# calrom Command line utility providing access to the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar (post-Vatican II). Built on top of the [calendarium-romanum][caro] Ruby gem. ## Installation calrom is a Ruby gem: `gem install calrom` ## Project roadmap * [ ] detailed listing of a day/month/year/range of dates * [ ] month/year overview - options and output mostly mimicking the the BSD Unix [`cal`][cal] utility, but with liturgical colours and celebration ranks * [ ] condensed format (but with detailed information) suitable for awesome/i3 toolbars etc. * [ ] machine-readable detailed listing * [ ] year summary: lectionary cycles, movable feasts * [ ] configuration file to set default options * [ ] specify calendar data path (with support for layering several calendars) * [ ] option to auto-select one of optional celebrations - with multiple supported strategies (prefer ferial, take first non-ferial, configured whitelist, blacklist) * [ ] integrate online data sources * [ ] interactive browsing ## Backward compatibility Project adheres to [semantic versioning][semver] with regard to the command line interface: between major releases, the same configuration (through command line options and other ways of configuration the application will eventually support) should print information of the same (or greater) level of detail for the same range of dates. For output formats explicitly documented as machine-readable, format must be preserved (where some machine-readable formats, especially the structured ones, allow backward-compatible extensions, others do not, according to their nature). No backward compatibility is guaranteed on the level of the application's internal interfaces, since they are not intended to be used by third-party code. ## CLI patterns When designing new elements (options, arguments) of the command line interface * [(BSD version of) `cal`][cal] should be mimicked where reasonable * the [Command-Line Options][taoup] chapter from E. S. Raymond's "The Art of Unix Programming" should be consulted in the rest of cases ## License GNU/GPL 3.0 or later [caro]: https://github.com/igneus/calendarium-romanum [semver]: https://semver.org/ [cal]: https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=cal [taoup]: http://www.catb.org/esr/writings/taoup/html/ch10s05.html