# # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "pathname" unless defined?(Pathname) require "fileutils" unless defined?(FileUtils) require "tmpdir" unless defined?(Dir.mktmpdir) require "zlib" require "archive/tar/minitar" require "chef/cookbook/chefignore" require_relative "../service_exceptions" require_relative "../policyfile_lock" require_relative "../policyfile/storage_config" module ChefDK module PolicyfileServices class ExportRepo # Policy groups provide namespaces for policies so that a Chef Infra Server can # have multiple active iterations of a policy at once, but we don't need # this when serving a single exported policy via Chef Zero, so hardcode # it to a "well known" value: POLICY_GROUP = "local".freeze include Policyfile::StorageConfigDelegation attr_reader :storage_config attr_reader :root_dir attr_reader :export_dir def initialize(policyfile: nil, export_dir: nil, root_dir: nil, archive: false, force: false) @root_dir = root_dir @export_dir = File.expand_path(export_dir) @archive = archive @force_export = force @policy_data = nil @policyfile_lock = nil policyfile_rel_path = policyfile || "Policyfile.rb" policyfile_full_path = File.expand_path(policyfile_rel_path, root_dir) @storage_config = Policyfile::StorageConfig.new.use_policyfile(policyfile_full_path) @staging_dir = nil end def archive? @archive end def policy_name policyfile_lock.name end def run assert_lockfile_exists! assert_export_dir_clean! validate_lockfile write_updated_lockfile export end def policy_data @policy_data ||= FFI_Yajl::Parser.parse(IO.read(policyfile_lock_expanded_path)) rescue => error raise PolicyfileExportRepoError.new("Error reading lockfile #{policyfile_lock_expanded_path}", error) end def policyfile_lock @policyfile_lock || validate_lockfile end def archive_file_location return nil unless archive? filename = "#{policyfile_lock.name}-#{policyfile_lock.revision_id}.tgz" File.join(export_dir, filename) end def export with_staging_dir do create_repo_structure copy_cookbooks create_policyfile_repo_item create_policy_group_repo_item copy_policyfile_lock create_client_rb create_readme_md if archive? create_archive else mv_staged_repo end end rescue => error msg = "Failed to export policy (in #{policyfile_filename}) to #{export_dir}" raise PolicyfileExportRepoError.new(msg, error) end private def with_staging_dir p = Process.pid t = Time.new.utc.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") Dir.mktmpdir("chefdk-export-#{p}-#{t}") do |d| begin @staging_dir = d yield ensure @staging_dir = nil end end end def create_archive Dir.chdir(staging_dir) do targets = Find.find(".").collect { |e| e } Mixlib::Archive.new(archive_file_location).create(targets, gzip: true) end end def staging_dir @staging_dir end def create_repo_structure FileUtils.mkdir_p(export_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dot_chef_staging_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(cookbook_artifacts_staging_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(policies_staging_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(policy_groups_staging_dir) end def copy_cookbooks policyfile_lock.cookbook_locks.each do |name, lock| copy_cookbook(lock) end end def copy_cookbook(lock) dirname = "#{lock.name}-#{lock.identifier}" export_path = File.join(staging_dir, "cookbook_artifacts", dirname) metadata_rb_path = File.join(export_path, "metadata.rb") FileUtils.mkdir(export_path) unless File.directory?(export_path) copy_unignored_cookbook_files(lock, export_path) FileUtils.rm_f(metadata_rb_path) metadata = lock.cookbook_version.metadata metadata_json_path = File.join(export_path, "metadata.json") File.open(metadata_json_path, "wb+") do |f| f.print(FFI_Yajl::Encoder.encode(metadata.to_hash, pretty: true )) end end def copy_unignored_cookbook_files(lock, export_path) cookbook_files_to_copy(lock.cookbook_path).each do |rel_path| full_source_path = File.join(lock.cookbook_path, rel_path) full_dest_path = File.join(export_path, rel_path) dest_dirname = File.dirname(full_dest_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dest_dirname) unless File.directory?(dest_dirname) FileUtils.cp(full_source_path, full_dest_path) end end def cookbook_files_to_copy(cookbook_path) cookbook = cookbook_loader_for(cookbook_path).cookbook_version root = Pathname.new(cookbook.root_dir) cookbook.all_files.map do |full_path| Pathname.new(full_path).relative_path_from(root).to_s end end def cookbook_loader_for(cookbook_path) loader = Chef::Cookbook::CookbookVersionLoader.new(cookbook_path, chefignore_for(cookbook_path)) loader.load! loader end def chefignore_for(cookbook_path) Chef::Cookbook::Chefignore.new(File.join(cookbook_path, "chefignore")) end def create_policyfile_repo_item File.open(policyfile_repo_item_path, "wb+") do |f| f.print(FFI_Yajl::Encoder.encode(policyfile_lock.to_lock, pretty: true )) end end def create_policy_group_repo_item data = { "policies" => { policyfile_lock.name => { "revision_id" => policyfile_lock.revision_id, }, }, } File.open(policy_group_repo_item_path, "wb+") do |f| f.print(FFI_Yajl::Encoder.encode(data, pretty: true )) end end def copy_policyfile_lock File.open(lockfile_staging_path, "wb+") do |f| f.print(FFI_Yajl::Encoder.encode(policyfile_lock.to_lock, pretty: true )) end end def create_client_rb File.open(client_rb_staging_path, "wb+") do |f| f.print( <<~CONFIG ) ### Chef Infra Client Configuration ### # The settings in this file will configure chef to apply the exported policy in # this directory. To use it, run: # # chef-client -z # policy_name '#{policy_name}' policy_group 'local' use_policyfile true policy_document_native_api true # In order to use this repo, you need a version of Chef Infra Client and Chef Zero # that supports policyfile "native mode" APIs: current_version = Gem::Version.new(Chef::VERSION) unless Gem::Requirement.new(">= 12.7").satisfied_by?