3.1 res_stock_arguments c984bb9e-4ac4-4930-a399-9d23f8f6936a 7948c65d-14ae-4cad-a564-cd343eee7671 2023-11-10T03:38:15Z 2C38F48B ResStockArguments ResStock Arguments Measure that pre-processes the arguments passed to the BuildResidentialHPXML and BuildResidentialScheduleFile measures. Passes in all arguments from the options lookup, processes them, and then registers values to the runner to be used by other measures. schedules_vacancy_period Schedules: Vacancy Period Specifies the vacancy period. Enter a date like "Dec 15 - Jan 15". Optionally, can enter hour of the day like "Dec 15 2 - Jan 15 20" (start hour can be 0 through 23 and end hour can be 1 through 24). String false false schedules_power_outage_period Schedules: Power Outage Period Specifies the power outage period. Enter a date like "Dec 15 - Jan 15". Optionally, can enter hour of the day like "Dec 15 2 - Jan 15 20" (start hour can be 0 through 23 and end hour can be 1 through 24). String false false schedules_power_outage_window_natvent_availability Schedules: Power Outage Period Window Natural Ventilation Availability The availability of the natural ventilation schedule during the outage period. Choice false false auto auto regular schedule regular schedule always available always available always unavailable always unavailable simulation_control_daylight_saving_enabled Simulation Control: Daylight Saving Enabled Whether to use daylight saving. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-building-site'>HPXML Building Site</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto true true false false site_type Site: Type The type of site. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-site'>HPXML Site</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto suburban suburban urban urban rural rural site_shielding_of_home Site: Shielding of Home Presence of nearby buildings, trees, obstructions for infiltration model. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-site'>HPXML Site</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto exposed exposed normal normal well-shielded well-shielded site_ground_conductivity Site: Ground Conductivity Conductivity of the ground soil. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-site'>HPXML Site</a>) is used. String Btu/hr-ft-F false false site_zip_code Site: Zip Code Zip code of the home address. String false false site_iecc_zone Site: IECC Zone IECC zone of the home address. Choice false false auto auto 1A 1A 1B 1B 1C 1C 2A 2A 2B 2B 2C 2C 3A 3A 3B 3B 3C 3C 4A 4A 4B 4B 4C 4C 5A 5A 5B 5B 5C 5C 6A 6A 6B 6B 6C 6C 7 7 8 8 site_state_code Site: State Code State code of the home address. Choice false false auto auto AK AK AL AL AR AR AZ AZ CA CA CO CO CT CT DC DC DE DE FL FL GA GA HI HI IA IA ID ID IL IL IN IN KS KS KY KY LA LA MA MA MD MD ME ME MI MI MN MN MO MO MS MS MT MT NC NC ND ND NE NE NH NH NJ NJ NM NM NV NV NY NY OH OH OK OK OR OR PA PA RI RI SC SC SD SD TN TN TX TX UT UT VA VA VT VT WA WA WI WI WV WV WY WY site_time_zone_utc_offset Site: Time Zone UTC Offset Time zone UTC offset of the home address. Must be between -12 and 14. String hr false false weather_station_epw_filepath Weather Station: EnergyPlus Weather (EPW) Filepath Path of the EPW file. String true false USA_CO_Denver.Intl.AP.725650_TMY3.epw year_built Building Construction: Year Built The year the building was built. String false false geometry_unit_type Geometry: Unit Type The type of dwelling unit. Use single-family attached for a dwelling unit with 1 or more stories, attached units to one or both sides, and no units above/below. Use apartment unit for a dwelling unit with 1 story, attached units to one, two, or three sides, and units above and/or below. Choice true false single-family detached single-family detached single-family detached single-family attached single-family attached apartment unit apartment unit manufactured home manufactured home geometry_unit_aspect_ratio Geometry: Unit Aspect Ratio The ratio of front/back wall length to left/right wall length for the unit, excluding any protruding garage wall area. Double Frac true false 2 geometry_unit_orientation Geometry: Unit Orientation The unit's orientation is measured clockwise from north (e.g., North=0, East=90, South=180, West=270). Double degrees true false 180 geometry_unit_num_bedrooms Geometry: Unit Number of Bedrooms The number of bedrooms in the unit. Integer # true false 3 geometry_unit_num_bathrooms Geometry: Unit Number of Bathrooms The number of bathrooms in the unit. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-building-construction'>HPXML Building Construction</a>) is used. String # false false geometry_unit_num_occupants Geometry: Unit Number of Occupants The number of occupants in the unit. If not provided, an *asset* calculation is performed assuming standard occupancy, in which various end use defaults (e.g., plug loads, appliances, and hot water usage) are calculated based on Number of Bedrooms and Conditioned Floor Area per ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019. If provided, an *operational* calculation is instead performed in which the end use defaults are adjusted using the relationship between Number of Bedrooms and Number of Occupants from RECS 2015. String # false false geometry_building_num_units Geometry: Building Number of Units The number of units in the building. Required for single-family attached and apartment units. String # false false geometry_average_ceiling_height Geometry: Average Ceiling Height Average distance from the floor to the ceiling. Double ft true false 8 geometry_garage_width Geometry: Garage Width The width of the garage. Enter zero for no garage. Only applies to single-family detached units. Double ft true false 0 geometry_garage_depth Geometry: Garage Depth The depth of the garage. Only applies to single-family detached units. Double ft true false 20 geometry_garage_protrusion Geometry: Garage Protrusion The fraction of the garage that is protruding from the conditioned space. Only applies to single-family detached units. Double Frac true false 0 geometry_garage_position Geometry: Garage Position The position of the garage. Only applies to single-family detached units. Choice true false Right Right Right Left Left geometry_foundation_type Geometry: Foundation Type The foundation type of the building. Foundation types ConditionedBasement and ConditionedCrawlspace are not allowed for apartment units. Choice true false SlabOnGrade SlabOnGrade SlabOnGrade VentedCrawlspace VentedCrawlspace UnventedCrawlspace UnventedCrawlspace ConditionedCrawlspace ConditionedCrawlspace UnconditionedBasement UnconditionedBasement ConditionedBasement ConditionedBasement Ambient Ambient AboveApartment AboveApartment BellyAndWingWithSkirt BellyAndWingWithSkirt BellyAndWingNoSkirt BellyAndWingNoSkirt geometry_foundation_height Geometry: Foundation Height The height of the foundation (e.g., 3ft for crawlspace, 8ft for basement). Only applies to basements/crawlspaces. Double ft true false 0 geometry_foundation_height_above_grade Geometry: Foundation Height Above Grade The depth above grade of the foundation wall. Only applies to basements/crawlspaces. Double ft true false 0 geometry_rim_joist_height Geometry: Rim Joist Height The height of the rim joists. Only applies to basements/crawlspaces. String in false false geometry_attic_type Geometry: Attic Type The attic type of the building. Attic type ConditionedAttic is not allowed for apartment units. Choice true false VentedAttic FlatRoof FlatRoof VentedAttic VentedAttic UnventedAttic UnventedAttic ConditionedAttic ConditionedAttic BelowApartment BelowApartment geometry_roof_type Geometry: Roof Type The roof type of the building. Ignored if the building has a flat roof. Choice true false gable gable gable hip hip geometry_roof_pitch Geometry: Roof Pitch The roof pitch of the attic. Ignored if the building has a flat roof. Choice true false 6:12 1:12 1:12 2:12 2:12 3:12 3:12 4:12 4:12 5:12 5:12 6:12 6:12 7:12 7:12 8:12 8:12 9:12 9:12 10:12 10:12 11:12 11:12 12:12 12:12 geometry_eaves_depth Geometry: Eaves Depth The eaves depth of the roof. Double ft true false 2 neighbor_front_distance Neighbor: Front Distance The distance between the unit and the neighboring building to the front (not including eaves). A value of zero indicates no neighbors. Used for shading. Double ft true false 0 neighbor_back_distance Neighbor: Back Distance The distance between the unit and the neighboring building to the back (not including eaves). A value of zero indicates no neighbors. Used for shading. Double ft true false 0 neighbor_left_distance Neighbor: Left Distance The distance between the unit and the neighboring building to the left (not including eaves). A value of zero indicates no neighbors. Used for shading. Double ft true false 10 neighbor_right_distance Neighbor: Right Distance The distance between the unit and the neighboring building to the right (not including eaves). A value of zero indicates no neighbors. Used for shading. Double ft true false 10 neighbor_front_height Neighbor: Front Height The height of the neighboring building to the front. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-site'>HPXML Site</a>) is used. String ft false false neighbor_back_height Neighbor: Back Height The height of the neighboring building to the back. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-site'>HPXML Site</a>) is used. String ft false false neighbor_left_height Neighbor: Left Height The height of the neighboring building to the left. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-site'>HPXML Site</a>) is used. String ft false false neighbor_right_height Neighbor: Right Height The height of the neighboring building to the right. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-site'>HPXML Site</a>) is used. String ft false false floor_over_foundation_assembly_r Floor: Over Foundation Assembly R-value Assembly R-value for the floor over the foundation. Ignored if the building has a slab-on-grade foundation. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 28.1 floor_over_garage_assembly_r Floor: Over Garage Assembly R-value Assembly R-value for the floor over the garage. Ignored unless the building has a garage under conditioned space. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 28.1 floor_type Floor: Type The type of floors. Choice true false WoodFrame WoodFrame WoodFrame StructuralInsulatedPanel StructuralInsulatedPanel SolidConcrete SolidConcrete SteelFrame SteelFrame foundation_wall_type Foundation Wall: Type The material type of the foundation wall. