module RSpec module Mocks RSpec.describe "argument matchers matching" do let(:a_double) { double } after(:each, :reset => true) do reset a_double end describe "boolean" do it "accepts true as boolean" do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(boolean) a_double.random_call(true) end it "accepts false as boolean" do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(boolean) a_double.random_call(false) end it "rejects non boolean", :reset => true do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(boolean) expect { a_double.random_call("false") }.to fail_matching "expected: (boolean)" end end describe "kind_of" do it "accepts fixnum as kind_of(Numeric)" do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(kind_of(Numeric)) a_double.random_call(1) end it "accepts float as kind_of(Numeric)" do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(kind_of(Numeric)) a_double.random_call(1.5) end it "handles non matching kinds nicely", :reset => true do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(kind_of(Numeric)) expect { a_double.random_call(true) }.to fail_matching "expected: (kind of Numeric)" end it "matches arguments that have defined `kind_of?` to return true" do fix_num = double(:kind_of? => true) expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(kind_of(Numeric)) a_double.random_call(fix_num) end it "handles a class thats overridden ===" do allow(Numeric).to receive(:===) { false } fix_num = double(:kind_of? => true) expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(kind_of(Numeric)) a_double.random_call(fix_num) end end describe "instance_of" do it "accepts fixnum as instance_of(Fixnum)" do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(instance_of(Fixnum)) a_double.random_call(1) end it "does NOT accept fixnum as instance_of(Numeric)" do expect(a_double).not_to receive(:random_call).with(instance_of(Numeric)) a_double.random_call(1) end it "does NOT accept float as instance_of(Numeric)" do expect(a_double).not_to receive(:random_call).with(instance_of(Numeric)) a_double.random_call(1.5) end it "rejects non numeric", :reset => true do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(an_instance_of(Numeric)) expect { a_double.random_call("1") }.to fail end it "rejects non string", :reset => true do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(an_instance_of(String)) expect { a_double.random_call(123) }.to fail end it "handles non matching instances nicely", :reset => true do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(instance_of(Numeric)) expect { a_double.random_call(1.5) }.to fail_matching "expected: (an_instance_of(Numeric))" end end describe "anything" do it "accepts string as anything" do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with("a", anything, "c") a_double.random_call("a", "whatever", "c") end it "doesn't accept no arguments" do expect(a_double).to_not receive(:random_call).with(anything) a_double.random_call end it "handles non matching instances nicely", :reset => true do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(anything) expect { a_double.random_call }.to fail_matching "expected: (anything)" end end describe "duck_type" do it "matches duck type with one method" do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(duck_type(:length)) a_double.random_call([]) end it "matches duck type with two methods" do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(duck_type(:abs, :div)) a_double.random_call(1) end it "rejects goose when expecting a duck", :reset => true do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(duck_type(:abs, :div)) expect { a_double.random_call("I don't respond to :abs or :div") }.to fail_matching "expected: (duck_type(:abs, :div))" end end describe "any_args" do it "matches no args against any_args" do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(any_args) a_double.random_call end it "matches one arg against any_args" do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(any_args) a_double.random_call("a string") end it "handles non matching instances nicely", :reset => true do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(1, any_args) expect { a_double.random_call }.to fail_matching "expected: (1, any args)" end end describe "no_args" do it "matches no args against no_args" do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(no_args) a_double.random_call end it "fails no_args with one arg", :reset => true do expect(a_double).to receive(:msg).with(no_args) expect { a_double.msg(37) }.to fail_matching "expected: (no args)" end end describe "hash_including" do it "matches hash with hash_including same hash" do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(hash_including(:a => 1)) a_double.random_call(:a => 1) end it "fails hash_including with missing key", :reset => true do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(hash_including(:a => 1)) expect { a_double.random_call(:a => 2) }.to fail_matching "expected: (hash_including(:a=>1))" end end describe "hash_excluding" do it "matches hash with hash_excluding same