines, list, "Then commits those files to the repo.", "Customize the message with the `:message` option. It defaults to 'Version Bump'.", "If you have other uncommitted changes in your repo, this action will fail. If you started off in a clean repo, and used the _ipa_ and or _sigh_ actions, then you can use the [clean_build_artifacts]( action to clean those temporary files up before running this action." ].join("\n") end def "lmirosevic" end def self.is_supported?(platform) [:ios, :mac].include?(platform) end def self.example_code [ 'commit_version_bump', 'commit_version_bump( message: "Version Bump", # create a commit with a custom message xcodeproj: "./path/to/MyProject.xcodeproj", # optional, if you have multiple Xcode project files, you must specify your main project here )', 'commit_version_bump( settings: true # Include Settings.bundle/Root.plist )', 'commit_version_bump( settings: "About.plist" # Include Settings.bundle/About.plist )', 'commit_version_bump( settings: %w[About.plist Root.plist] # Include more than one plist from Settings.bundle )', 'commit_version_bump( include: %w[package.json custom.cfg] # include other updated files as part of the version bump )', 'commit_version_bump( ignore: /OtherProject/ # ignore files matching a regular expression )' ] end def self.category :source_control end class << self def settings_plists_from_param(param) if param.kind_of?(String) # commit_version_bump settings: "About.plist" return [param] elsif param.kind_of?(Array) # commit_version_bump settings: ["Root.plist", "About.plist"] return param else # commit_version_bump settings: true # Root.plist return ["Root.plist"] end end def settings_bundle_file_path(project, settings_file_name) settings_bundle = project.files.find { |f| f.path =~ /Settings.bundle/ } raise "No Settings.bundle in project" if settings_bundle.nil? return File.join(settings_bundle.real_path, settings_file_name) end def modified_files_relative_to_repo_root(repo_root) return [] if Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::MODIFIED_FILES].nil? root_pathname = all_modified_files = Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::MODIFIED_FILES].map do |path| next path unless path =~ %r{^/} end return all_modified_files.uniq end end end end end