(current_version) puts("!" * 80) puts(<<-MESSAGE) This Chef Repo requires features introduced in Chef Infra Client 12.7, but you are using Chef \#{Chef::VERSION}. Please upgrade to Chef Infra Client 12.7 or later. MESSAGE puts("!" * 80) exit!(1) end CONFIG end end def create_readme_md File.open(readme_staging_path, "wb+") do |f| f.print( <<~README ) # Exported Chef Infra Repository for Policy '#{policy_name}' Policy revision: #{policyfile_lock.revision_id} This directory contains all the cookbooks and configuration necessary for Chef to converge a system using this exported policy. To converge a system with the exported policy, use a privileged account to run `chef-client -z` from the directory containing the exported policy. ## Contents: ### Policyfile.lock.json A copy of the exported policy, used by the `chef push-archive` command. ### .chef/config.rb A configuration file for Chef Infra Client. This file configures Chef Infra Client to use the correct `policy_name` and `policy_group` for this exported repository. Chef Infra Client will use this configuration automatically if you've set your working directory properly. ### cookbook_artifacts/ All of the cookbooks required by the policy will be stored in this directory. ### policies/ A different copy of the exported policy, used by the `chef-client` command. ### policy_groups/ Policy groups are used by Chef Infra Server to manage multiple revisions of the same policy. However, exported policies contain only a single policy revision, so this policy group name is hardcoded to "local" and should not be changed. README end end def mv_staged_repo # If we got here, either these dirs are empty/don't exist or force is # set to true. FileUtils.rm_rf(cookbook_artifacts_dir) FileUtils.rm_rf(policies_dir) FileUtils.rm_rf(policy_groups_dir) FileUtils.rm_rf(dot_chef_dir) FileUtils.mv(cookbook_artifacts_staging_dir, export_dir) FileUtils.mv(policies_staging_dir, export_dir) FileUtils.mv(policy_groups_staging_dir, export_dir) FileUtils.mv(lockfile_staging_path, export_dir) FileUtils.mv(dot_chef_staging_dir, export_dir) FileUtils.mv(readme_staging_path, export_dir) end def validate_lockfile return @policyfile_lock if @policyfile_lock @policyfile_lock = ChefDK::PolicyfileLock.new(storage_config).build_from_lock_data(policy_data) # TODO: enumerate any cookbook that have been updated @policyfile_lock.validate_cookbooks! @policyfile_lock rescue PolicyfileExportRepoError raise rescue => error raise PolicyfileExportRepoError.new("Invalid lockfile data", error) end def write_updated_lockfile File.open(policyfile_lock_expanded_path, "wb+") do |f| f.print(FFI_Yajl::Encoder.encode(policyfile_lock.to_lock, pretty: true )) end end def assert_lockfile_exists! unless File.exist?(policyfile_lock_expanded_path) raise LockfileNotFound, "No lockfile at #{policyfile_lock_expanded_path} - you need to run `install` before `push`" end end def assert_export_dir_clean! if !force_export? && !conflicting_fs_entries.empty? && !archive? msg = "Export dir (#{export_dir}) not clean. Refusing to export. (Conflicting files: #{conflicting_fs_entries.join(", ")})" raise ExportDirNotEmpty, msg end end def force_export? @force_export end def conflicting_fs_entries Dir.glob(File.join(cookbook_artifacts_dir, "*")) + Dir.glob(File.join(policies_dir, "*")) + Dir.glob(File.join(policy_groups_dir, "*")) + Dir.glob(File.join(export_dir, "Policyfile.lock.json")) end def cookbook_artifacts_dir File.join(export_dir, "cookbook_artifacts") end def policies_dir File.join(export_dir, "policies") end def policy_groups_dir File.join(export_dir, "policy_groups") end def dot_chef_dir File.join(export_dir, ".chef") end def policyfile_repo_item_path basename = "#{policyfile_lock.name}-#{policyfile_lock.revision_id}" File.join(staging_dir, "policies", "#{basename}.json") end def policy_group_repo_item_path File.join(staging_dir, "policy_groups", "local.json") end def dot_chef_staging_dir File.join(staging_dir, ".chef") end def cookbook_artifacts_staging_dir File.join(staging_dir, "cookbook_artifacts") end def policies_staging_dir File.join(staging_dir, "policies") end def policy_groups_staging_dir File.join(staging_dir, "policy_groups") end def lockfile_staging_path File.join(staging_dir, "Policyfile.lock.json") end def client_rb_staging_path File.join(dot_chef_staging_dir, "config.rb") end def readme_staging_path File.join(staging_dir, "README.md") end end end end