hash" do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(hash_excluding(:a => 1)) a_double.random_call(:a => 2) end it "handles non matching instances nicely", :reset => true do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(hash_excluding(:a => 1)) expect { a_double.random_call(:a => 1) }.to fail_matching "expected: (hash_not_including(:a=>1))" end end describe "array_including" do it "matches array with array_including same array" do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(array_including(1, 2)) a_double.random_call([1, 2]) end it "fails array_including when args aren't array", :reset => true do expect(a_double).to receive(:msg).with(array_including(1, 2, 3)) expect { a_double.msg(1, 2, 3) }.to fail_matching "expected: (array_including(1, 2, 3))" end it "fails array_including when arg doesn't contain all elements", :reset => true do expect(a_double).to receive(:msg).with(array_including(1, 2, 3)) expect { a_double.msg([1, 2]) }.to fail_matching "expected: (array_including(1, 2, 3))" end end context "handling arbitary matchers" do it "matches any arbitrary object using #===" do matcher = double expect(matcher).to receive(:===).with(4).and_return(true) expect(a_double).to receive(:foo).with(matcher) end it "matches against a Matcher", :reset => true do expect(a_double).to receive(:msg).with(equal(3)) # This spec is generating warnings on 1.8.7, not sure why so # this does with_isolated_stderr to kill them. @samphippen 3rd Jan 2013. expect { with_isolated_stderr { a_double.msg(37) } }.to fail_matching "expected: (equal 3)" end it "fails when given an arbitrary object that returns false from #===", :reset => true do matcher = double expect(matcher).to receive(:===).with(4).at_least(:once).and_return(false) expect(a_double).to receive(:foo).with(matcher) expect { }.to fail end end context "handling non-matcher arguments" do it "matches string against regexp" do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(/bcd/) a_double.random_call("abcde") end it "matches regexp against regexp" do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(/bcd/) a_double.random_call(/bcd/) end it "fails if regexp does not match submitted string", :reset => true do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(/bcd/) expect { a_double.random_call("abc") }.to fail end it "fails if regexp does not match submitted regexp", :reset => true do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(/bcd/) expect { a_double.random_call(/bcde/) }.to fail end it "matches against a hash submitted and received by value" do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(:a => "a", :b => "b") a_double.random_call(:a => "a", :b => "b") end it "matches against a hash submitted by reference and received by value" do opts = {:a => "a", :b => "b"} expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(opts) a_double.random_call(:a => "a", :b => "b") end it "matches against a hash submitted by value and received by reference" do opts = {:a => "a", :b => "b"} expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(:a => "a", :b => "b") a_double.random_call(opts) end it "fails for a hash w/ wrong values", :reset => true do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(:a => "b", :c => "d") expect do a_double.random_call(:a => "b", :c => "e") fail_matching(/expected: \({(:a=>\"b\", :c=>\"d\"|:c=>\"d\", :a=>\"b\")}\)/) end it "fails for a hash w/ wrong keys", :reset => true do expect(a_double).to receive(:random_call).with(:a => "b", :c => "d") expect do a_double.random_call("a" => "b", "c" => "d") fail_matching(/expected: \({(:a=>\"b\", :c=>\"d\"|:c=>\"d\", :a=>\"b\")}\)/) end it "matches a class against itself" do expect(a_double).to receive(:foo).with(Fixnum) end it "fails a class against an unrelated class", :reset => true do expect(a_double).to receive(:foo).with(Fixnum) expect { }.to fail end it "matches a class against an instance of itself" do expect(a_double).to receive(:foo).with(Fixnum) end it "fails a class against an object of a different type", :reset => true do expect(a_double).to receive(:foo).with(Fixnum) expect { }.to fail end it "fails with zero arguments", :reset => true do expect do expect(a_double).to receive(:msg).with {|arg| expect(arg).to eq :received } raise_error(ArgumentError, /must have at least one argument/) end it "fails with sensible message when args respond to #description", :reset => true do arg = double(:description => nil, :inspect => "my_thing") expect(a_double).to receive(:msg).with(3) expect { a_double.msg arg }.to fail_matching "got: (my_thing)" end it "fails with sensible message when arg#description is nil", :reset => true do arg = double(:description => nil, :inspect => "my_thing") expect(a_double).to receive(:msg).with(arg) expect { a_double.msg 3 }.to fail_matching "expected: (my_thing)" end it "fails with sensible message when arg#description is blank", :reset => true do arg = double(:description => "", :inspect => "my_thing") expect(a_double).to receive(:msg).with(arg) expect { a_double.msg 3 }.to fail_matching "expected: (my_thing)" end end end end end