require 'pathname' require 'spaceship' module PEM # Creates the push profile and stores it in the correct location class Manager class << self def start FastlaneCore::PrintTable.print_values(config: PEM.config, hide_keys: [:new_profile], title: "Summary for PEM #{Fastlane::VERSION}") login existing_certificate = certificate_sorted.detect do |c| c.owner_name == PEM.config[:app_identifier] end if existing_certificate remaining_days = (existing_certificate.expires - / 60 / 60 / 24 UI.message "Existing push notification profile for '#{existing_certificate.owner_name}' is valid for #{remaining_days.round} more days." if remaining_days > PEM.config[:active_days_limit] if PEM.config[:force] UI.success "You already have an existing push certificate, but a new one will be created since the --force option has been set." else UI.success "You already have a push certificate, which is active for more than #{PEM.config[:active_days_limit]} more days. No need to create a new one" UI.success "If you still want to create a new one, use the --force option when running PEM." return false end end end return create_certificate end def login UI.message "Starting login with user '#{PEM.config[:username]}'" Spaceship.login(PEM.config[:username], nil) Spaceship.client.select_team UI.message "Successfully logged in" end def create_certificate UI.important "Creating a new push certificate for app '#{PEM.config[:app_identifier]}'." csr, pkey = Spaceship.certificate.create_certificate_signing_request begin cert = certificate.create!(csr: csr, bundle_id: PEM.config[:app_identifier]) rescue => ex if ex.to_s.include? "You already have a current" # That's the most common failure probably UI.message ex.to_s UI.user_error!("You already have 2 active push profiles for this application/environment. You'll need to revoke an old certificate to make room for a new one") else raise ex end end x509_certificate = certificate_type = (PEM.config[:development] ? 'development' : 'production') filename_base = PEM.config[:pem_name] || "#{certificate_type}_#{PEM.config[:app_identifier]}" filename_base = File.basename(filename_base, ".pem") # strip off the .pem if it was provided. output_path = PEM.config[:output_path] FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.expand_path(output_path)) if PEM.config[:save_private_key] private_key_path = File.join(output_path, "#{filename_base}.pkey") File.write(private_key_path, pkey.to_pem) UI.message("Private key: ".green + end if PEM.config[:generate_p12] p12_cert_path = File.join(output_path, "#{filename_base}.p12") p12 = OpenSSL::PKCS12.create(PEM.config[:p12_password], certificate_type, pkey, x509_certificate) File.write(p12_cert_path, p12.to_der) UI.message("p12 certificate: ".green + end x509_cert_path = File.join(output_path, "#{filename_base}.pem") File.write(x509_cert_path, x509_certificate.to_pem + pkey.to_pem) UI.message("PEM: ".green + return x509_cert_path end def certificate if PEM.config[:development] Spaceship.certificate.development_push else Spaceship.certificate.production_push end end def certificate_sorted certificate.all.sort { |x, y| y.expires <=> x.expires } end end end end