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-foundation-walls'>HPXML Foundation Walls</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto solid concrete solid concrete concrete block concrete block concrete block foam core concrete block foam core concrete block perlite core concrete block perlite core concrete block vermiculite core concrete block vermiculite core concrete block solid core concrete block solid core double brick double brick wood wood foundation_wall_thickness Foundation Wall: Thickness The thickness of the foundation wall. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-foundation-walls'>HPXML Foundation Walls</a>) is used. String in false false foundation_wall_insulation_r Foundation Wall: Insulation Nominal R-value Nominal R-value for the foundation wall insulation. Only applies to basements/crawlspaces. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 0 foundation_wall_insulation_location Foundation Wall: Insulation Location Whether the insulation is on the interior or exterior of the foundation wall. Only applies to basements/crawlspaces. Choice ft false false auto auto interior interior exterior exterior foundation_wall_insulation_distance_to_top Foundation Wall: Insulation Distance To Top The distance from the top of the foundation wall to the top of the foundation wall insulation. Only applies to basements/crawlspaces. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-foundation-walls'>HPXML Foundation Walls</a>) is used. String ft false false foundation_wall_insulation_distance_to_bottom Foundation Wall: Insulation Distance To Bottom The distance from the top of the foundation wall to the bottom of the foundation wall insulation. Only applies to basements/crawlspaces. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-foundation-walls'>HPXML Foundation Walls</a>) is used. String ft false false foundation_wall_assembly_r Foundation Wall: Assembly R-value Assembly R-value for the foundation walls. Only applies to basements/crawlspaces. If provided, overrides the previous foundation wall insulation inputs. If not provided, it is ignored. String h-ft^2-R/Btu false false rim_joist_assembly_r Rim Joist: Assembly R-value Assembly R-value for the rim joists. Only applies to basements/crawlspaces. Required if a rim joist height is provided. String h-ft^2-R/Btu false false slab_perimeter_insulation_r Slab: Perimeter Insulation Nominal R-value Nominal R-value of the vertical slab perimeter insulation. Applies to slab-on-grade foundations and basement/crawlspace floors. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 0 slab_perimeter_depth Slab: Perimeter Insulation Depth Depth from grade to bottom of vertical slab perimeter insulation. Applies to slab-on-grade foundations and basement/crawlspace floors. Double ft true false 0 slab_under_insulation_r Slab: Under Slab Insulation Nominal R-value Nominal R-value of the horizontal under slab insulation. Applies to slab-on-grade foundations and basement/crawlspace floors. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 0 slab_under_width Slab: Under Slab Insulation Width Width from slab edge inward of horizontal under-slab insulation. Enter 999 to specify that the under slab insulation spans the entire slab. Applies to slab-on-grade foundations and basement/crawlspace floors. Double ft true false 0 slab_thickness Slab: Thickness The thickness of the slab. Zero can be entered if there is a dirt floor instead of a slab. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-slabs'>HPXML Slabs</a>) is used. String in false false slab_carpet_fraction Slab: Carpet Fraction Fraction of the slab floor area that is carpeted. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-slabs'>HPXML Slabs</a>) is used. String Frac false false slab_carpet_r Slab: Carpet R-value R-value of the slab carpet. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-slabs'>HPXML Slabs</a>) is used. String h-ft^2-R/Btu false false ceiling_assembly_r Ceiling: Assembly R-value Assembly R-value for the ceiling (attic floor). Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 31.6 roof_material_type Roof: Material Type The material type of the roof. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-roofs'>HPXML Roofs</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto asphalt or fiberglass shingles asphalt or fiberglass shingles concrete concrete cool roof cool roof slate or tile shingles slate or tile shingles expanded polystyrene sheathing expanded polystyrene sheathing metal surfacing metal surfacing plastic/rubber/synthetic sheeting plastic/rubber/synthetic sheeting shingles shingles wood shingles or shakes wood shingles or shakes roof_color Roof: Color The color of the roof. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-roofs'>HPXML Roofs</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto dark dark light light medium medium medium dark medium dark reflective reflective roof_assembly_r Roof: Assembly R-value Assembly R-value of the roof. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 2.3 roof_radiant_barrier Roof: Has Radiant Barrier Presence of a radiant barrier in the attic. Boolean true false false true true false false roof_radiant_barrier_grade Roof: Radiant Barrier Grade The grade of the radiant barrier. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-roofs'>HPXML Roofs</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto 1 1 2 2 3 3 wall_type Wall: Type The type of walls. Choice true false WoodStud WoodStud WoodStud ConcreteMasonryUnit ConcreteMasonryUnit DoubleWoodStud DoubleWoodStud InsulatedConcreteForms InsulatedConcreteForms LogWall LogWall StructuralInsulatedPanel StructuralInsulatedPanel SolidConcrete SolidConcrete SteelFrame SteelFrame Stone Stone StrawBale StrawBale StructuralBrick StructuralBrick wall_siding_type Wall: Siding Type The siding type of the walls. Also applies to rim joists. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-walls'>HPXML Walls</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto aluminum siding aluminum siding asbestos siding asbestos siding brick veneer brick veneer composite shingle siding composite shingle siding fiber cement siding fiber cement siding masonite siding masonite siding none none stucco stucco synthetic stucco synthetic stucco vinyl siding vinyl siding wood siding wood siding wall_color Wall: Color The color of the walls. Also applies to rim joists. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-walls'>HPXML Walls</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto dark dark light light medium medium medium dark medium dark reflective reflective wall_assembly_r Wall: Assembly R-value Assembly R-value of the walls. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 11.9 window_front_wwr Windows: Front Window-to-Wall Ratio The ratio of window area to wall area for the unit's front facade. Enter 0 if specifying Front Window Area instead. Double Frac true false 0.18 window_back_wwr Windows: Back Window-to-Wall Ratio The ratio of window area to wall area for the unit's back facade. Enter 0 if specifying Back Window Area instead. Double Frac true false 0.18 window_left_wwr Windows: Left Window-to-Wall Ratio The ratio of window area to wall area for the unit's left facade (when viewed from the front). Enter 0 if specifying Left Window Area instead. Double Frac true false 0.18 window_right_wwr Windows: Right Window-to-Wall Ratio The ratio of window area to wall area for the unit's right facade (when viewed from the front). Enter 0 if specifying Right Window Area instead. Double Frac true false 0.18 window_area_front Windows: Front Window Area The amount of window area on the unit's front facade. Enter 0 if specifying Front Window-to-Wall Ratio instead. Double ft^2 true false 0 window_area_back Windows: Back Window Area The amount of window area on the unit's back facade. Enter 0 if specifying Back Window-to-Wall Ratio instead. Double ft^2 true false 0 window_area_left Windows: Left Window Area The amount of window area on the unit's left facade (when viewed from the front). Enter 0 if specifying Left Window-to-Wall Ratio instead. Double ft^2 true false 0 window_area_right Windows: Right Window Area The amount of window area on the unit's right facade (when viewed from the front). Enter 0 if specifying Right Window-to-Wall Ratio instead. Double ft^2 true false 0 window_aspect_ratio Windows: Aspect Ratio Ratio of window height to width. Double Frac true false 1.333 window_fraction_operable Windows: Fraction Operable Fraction of windows that are operable. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-windows'>HPXML Windows</a>) is used. String Frac false false window_natvent_availability Windows: Natural Ventilation Availability For operable windows, the number of days/week that windows can be opened by occupants for natural ventilation. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-windows'>HPXML Windows</a>) is used. String Days/week false false window_ufactor Windows: U-Factor Full-assembly NFRC U-factor. Double Btu/hr-ft^2-R true false 0.37 window_shgc Windows: SHGC Full-assembly NFRC solar heat gain coefficient. Double true false 0.3 window_interior_shading_winter Windows: Winter Interior Shading Interior shading coefficient for the winter season. 1.0 indicates no reduction in solar gain, 0.85 indicates 15% reduction, etc. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-windows'>HPXML Windows</a>) is used. String Frac false false window_interior_shading_summer Windows: Summer Interior Shading Interior shading coefficient for the summer season. 1.0 indicates no reduction in solar gain, 0.85 indicates 15% reduction, etc. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-windows'>HPXML Windows</a>) is used. String Frac false false window_exterior_shading_winter Windows: Winter Exterior Shading Exterior shading coefficient for the winter season. 1.0 indicates no reduction in solar gain, 0.85 indicates 15% reduction, etc. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-windows'>HPXML Windows</a>) is used. String Frac false false window_exterior_shading_summer Windows: Summer Exterior Shading Exterior shading coefficient for the summer season. 1.0 indicates no reduction in solar gain, 0.85 indicates 15% reduction, etc. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-windows'>HPXML Windows</a>) is used. String Frac false false window_shading_summer_season Windows: Shading Summer Season Enter a date like 'May 1 - Sep 30'. Defines the summer season for purposes of shading coefficients; the rest of the year is assumed to be winter. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-windows'>HPXML Windows</a>) is used. String false false window_storm_type Windows: Storm Type The type of storm, if present. If not provided, assumes there is no storm. Choice false false auto auto clear clear low-e low-e overhangs_front_depth Overhangs: Front Depth The depth of overhangs for windows for the front facade. Double ft true false 0 overhangs_front_distance_to_top_of_window Overhangs: Front Distance to Top of Window The overhangs distance to the top of window for the front facade. Double ft true false 0 overhangs_front_distance_to_bottom_of_window Overhangs: Front Distance to Bottom of Window The overhangs distance to the bottom of window for the front facade. Double ft true false 4 overhangs_back_depth Overhangs: Back Depth The depth of overhangs for windows for the back facade. Double ft true false 0 overhangs_back_distance_to_top_of_window Overhangs: Back Distance to Top of Window The overhangs distance to the top of window for the back facade. Double ft true false 0 overhangs_back_distance_to_bottom_of_window Overhangs: Back Distance to Bottom of Window The overhangs distance to the bottom of window for the back facade. Double ft true false 4 overhangs_left_depth Overhangs: Left Depth The depth of overhangs for windows for the left facade. Double ft true false 0 overhangs_left_distance_to_top_of_window Overhangs: Left Distance to Top of Window The overhangs distance to the top of window for the left facade. Double ft true false 0 overhangs_left_distance_to_bottom_of_window Overhangs: Left Distance to Bottom of Window The overhangs distance to the bottom of window for the left facade. Double ft true false 4 overhangs_right_depth Overhangs: Right Depth The depth of overhangs for windows for the right facade. Double ft true false 0 overhangs_right_distance_to_top_of_window Overhangs: Right Distance to Top of Window The overhangs distance to the top of window for the right facade. Double ft true false 0 overhangs_right_distance_to_bottom_of_window Overhangs: Right Distance to Bottom of Window The overhangs distance to the bottom of window for the right facade. Double ft true false 4 skylight_area_front Skylights: Front Roof Area The amount of skylight area on the unit's front conditioned roof facade. Double ft^2 true false 0 skylight_area_back Skylights: Back Roof Area The amount of skylight area on the unit's back conditioned roof facade. Double ft^2 true false 0 skylight_area_left Skylights: Left Roof Area The amount of skylight area on the unit's left conditioned roof facade (when viewed from the front). Double ft^2 true false 0 skylight_area_right Skylights: Right Roof Area The amount of skylight area on the unit's right conditioned roof facade (when viewed from the front). Double ft^2 true false 0 skylight_ufactor Skylights: U-Factor Full-assembly NFRC U-factor. Double Btu/hr-ft^2-R true false 0.33 skylight_shgc Skylights: SHGC Full-assembly NFRC solar heat gain coefficient. Double true false 0.45 skylight_storm_type Skylights: Storm Type The type of storm, if present. If not provided, assumes there is no storm. Choice false false auto auto clear clear low-e low-e door_area Doors: Area The area of the opaque door(s). Double ft^2 true false 20 door_rvalue Doors: R-value R-value of the opaque door(s). Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 4.4 air_leakage_units Air Leakage: Units The unit of measure for the air leakage. Choice true false ACH ACH ACH CFM CFM ACHnatural ACHnatural CFMnatural CFMnatural EffectiveLeakageArea EffectiveLeakageArea air_leakage_house_pressure Air Leakage: House Pressure The house pressure relative to outside. Required when units are ACH or CFM. Double Pa true false 50 air_leakage_value Air Leakage: Value Air exchange rate value. For 'EffectiveLeakageArea', provide value in sq. in. Double true false 3 air_leakage_type Air Leakage: Type Type of air leakage. If 'unit total', represents the total infiltration to the unit as measured by a compartmentalization test, in which case the air leakage value will be adjusted by the ratio of exterior envelope surface area to total envelope surface area. Otherwise, if 'unit exterior only', represents the infiltration to the unit from outside only as measured by a guarded test. Required when unit type is single-family attached or apartment unit. Choice false false auto auto unit total unit total unit exterior only unit exterior only heating_system_type Heating System: Type The type of heating system. Use 'none' if there is no heating system or if there is a heat pump serving a heating load. Choice true false Furnace none none Furnace Furnace WallFurnace WallFurnace FloorFurnace FloorFurnace Boiler Boiler ElectricResistance ElectricResistance Stove Stove SpaceHeater SpaceHeater Fireplace Fireplace Shared Boiler w/ Baseboard Shared Boiler w/ Baseboard Shared Boiler w/ Ductless Fan Coil Shared Boiler w/ Ductless Fan Coil heating_system_fuel Heating System: Fuel Type The fuel type of the heating system. Ignored for ElectricResistance. Choice true false natural gas electricity electricity natural gas natural gas fuel oil fuel oil propane propane wood wood wood pellets wood pellets coal coal heating_system_heating_efficiency Heating System: Rated AFUE or Percent The rated heating efficiency value of the heating system. Double Frac true false 0.78 heating_system_heating_capacity Heating System: Heating Capacity The output heating capacity of the heating system. If not provided, the OS-HPXML autosized default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-heating-systems'>HPXML Heating Systems</a>) is used. String Btu/hr false false heating_system_fraction_heat_load_served Heating System: Fraction Heat Load Served The heating load served by the heating system. Double Frac true false 1 heating_system_pilot_light Heating System: Pilot Light The fuel usage of the pilot light. Applies only to Furnace, WallFurnace, FloorFurnace, Stove, Boiler, and Fireplace with non-electric fuel type. If not provided, assumes no pilot light. String Btuh false false cooling_system_type Cooling System: Type The type of cooling system. Use 'none' if there is no cooling system or if there is a heat pump serving a cooling load. Choice true false central air conditioner none none central air conditioner central air conditioner room air conditioner room air conditioner evaporative cooler evaporative cooler mini-split mini-split packaged terminal air conditioner packaged terminal air conditioner cooling_system_cooling_efficiency_type Cooling System: Efficiency Type The efficiency type of the cooling system. System types central air conditioner and mini-split use SEER or SEER2. System types room air conditioner and packaged terminal air conditioner use EER or CEER. Ignored for system type evaporative cooler. Choice true false SEER SEER SEER SEER2 SEER2 EER EER CEER CEER cooling_system_cooling_efficiency Cooling System: Efficiency The rated efficiency value of the cooling system. Ignored for evaporative cooler. Double true false 13 cooling_system_cooling_compressor_type Cooling System: Cooling Compressor Type The compressor type of the cooling system. Only applies to central air conditioner. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#central-air-conditioner'>Central Air Conditioner</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto single stage single stage two stage two stage variable speed variable speed cooling_system_cooling_sensible_heat_fraction Cooling System: Cooling Sensible Heat Fraction The sensible heat fraction of the cooling system. Ignored for evaporative cooler. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#central-air-conditioner'>Central Air Conditioner</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#room-air-conditioner'>Room Air Conditioner</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#packaged-terminal-air-conditioner'>Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#mini-split-air-conditioner'>Mini-Split Air Conditioner</a>) is used. String Frac false false cooling_system_cooling_capacity Cooling System: Cooling Capacity The output cooling capacity of the cooling system. If not provided, the OS-HPXML autosized default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#central-air-conditioner'>Central Air Conditioner</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#room-air-conditioner'>Room Air Conditioner</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#packaged-terminal-air-conditioner'>Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#evaporative-cooler'>Evaporative Cooler</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#mini-split-air-conditioner'>Mini-Split Air Conditioner</a>) is used. String Btu/hr false false cooling_system_fraction_cool_load_served Cooling System: Fraction Cool Load Served The cooling load served by the cooling system. Double Frac true false 1 cooling_system_is_ducted Cooling System: Is Ducted Whether the cooling system is ducted or not. Only used for mini-split and evaporative cooler. It's assumed that central air conditioner is ducted, and room air conditioner and packaged terminal air conditioner are not ducted. Choice false false auto auto true true false false cooling_system_crankcase_heater_watts Cooling System: Crankcase Heater Power Watts Cooling system crankcase heater power consumption in Watts. Applies only to central air conditioner, room air conditioner, packaged terminal air conditioner and mini-split. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#central-air-conditioner'>Central Air Conditioner</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#room-air-conditioner'>Room Air Conditioner</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#packaged-terminal-air-conditioner'>Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#mini-split-air-conditioner'>Mini-Split Air Conditioner</a>) is used. String W false false cooling_system_integrated_heating_system_fuel Cooling System: Integrated Heating System Fuel Type The fuel type of the heating system integrated into cooling system. Only used for packaged terminal air conditioner and room air conditioner. Choice false false auto auto electricity electricity natural gas natural gas fuel oil fuel oil propane propane wood wood wood pellets wood pellets coal coal cooling_system_integrated_heating_system_efficiency_percent Cooling System: Integrated Heating System Efficiency The rated heating efficiency value of the heating system integrated into cooling system. Only used for packaged terminal air conditioner and room air conditioner. String Frac false false cooling_system_integrated_heating_system_capacity Cooling System: Integrated Heating System Heating Capacity The output heating capacity of the heating system integrated into cooling system. If not provided, the OS-HPXML autosized default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#room-air-conditioner'>Room Air Conditioner</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#packaged-terminal-air-conditioner'>Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner</a>) is used. Only used for room air conditioner and packaged terminal air conditioner. String Btu/hr false false cooling_system_integrated_heating_system_fraction_heat_load_served Cooling System: Integrated Heating System Fraction Heat Load Served The heating load served by the heating system integrated into cooling system. Only used for packaged terminal air conditioner and room air conditioner. String Frac false false heat_pump_type Heat Pump: Type The type of heat pump. Use 'none' if there is no heat pump. Choice true false none none none air-to-air air-to-air mini-split mini-split ground-to-air ground-to-air packaged terminal heat pump packaged terminal heat pump room air conditioner with reverse cycle room air conditioner with reverse cycle heat_pump_heating_efficiency_type Heat Pump: Heating Efficiency Type The heating efficiency type of heat pump. System types air-to-air and mini-split use HSPF or HSPF2. System types ground-to-air, packaged terminal heat pump and room air conditioner with reverse cycle use COP. Choice true false HSPF HSPF HSPF HSPF2 HSPF2 COP COP heat_pump_heating_efficiency Heat Pump: Heating Efficiency The rated heating efficiency value of the heat pump. Double true false 7.7 heat_pump_cooling_efficiency_type Heat Pump: Cooling Efficiency Type The cooling efficiency type of heat pump. System types air-to-air and mini-split use SEER or SEER2. System types ground-to-air, packaged terminal heat pump and room air conditioner with reverse cycle use EER. Choice true false SEER SEER SEER SEER2 SEER2 EER EER CEER CEER heat_pump_cooling_efficiency Heat Pump: Cooling Efficiency The rated cooling efficiency value of the heat pump. Double true false 13 heat_pump_cooling_compressor_type Heat Pump: Cooling Compressor Type The compressor type of the heat pump. Only applies to air-to-air. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#air-to-air-heat-pump'>Air-to-Air Heat Pump</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto single stage single stage two stage two stage variable speed variable speed heat_pump_cooling_sensible_heat_fraction Heat Pump: Cooling Sensible Heat Fraction The sensible heat fraction of the heat pump. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#air-to-air-heat-pump'>Air-to-Air Heat Pump</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#mini-split-heat-pump'>Mini-Split Heat Pump</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#packaged-terminal-heat-pump'>Packaged Terminal Heat Pump</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#room-air-conditioner-w-reverse-cycle'>Room Air Conditioner w/ Reverse Cycle</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#ground-to-air-heat-pump'>Ground-to-Air Heat Pump</a>) is used. String Frac false false heat_pump_heating_capacity Heat Pump: Heating Capacity The output heating capacity of the heat pump. If not provided, the OS-HPXML autosized default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#air-to-air-heat-pump'>Air-to-Air Heat Pump</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#mini-split-heat-pump'>Mini-Split Heat Pump</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#packaged-terminal-heat-pump'>Packaged Terminal Heat Pump</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#room-air-conditioner-w-reverse-cycle'>Room Air Conditioner w/ Reverse Cycle</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#ground-to-air-heat-pump'>Ground-to-Air Heat Pump</a>) is used. String Btu/hr false false heat_pump_heating_capacity_retention_fraction Heat Pump: Heating Capacity Retention Fraction The output heating capacity of the heat pump at a user-specified temperature (e.g., 17F or 5F) divided by the above nominal heating capacity. Applies to all heat pump types except ground-to-air. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#air-to-air-heat-pump'>Air-to-Air Heat Pump</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#mini-split-heat-pump'>Mini-Split Heat Pump</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#packaged-terminal-heat-pump'>Packaged Terminal Heat Pump</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#room-air-conditioner-w-reverse-cycle'>Room Air Conditioner w/ Reverse Cycle</a>) is used. String Frac false false heat_pump_heating_capacity_retention_temp Heat Pump: Heating Capacity Retention Temperature The user-specified temperature (e.g., 17F or 5F) for the above heating capacity retention fraction. Applies to all heat pump types except ground-to-air. Required if the Heating Capacity Retention Fraction is provided. String deg-F false false heat_pump_cooling_capacity Heat Pump: Cooling Capacity The output cooling capacity of the heat pump. If not provided, the OS-HPXML autosized default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#air-to-air-heat-pump'>Air-to-Air Heat Pump</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#mini-split-heat-pump'>Mini-Split Heat Pump</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#packaged-terminal-heat-pump'>Packaged Terminal Heat Pump</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#room-air-conditioner-w-reverse-cycle'>Room Air Conditioner w/ Reverse Cycle</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#ground-to-air-heat-pump'>Ground-to-Air Heat Pump</a>) is used. String Btu/hr false false heat_pump_fraction_heat_load_served Heat Pump: Fraction Heat Load Served The heating load served by the heat pump. Double Frac true false 1 heat_pump_fraction_cool_load_served Heat Pump: Fraction Cool Load Served The cooling load served by the heat pump. Double Frac true false 1 heat_pump_compressor_lockout_temp Heat Pump: Compressor Lockout Temperature The temperature below which the heat pump compressor is disabled. If both this and Backup Heating Lockout Temperature are provided and use the same value, it essentially defines a switchover temperature (for, e.g., a dual-fuel heat pump). Applies to all heat pump types other than ground-to-air. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#air-to-air-heat-pump'>Air-to-Air Heat Pump</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#mini-split-heat-pump'>Mini-Split Heat Pump</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#packaged-terminal-heat-pump'>Packaged Terminal Heat Pump</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#room-air-conditioner-w-reverse-cycle'>Room Air Conditioner w/ Reverse Cycle</a>) is used. String deg-F false false heat_pump_backup_type Heat Pump: Backup Type The backup type of the heat pump. If 'integrated', represents e.g. built-in electric strip heat or dual-fuel integrated furnace. If 'separate', represents e.g. electric baseboard or boiler based on the Heating System 2 specified below. Use 'none' if there is no backup heating. Choice true false integrated none none integrated integrated separate separate heat_pump_backup_fuel Heat Pump: Backup Fuel Type The backup fuel type of the heat pump. Only applies if Backup Type is 'integrated'. Choice true false electricity electricity electricity natural gas natural gas fuel oil fuel oil propane propane heat_pump_backup_heating_efficiency Heat Pump: Backup Rated Efficiency The backup rated efficiency value of the heat pump. Percent for electricity fuel type. AFUE otherwise. Only applies if Backup Type is 'integrated'. Double true false 1 heat_pump_backup_heating_capacity Heat Pump: Backup Heating Capacity The backup output heating capacity of the heat pump. If not provided, the OS-HPXML autosized default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#backup'>Backup</a>) is used. Only applies if Backup Type is 'integrated'. String Btu/hr false false heat_pump_backup_heating_lockout_temp Heat Pump: Backup Heating Lockout Temperature The temperature above which the heat pump backup system is disabled. If both this and Compressor Lockout Temperature are provided and use the same value, it essentially defines a switchover temperature (for, e.g., a dual-fuel heat pump). Applies for both Backup Type of 'integrated' and 'separate'. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#backup'>Backup</a>) is used. String deg-F false false heat_pump_sizing_methodology Heat Pump: Sizing Methodology The auto-sizing methodology to use when the heat pump capacity is not provided. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-hvac-sizing-control'>HPXML HVAC Sizing Control</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto ACCA ACCA HERS HERS MaxLoad MaxLoad heat_pump_is_ducted Heat Pump: Is Ducted Whether the heat pump is ducted or not. Only used for mini-split. It's assumed that air-to-air and ground-to-air are ducted, and packaged terminal heat pump and room air conditioner with reverse cycle are not ducted. If not provided, assumes not ducted. Choice false false auto auto true true false false heat_pump_crankcase_heater_watts Heat Pump: Crankcase Heater Power Watts Heat Pump crankcase heater power consumption in Watts. Applies only to air-to-air, mini-split, packaged terminal heat pump and room air conditioner with reverse cycle. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#air-to-air-heat-pump'>Air-to-Air Heat Pump</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#mini-split-heat-pump'>Mini-Split Heat Pump</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#packaged-terminal-heat-pump'>Packaged Terminal Heat Pump</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#room-air-conditioner-w-reverse-cycle'>Room Air Conditioner w/ Reverse Cycle</a>) is used. String W false false heating_system_2_type Heating System 2: Type The type of the second heating system. Choice true false none none none Furnace Furnace WallFurnace WallFurnace FloorFurnace FloorFurnace Boiler Boiler ElectricResistance ElectricResistance Stove Stove SpaceHeater SpaceHeater Fireplace Fireplace heating_system_2_fuel Heating System 2: Fuel Type The fuel type of the second heating system. Ignored for ElectricResistance. Choice true false electricity electricity electricity natural gas natural gas fuel oil fuel oil propane propane wood wood wood pellets wood pellets coal coal heating_system_2_heating_efficiency Heating System 2: Rated AFUE or Percent The rated heating efficiency value of the second heating system. Double Frac true false 1 heating_system_2_heating_capacity Heating System 2: Heating Capacity The output heating capacity of the second heating system. If not provided, the OS-HPXML autosized default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-heating-systems'>HPXML Heating Systems</a>) is used. String Btu/hr false false heating_system_2_fraction_heat_load_served Heating System 2: Fraction Heat Load Served The heat load served fraction of the second heating system. Ignored if this heating system serves as a backup system for a heat pump. Double Frac true false 0.25 hvac_control_heating_season_period HVAC Control: Heating Season Period Enter a date like 'Nov 1 - Jun 30'. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-hvac-control'>HPXML HVAC Control</a>) is used. Can also provide 'BuildingAmerica' to use automatic seasons from the Building America House Simulation Protocols. String false false hvac_control_cooling_season_period HVAC Control: Cooling Season Period Enter a date like 'Jun 1 - Oct 31'. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-hvac-control'>HPXML HVAC Control</a>) is used. Can also provide 'BuildingAmerica' to use automatic seasons from the Building America House Simulation Protocols. String false false ducts_leakage_units Ducts: Leakage Units The leakage units of the ducts. Choice true false Percent CFM25 CFM25 CFM50 CFM50 Percent Percent ducts_supply_leakage_to_outside_value Ducts: Supply Leakage to Outside Value The leakage value to outside for the supply ducts. Double true false 0.1 ducts_return_leakage_to_outside_value Ducts: Return Leakage to Outside Value The leakage value to outside for the return ducts. Double true false 0.1 ducts_supply_location Ducts: Supply Location The location of the supply ducts. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#air-distribution'>Air Distribution</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto conditioned space conditioned space basement - conditioned basement - conditioned basement - unconditioned basement - unconditioned crawlspace crawlspace crawlspace - vented crawlspace - vented crawlspace - unvented crawlspace - unvented crawlspace - conditioned crawlspace - conditioned attic attic attic - vented attic - vented attic - unvented attic - unvented garage garage exterior wall exterior wall under slab under slab roof deck roof deck outside outside other housing unit other housing unit other heated space other heated space other multifamily buffer space other multifamily buffer space other non-freezing space other non-freezing space manufactured home belly manufactured home belly ducts_supply_insulation_r Ducts: Supply Insulation R-Value The insulation r-value of the supply ducts excluding air films. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 0 ducts_supply_buried_insulation_level Ducts: Supply Buried Insulation Level Whether the supply ducts are buried in, e.g., attic loose-fill insulation. Partially buried ducts have insulation that does not cover the top of the ducts. Fully buried ducts have insulation that just covers the top of the ducts. Deeply buried ducts have insulation that continues above the top of the ducts. Choice false false auto auto not buried not buried partially buried partially buried fully buried fully buried deeply buried deeply buried ducts_supply_surface_area Ducts: Supply Surface Area The supply ducts surface area in the given location. If neither Surface Area nor Area Fraction provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#air-distribution'>Air Distribution</a>) is used. String ft^2 false false ducts_supply_surface_area_fraction Ducts: Supply Area Fraction The fraction of supply ducts surface area in the given location. Only used if Surface Area is not provided. If the fraction is less than 1, the remaining duct area is assumed to be in conditioned space. If neither Surface Area nor Area Fraction provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#air-distribution'>Air Distribution</a>) is used. String frac false false ducts_return_location Ducts: Return Location The location of the return ducts. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#air-distribution'>Air Distribution</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto conditioned space conditioned space basement - conditioned basement - conditioned basement - unconditioned basement - unconditioned crawlspace crawlspace crawlspace - vented crawlspace - vented crawlspace - unvented crawlspace - unvented crawlspace - conditioned crawlspace - conditioned attic attic attic - vented attic - vented attic - unvented attic - unvented garage garage exterior wall exterior wall under slab under slab roof deck roof deck outside outside other housing unit other housing unit other heated space other heated space other multifamily buffer space other multifamily buffer space other non-freezing space other non-freezing space manufactured home belly manufactured home belly ducts_return_insulation_r Ducts: Return Insulation R-Value The insulation r-value of the return ducts excluding air films. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 0 ducts_return_buried_insulation_level Ducts: Return Buried Insulation Level Whether the return ducts are buried in, e.g., attic loose-fill insulation. Partially buried ducts have insulation that does not cover the top of the ducts. Fully buried ducts have insulation that just covers the top of the ducts. Deeply buried ducts have insulation that continues above the top of the ducts. Choice false false auto auto not buried not buried partially buried partially buried fully buried fully buried deeply buried deeply buried ducts_return_surface_area Ducts: Return Surface Area The return ducts surface area in the given location. If neither Surface Area nor Area Fraction provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#air-distribution'>Air Distribution</a>) is used. String ft^2 false false ducts_return_surface_area_fraction Ducts: Return Area Fraction The fraction of return ducts surface area in the given location. Only used if Surface Area is not provided. If the fraction is less than 1, the remaining duct area is assumed to be in conditioned space. If neither Surface Area nor Area Fraction provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#air-distribution'>Air Distribution</a>) is used. String frac false false ducts_number_of_return_registers Ducts: Number of Return Registers The number of return registers of the ducts. Only used to calculate default return duct surface area. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#air-distribution'>Air Distribution</a>) is used. String # false false mech_vent_fan_type Mechanical Ventilation: Fan Type The type of the mechanical ventilation. Use 'none' if there is no mechanical ventilation system. Choice true false none none none exhaust only exhaust only supply only supply only energy recovery ventilator energy recovery ventilator heat recovery ventilator heat recovery ventilator balanced balanced central fan integrated supply central fan integrated supply mech_vent_flow_rate Mechanical Ventilation: Flow Rate The flow rate of the mechanical ventilation. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#whole-ventilation-fan'>Whole Ventilation Fan</a>) is used. String CFM false false mech_vent_hours_in_operation Mechanical Ventilation: Hours In Operation The hours in operation of the mechanical ventilation. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#whole-ventilation-fan'>Whole Ventilation Fan</a>) is used. String hrs/day false false mech_vent_recovery_efficiency_type Mechanical Ventilation: Total Recovery Efficiency Type The total recovery efficiency type of the mechanical ventilation. Choice true false Unadjusted Unadjusted Unadjusted Adjusted Adjusted mech_vent_total_recovery_efficiency Mechanical Ventilation: Total Recovery Efficiency The Unadjusted or Adjusted total recovery efficiency of the mechanical ventilation. Applies to energy recovery ventilator. Double Frac true false 0.48 mech_vent_sensible_recovery_efficiency Mechanical Ventilation: Sensible Recovery Efficiency The Unadjusted or Adjusted sensible recovery efficiency of the mechanical ventilation. Applies to energy recovery ventilator and heat recovery ventilator. Double Frac true false 0.72 mech_vent_fan_power Mechanical Ventilation: Fan Power The fan power of the mechanical ventilation. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#whole-ventilation-fan'>Whole Ventilation Fan</a>) is used. String W false false mech_vent_num_units_served Mechanical Ventilation: Number of Units Served Number of dwelling units served by the mechanical ventilation system. Must be 1 if single-family detached. Used to apportion flow rate and fan power to the unit. Integer # true false 1 mech_vent_shared_frac_recirculation Shared Mechanical Ventilation: Fraction Recirculation Fraction of the total supply air that is recirculated, with the remainder assumed to be outdoor air. The value must be 0 for exhaust only systems. Required for a shared mechanical ventilation system. String Frac false false mech_vent_shared_preheating_fuel Shared Mechanical Ventilation: Preheating Fuel Fuel type of the preconditioning heating equipment. Only used for a shared mechanical ventilation system. If not provided, assumes no preheating. Choice false false auto auto electricity electricity natural gas natural gas fuel oil fuel oil propane propane wood wood wood pellets wood pellets coal coal mech_vent_shared_preheating_efficiency Shared Mechanical Ventilation: Preheating Efficiency Efficiency of the preconditioning heating equipment. Only used for a shared mechanical ventilation system. If not provided, assumes no preheating. String COP false false mech_vent_shared_preheating_fraction_heat_load_served Shared Mechanical Ventilation: Preheating Fraction Ventilation Heat Load Served Fraction of heating load introduced by the shared ventilation system that is met by the preconditioning heating equipment. If not provided, assumes no preheating. String Frac false false mech_vent_shared_precooling_fuel Shared Mechanical Ventilation: Precooling Fuel Fuel type of the preconditioning cooling equipment. Only used for a shared mechanical ventilation system. If not provided, assumes no precooling. Choice false false auto auto electricity electricity mech_vent_shared_precooling_efficiency Shared Mechanical Ventilation: Precooling Efficiency Efficiency of the preconditioning cooling equipment. Only used for a shared mechanical ventilation system. If not provided, assumes no precooling. String COP false false mech_vent_shared_precooling_fraction_cool_load_served Shared Mechanical Ventilation: Precooling Fraction Ventilation Cool Load Served Fraction of cooling load introduced by the shared ventilation system that is met by the preconditioning cooling equipment. If not provided, assumes no precooling. String Frac false false mech_vent_2_fan_type Mechanical Ventilation 2: Fan Type The type of the second mechanical ventilation. Use 'none' if there is no second mechanical ventilation system. Choice true false none none none exhaust only exhaust only supply only supply only energy recovery ventilator energy recovery ventilator heat recovery ventilator heat recovery ventilator balanced balanced mech_vent_2_flow_rate Mechanical Ventilation 2: Flow Rate The flow rate of the second mechanical ventilation. Double CFM true false 110 mech_vent_2_hours_in_operation Mechanical Ventilation 2: Hours In Operation The hours in operation of the second mechanical ventilation. Double hrs/day true false 24 mech_vent_2_recovery_efficiency_type Mechanical Ventilation 2: Total Recovery Efficiency Type The total recovery efficiency type of the second mechanical ventilation. Choice true false Unadjusted Unadjusted Unadjusted Adjusted Adjusted mech_vent_2_total_recovery_efficiency Mechanical Ventilation 2: Total Recovery Efficiency The Unadjusted or Adjusted total recovery efficiency of the second mechanical ventilation. Applies to energy recovery ventilator. Double Frac true false 0.48 mech_vent_2_sensible_recovery_efficiency Mechanical Ventilation 2: Sensible Recovery Efficiency The Unadjusted or Adjusted sensible recovery efficiency of the second mechanical ventilation. Applies to energy recovery ventilator and heat recovery ventilator. Double Frac true false 0.72 mech_vent_2_fan_power Mechanical Ventilation 2: Fan Power The fan power of the second mechanical ventilation. Double W true false 30 kitchen_fans_quantity Kitchen Fans: Quantity The quantity of the kitchen fans. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#local-ventilation-fan'>Local Ventilation Fan</a>) is used. String # false false kitchen_fans_flow_rate Kitchen Fans: Flow Rate The flow rate of the kitchen fan. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#local-ventilation-fan'>Local Ventilation Fan</a>) is used. String CFM false false kitchen_fans_hours_in_operation Kitchen Fans: Hours In Operation The hours in operation of the kitchen fan. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#local-ventilation-fan'>Local Ventilation Fan</a>) is used. String hrs/day false false kitchen_fans_power Kitchen Fans: Fan Power The fan power of the kitchen fan. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#local-ventilation-fan'>Local Ventilation Fan</a>) is used. String W false false kitchen_fans_start_hour Kitchen Fans: Start Hour The start hour of the kitchen fan. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#local-ventilation-fan'>Local Ventilation Fan</a>) is used. String hr false false bathroom_fans_quantity Bathroom Fans: Quantity The quantity of the bathroom fans. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#local-ventilation-fan'>Local Ventilation Fan</a>) is used. String # false false bathroom_fans_flow_rate Bathroom Fans: Flow Rate The flow rate of the bathroom fans. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#local-ventilation-fan'>Local Ventilation Fan</a>) is used. String CFM false false bathroom_fans_hours_in_operation Bathroom Fans: Hours In Operation The hours in operation of the bathroom fans. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#local-ventilation-fan'>Local Ventilation Fan</a>) is used. String hrs/day false false bathroom_fans_power Bathroom Fans: Fan Power The fan power of the bathroom fans. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#local-ventilation-fan'>Local Ventilation Fan</a>) is used. String W false false bathroom_fans_start_hour Bathroom Fans: Start Hour The start hour of the bathroom fans. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#local-ventilation-fan'>Local Ventilation Fan</a>) is used. String hr false false whole_house_fan_present Whole House Fan: Present Whether there is a whole house fan. Boolean true false false true true false false whole_house_fan_flow_rate Whole House Fan: Flow Rate The flow rate of the whole house fan. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#whole-house-fan'>Whole House Fan</a>) is used. String CFM false false whole_house_fan_power Whole House Fan: Fan Power The fan power of the whole house fan. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#whole-house-fan'>Whole House Fan</a>) is used. String W false false water_heater_type Water Heater: Type The type of water heater. Use 'none' if there is no water heater. Choice true false storage water heater none none storage water heater storage water heater instantaneous water heater instantaneous water heater heat pump water heater heat pump water heater space-heating boiler with storage tank space-heating boiler with storage tank space-heating boiler with tankless coil space-heating boiler with tankless coil water_heater_fuel_type Water Heater: Fuel Type The fuel type of water heater. Ignored for heat pump water heater. Choice true false natural gas electricity electricity natural gas natural gas fuel oil fuel oil propane propane wood wood coal coal water_heater_location Water Heater: Location The location of water heater. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-water-heating-systems'>HPXML Water Heating Systems</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto conditioned space conditioned space basement - conditioned basement - conditioned basement - unconditioned basement - unconditioned garage garage attic attic attic - vented attic - vented attic - unvented attic - unvented crawlspace crawlspace crawlspace - vented crawlspace - vented crawlspace - unvented crawlspace - unvented crawlspace - conditioned crawlspace - conditioned other exterior other exterior other housing unit other housing unit other heated space other heated space other multifamily buffer space other multifamily buffer space other non-freezing space other non-freezing space water_heater_tank_volume Water Heater: Tank Volume Nominal volume of water heater tank. Only applies to storage water heater, heat pump water heater, and space-heating boiler with storage tank. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#conventional-storage'>Conventional Storage</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#heat-pump'>Heat Pump</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#combi-boiler-w-storage'>Combi Boiler w/ Storage</a>) is used. String gal false false water_heater_efficiency_type Water Heater: Efficiency Type The efficiency type of water heater. Does not apply to space-heating boilers. Choice true false EnergyFactor EnergyFactor EnergyFactor UniformEnergyFactor UniformEnergyFactor water_heater_efficiency Water Heater: Efficiency Rated Energy Factor or Uniform Energy Factor. Does not apply to space-heating boilers. Double true false 0.67 water_heater_usage_bin Water Heater: Usage Bin The usage of the water heater. Only applies if Efficiency Type is UniformEnergyFactor and Type is not instantaneous water heater. Does not apply to space-heating boilers. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#conventional-storage'>Conventional Storage</a>, <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#heat-pump'>Heat Pump</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto very small very small low low medium medium high high water_heater_recovery_efficiency Water Heater: Recovery Efficiency Ratio of energy delivered to water heater to the energy content of the fuel consumed by the water heater. Only used for non-electric storage water heaters. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#conventional-storage'>Conventional Storage</a>) is used. String Frac false false water_heater_heating_capacity Water Heater: Heating Capacity Heating capacity. Only applies to storage water heater. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#conventional-storage'>Conventional Storage</a>) is used. String Btu/hr false false water_heater_standby_loss Water Heater: Standby Loss The standby loss of water heater. Only applies to space-heating boilers. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#combi-boiler-w-storage'>Combi Boiler w/ Storage</a>) is used. String deg-F/hr false false water_heater_jacket_rvalue Water Heater: Jacket R-value The jacket R-value of water heater. Doesn't apply to instantaneous water heater or space-heating boiler with tankless coil. If not provided, defaults to no jacket insulation. String h-ft^2-R/Btu false false water_heater_setpoint_temperature Water Heater: Setpoint Temperature The setpoint temperature of water heater. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-water-heating-systems'>HPXML Water Heating Systems</a>) is used. String deg-F false false water_heater_num_units_served Water Heater: Number of Units Served Number of dwelling units served (directly or indirectly) by the water heater. Must be 1 if single-family detached. Used to apportion water heater tank losses to the unit. Integer # true false 1 water_heater_uses_desuperheater Water Heater: Uses Desuperheater Requires that the dwelling unit has a air-to-air, mini-split, or ground-to-air heat pump or a central air conditioner or mini-split air conditioner. If not provided, assumes no desuperheater. Choice false false auto auto true true false false water_heater_tank_model_type Water Heater: Tank Type Type of tank model to use. The 'stratified' tank generally provide more accurate results, but may significantly increase run time. Applies only to storage water heater. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#conventional-storage'>Conventional Storage</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto mixed mixed stratified stratified water_heater_operating_mode Water Heater: Operating Mode The water heater operating mode. The 'heat pump only' option only uses the heat pump, while 'hybrid/auto' allows the backup electric resistance to come on in high demand situations. This is ignored if a scheduled operating mode type is selected. Applies only to heat pump water heater. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#heat-pump'>Heat Pump</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto hybrid/auto hybrid/auto heat pump only heat pump only hot_water_distribution_system_type Hot Water Distribution: System Type The type of the hot water distribution system. Choice true false Standard Standard Standard Recirculation Recirculation hot_water_distribution_standard_piping_length Hot Water Distribution: Standard Piping Length If the distribution system is Standard, the length of the piping. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#standard'>Standard</a>) is used. String ft false false hot_water_distribution_recirc_control_type Hot Water Distribution: Recirculation Control Type If the distribution system is Recirculation, the type of hot water recirculation control, if any. Choice false false auto auto no control no control timer timer temperature temperature presence sensor demand control presence sensor demand control manual demand control manual demand control hot_water_distribution_recirc_piping_length Hot Water Distribution: Recirculation Piping Length If the distribution system is Recirculation, the length of the recirculation piping. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#recirculation'>Recirculation</a>) is used. String ft false false hot_water_distribution_recirc_branch_piping_length Hot Water Distribution: Recirculation Branch Piping Length If the distribution system is Recirculation, the length of the recirculation branch piping. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#recirculation'>Recirculation</a>) is used. String ft false false hot_water_distribution_recirc_pump_power Hot Water Distribution: Recirculation Pump Power If the distribution system is Recirculation, the recirculation pump power. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#recirculation'>Recirculation</a>) is used. String W false false hot_water_distribution_pipe_r Hot Water Distribution: Pipe Insulation Nominal R-Value Nominal R-value of the pipe insulation. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-hot-water-distribution'>HPXML Hot Water Distribution</a>) is used. String h-ft^2-R/Btu false false dwhr_facilities_connected Drain Water Heat Recovery: Facilities Connected Which facilities are connected for the drain water heat recovery. Use 'none' if there is no drain water heat recovery system. Choice true false none none none one one all all dwhr_equal_flow Drain Water Heat Recovery: Equal Flow Whether the drain water heat recovery has equal flow. Choice false false auto auto true true false false dwhr_efficiency Drain Water Heat Recovery: Efficiency The efficiency of the drain water heat recovery. String Frac false false water_fixtures_shower_low_flow Hot Water Fixtures: Is Shower Low Flow Whether the shower fixture is low flow. Boolean true false false true true false false water_fixtures_sink_low_flow Hot Water Fixtures: Is Sink Low Flow Whether the sink fixture is low flow. Boolean true false false true true false false water_fixtures_usage_multiplier Hot Water Fixtures: Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the hot water usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-water-fixtures'>HPXML Water Fixtures</a>) is used. String false false solar_thermal_system_type Solar Thermal: System Type The type of solar thermal system. Use 'none' if there is no solar thermal system. Choice true false none none none hot water hot water solar_thermal_collector_area Solar Thermal: Collector Area The collector area of the solar thermal system. Double ft^2 true false 40 solar_thermal_collector_loop_type Solar Thermal: Collector Loop Type The collector loop type of the solar thermal system. Choice true false liquid direct liquid direct liquid direct liquid indirect liquid indirect passive thermosyphon passive thermosyphon solar_thermal_collector_type Solar Thermal: Collector Type The collector type of the solar thermal system. Choice true false evacuated tube evacuated tube evacuated tube single glazing black single glazing black double glazing black double glazing black integrated collector storage integrated collector storage solar_thermal_collector_azimuth Solar Thermal: Collector Azimuth The collector azimuth of the solar thermal system. Azimuth is measured clockwise from north (e.g., North=0, East=90, South=180, West=270). Double degrees true false 180 solar_thermal_collector_tilt Solar Thermal: Collector Tilt The collector tilt of the solar thermal system. Can also enter, e.g., RoofPitch, RoofPitch+20, Latitude, Latitude-15, etc. String degrees true false RoofPitch solar_thermal_collector_rated_optical_efficiency Solar Thermal: Collector Rated Optical Efficiency The collector rated optical efficiency of the solar thermal system. Double Frac true false 0.5 solar_thermal_collector_rated_thermal_losses Solar Thermal: Collector Rated Thermal Losses The collector rated thermal losses of the solar thermal system. Double Btu/hr-ft^2-R true false 0.2799 solar_thermal_storage_volume Solar Thermal: Storage Volume The storage volume of the solar thermal system. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#detailed-inputs'>Detailed Inputs</a>) is used. String gal false false solar_thermal_solar_fraction Solar Thermal: Solar Fraction The solar fraction of the solar thermal system. If provided, overrides all other solar thermal inputs. Double Frac true false 0 pv_system_present PV System: Present Whether there is a PV system present. Boolean true false false true true false false pv_system_module_type PV System: Module Type Module type of the PV system. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-photovoltaics'>HPXML Photovoltaics</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto standard standard premium premium thin film thin film pv_system_location PV System: Location Location of the PV system. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-photovoltaics'>HPXML Photovoltaics</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto roof roof ground ground pv_system_tracking PV System: Tracking Type of tracking for the PV system. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-photovoltaics'>HPXML Photovoltaics</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto fixed fixed 1-axis 1-axis 1-axis backtracked 1-axis backtracked 2-axis 2-axis pv_system_array_azimuth PV System: Array Azimuth Array azimuth of the PV system. Azimuth is measured clockwise from north (e.g., North=0, East=90, South=180, West=270). Double degrees true false 180 pv_system_array_tilt PV System: Array Tilt Array tilt of the PV system. Can also enter, e.g., RoofPitch, RoofPitch+20, Latitude, Latitude-15, etc. String degrees true false RoofPitch pv_system_max_power_output PV System: Maximum Power Output Maximum power output of the PV system. For a shared system, this is the total building maximum power output. Double W true false 4000 pv_system_inverter_efficiency PV System: Inverter Efficiency Inverter efficiency of the PV system. If there are two PV systems, this will apply to both. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-photovoltaics'>HPXML Photovoltaics</a>) is used. String Frac false false pv_system_system_losses_fraction PV System: System Losses Fraction System losses fraction of the PV system. If there are two PV systems, this will apply to both. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-photovoltaics'>HPXML Photovoltaics</a>) is used. String Frac false false pv_system_2_present PV System 2: Present Whether there is a second PV system present. Boolean true false false true true false false pv_system_2_module_type PV System 2: Module Type Module type of the second PV system. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-photovoltaics'>HPXML Photovoltaics</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto standard standard premium premium thin film thin film pv_system_2_location PV System 2: Location Location of the second PV system. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-photovoltaics'>HPXML Photovoltaics</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto roof roof ground ground pv_system_2_tracking PV System 2: Tracking Type of tracking for the second PV system. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-photovoltaics'>HPXML Photovoltaics</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto fixed fixed 1-axis 1-axis 1-axis backtracked 1-axis backtracked 2-axis 2-axis pv_system_2_array_azimuth PV System 2: Array Azimuth Array azimuth of the second PV system. Azimuth is measured clockwise from north (e.g., North=0, East=90, South=180, West=270). Double degrees true false 180 pv_system_2_array_tilt PV System 2: Array Tilt Array tilt of the second PV system. Can also enter, e.g., RoofPitch, RoofPitch+20, Latitude, Latitude-15, etc. String degrees true false RoofPitch pv_system_2_max_power_output PV System 2: Maximum Power Output Maximum power output of the second PV system. For a shared system, this is the total building maximum power output. Double W true false 4000 battery_present Battery: Present Whether there is a lithium ion battery present. Boolean true false false true true false false battery_location Battery: Location The space type for the lithium ion battery location. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-batteries'>HPXML Batteries</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto conditioned space conditioned space basement - conditioned basement - conditioned basement - unconditioned basement - unconditioned crawlspace crawlspace crawlspace - vented crawlspace - vented crawlspace - unvented crawlspace - unvented crawlspace - conditioned crawlspace - conditioned attic attic attic - vented attic - vented attic - unvented attic - unvented garage garage outside outside battery_power Battery: Rated Power Output The rated power output of the lithium ion battery. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-batteries'>HPXML Batteries</a>) is used. String W false false battery_capacity Battery: Nominal Capacity The nominal capacity of the lithium ion battery. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-batteries'>HPXML Batteries</a>) is used. String kWh false false battery_usable_capacity Battery: Usable Capacity The usable capacity of the lithium ion battery. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-batteries'>HPXML Batteries</a>) is used. String kWh false false battery_round_trip_efficiency Battery: Round Trip Efficiency The round trip efficiency of the lithium ion battery. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-batteries'>HPXML Batteries</a>) is used. String Frac false false lighting_present Lighting: Present Whether there is lighting energy use. Boolean true false true true true false false lighting_interior_fraction_cfl Lighting: Interior Fraction CFL Fraction of all lamps (interior) that are compact fluorescent. Lighting not specified as CFL, LFL, or LED is assumed to be incandescent. Double true false 0.1 lighting_interior_fraction_lfl Lighting: Interior Fraction LFL Fraction of all lamps (interior) that are linear fluorescent. Lighting not specified as CFL, LFL, or LED is assumed to be incandescent. Double true false 0 lighting_interior_fraction_led Lighting: Interior Fraction LED Fraction of all lamps (interior) that are light emitting diodes. Lighting not specified as CFL, LFL, or LED is assumed to be incandescent. Double true false 0 lighting_interior_usage_multiplier Lighting: Interior Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the lighting energy usage (interior) that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-lighting'>HPXML Lighting</a>) is used. String false false lighting_exterior_fraction_cfl Lighting: Exterior Fraction CFL Fraction of all lamps (exterior) that are compact fluorescent. Lighting not specified as CFL, LFL, or LED is assumed to be incandescent. Double true false 0 lighting_exterior_fraction_lfl Lighting: Exterior Fraction LFL Fraction of all lamps (exterior) that are linear fluorescent. Lighting not specified as CFL, LFL, or LED is assumed to be incandescent. Double true false 0 lighting_exterior_fraction_led Lighting: Exterior Fraction LED Fraction of all lamps (exterior) that are light emitting diodes. Lighting not specified as CFL, LFL, or LED is assumed to be incandescent. Double true false 0 lighting_exterior_usage_multiplier Lighting: Exterior Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the lighting energy usage (exterior) that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-lighting'>HPXML Lighting</a>) is used. String false false lighting_garage_fraction_cfl Lighting: Garage Fraction CFL Fraction of all lamps (garage) that are compact fluorescent. Lighting not specified as CFL, LFL, or LED is assumed to be incandescent. Double true false 0 lighting_garage_fraction_lfl Lighting: Garage Fraction LFL Fraction of all lamps (garage) that are linear fluorescent. Lighting not specified as CFL, LFL, or LED is assumed to be incandescent. Double true false 0 lighting_garage_fraction_led Lighting: Garage Fraction LED Fraction of all lamps (garage) that are light emitting diodes. Lighting not specified as CFL, LFL, or LED is assumed to be incandescent. Double true false 0 lighting_garage_usage_multiplier Lighting: Garage Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the lighting energy usage (garage) that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-lighting'>HPXML Lighting</a>) is used. String false false holiday_lighting_present Holiday Lighting: Present Whether there is holiday lighting. Boolean true false false true true false false holiday_lighting_daily_kwh Holiday Lighting: Daily Consumption The daily energy consumption for holiday lighting (exterior). If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-lighting'>HPXML Lighting</a>) is used. String kWh/day false false holiday_lighting_period Holiday Lighting: Period Enter a date like 'Nov 25 - Jan 5'. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-lighting'>HPXML Lighting</a>) is used. String false false dehumidifier_type Dehumidifier: Type The type of dehumidifier. Choice true false none none none portable portable whole-home whole-home dehumidifier_efficiency_type Dehumidifier: Efficiency Type The efficiency type of dehumidifier. Choice true false IntegratedEnergyFactor EnergyFactor EnergyFactor IntegratedEnergyFactor IntegratedEnergyFactor dehumidifier_efficiency Dehumidifier: Efficiency The efficiency of the dehumidifier. Double liters/kWh true false 1.5 dehumidifier_capacity Dehumidifier: Capacity The capacity (water removal rate) of the dehumidifier. Double pint/day true false 40 dehumidifier_rh_setpoint Dehumidifier: Relative Humidity Setpoint The relative humidity setpoint of the dehumidifier. Double Frac true false 0.5 dehumidifier_fraction_dehumidification_load_served Dehumidifier: Fraction Dehumidification Load Served The dehumidification load served fraction of the dehumidifier. Double Frac true false 1 clothes_washer_present Clothes Washer: Present Whether there is a clothes washer present. Boolean true false true true true false false clothes_washer_location Clothes Washer: Location The space type for the clothes washer location. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-clothes-washer'>HPXML Clothes Washer</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto conditioned space conditioned space basement - conditioned basement - conditioned basement - unconditioned basement - unconditioned garage garage other housing unit other housing unit other heated space other heated space other multifamily buffer space other multifamily buffer space other non-freezing space other non-freezing space clothes_washer_efficiency_type Clothes Washer: Efficiency Type The efficiency type of the clothes washer. Choice true false IntegratedModifiedEnergyFactor ModifiedEnergyFactor ModifiedEnergyFactor IntegratedModifiedEnergyFactor IntegratedModifiedEnergyFactor clothes_washer_efficiency Clothes Washer: Efficiency The efficiency of the clothes washer. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-clothes-washer'>HPXML Clothes Washer</a>) is used. String ft^3/kWh-cyc false false clothes_washer_rated_annual_kwh Clothes Washer: Rated Annual Consumption The annual energy consumed by the clothes washer, as rated, obtained from the EnergyGuide label. This includes both the appliance electricity consumption and the energy required for water heating. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-clothes-washer'>HPXML Clothes Washer</a>) is used. String kWh/yr false false clothes_washer_label_electric_rate Clothes Washer: Label Electric Rate The annual energy consumed by the clothes washer, as rated, obtained from the EnergyGuide label. This includes both the appliance electricity consumption and the energy required for water heating. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-clothes-washer'>HPXML Clothes Washer</a>) is used. String $/kWh false false clothes_washer_label_gas_rate Clothes Washer: Label Gas Rate The annual energy consumed by the clothes washer, as rated, obtained from the EnergyGuide label. This includes both the appliance electricity consumption and the energy required for water heating. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-clothes-washer'>HPXML Clothes Washer</a>) is used. String $/therm false false clothes_washer_label_annual_gas_cost Clothes Washer: Label Annual Cost with Gas DHW The annual cost of using the system under test conditions. Input is obtained from the EnergyGuide label. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-clothes-washer'>HPXML Clothes Washer</a>) is used. String $ false false clothes_washer_label_usage Clothes Washer: Label Usage The clothes washer loads per week. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-clothes-washer'>HPXML Clothes Washer</a>) is used. String cyc/wk false false clothes_washer_capacity Clothes Washer: Drum Volume Volume of the washer drum. Obtained from the EnergyStar website or the manufacturer's literature. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-clothes-washer'>HPXML Clothes Washer</a>) is used. String ft^3 false false clothes_washer_usage_multiplier Clothes Washer: Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the clothes washer energy and hot water usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-clothes-washer'>HPXML Clothes Washer</a>) is used. String false false clothes_dryer_present Clothes Dryer: Present Whether there is a clothes dryer present. Boolean true false true true true false false clothes_dryer_location Clothes Dryer: Location The space type for the clothes dryer location. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-clothes-dryer'>HPXML Clothes Dryer</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto conditioned space conditioned space basement - conditioned basement - conditioned basement - unconditioned basement - unconditioned garage garage other housing unit other housing unit other heated space other heated space other multifamily buffer space other multifamily buffer space other non-freezing space other non-freezing space clothes_dryer_fuel_type Clothes Dryer: Fuel Type Type of fuel used by the clothes dryer. Choice true false natural gas electricity electricity natural gas natural gas fuel oil fuel oil propane propane wood wood coal coal clothes_dryer_efficiency_type Clothes Dryer: Efficiency Type The efficiency type of the clothes dryer. Choice true false CombinedEnergyFactor EnergyFactor EnergyFactor CombinedEnergyFactor CombinedEnergyFactor clothes_dryer_efficiency Clothes Dryer: Efficiency The efficiency of the clothes dryer. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-clothes-dryer'>HPXML Clothes Dryer</a>) is used. String lb/kWh false false clothes_dryer_vented_flow_rate Clothes Dryer: Vented Flow Rate The exhaust flow rate of the vented clothes dryer. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-clothes-dryer'>HPXML Clothes Dryer</a>) is used. String CFM false false clothes_dryer_usage_multiplier Clothes Dryer: Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the clothes dryer energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-clothes-dryer'>HPXML Clothes Dryer</a>) is used. String false false dishwasher_present Dishwasher: Present Whether there is a dishwasher present. Boolean true false true true true false false dishwasher_location Dishwasher: Location The space type for the dishwasher location. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-dishwasher'>HPXML Dishwasher</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto conditioned space conditioned space basement - conditioned basement - conditioned basement - unconditioned basement - unconditioned garage garage other housing unit other housing unit other heated space other heated space other multifamily buffer space other multifamily buffer space other non-freezing space other non-freezing space dishwasher_efficiency_type Dishwasher: Efficiency Type The efficiency type of dishwasher. Choice true false RatedAnnualkWh RatedAnnualkWh RatedAnnualkWh EnergyFactor EnergyFactor dishwasher_efficiency Dishwasher: Efficiency The efficiency of the dishwasher. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-dishwasher'>HPXML Dishwasher</a>) is used. String RatedAnnualkWh or EnergyFactor false false dishwasher_label_electric_rate Dishwasher: Label Electric Rate The label electric rate of the dishwasher. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-dishwasher'>HPXML Dishwasher</a>) is used. String $/kWh false false dishwasher_label_gas_rate Dishwasher: Label Gas Rate The label gas rate of the dishwasher. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-dishwasher'>HPXML Dishwasher</a>) is used. String $/therm false false dishwasher_label_annual_gas_cost Dishwasher: Label Annual Gas Cost The label annual gas cost of the dishwasher. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-dishwasher'>HPXML Dishwasher</a>) is used. String $ false false dishwasher_label_usage Dishwasher: Label Usage The dishwasher loads per week. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-dishwasher'>HPXML Dishwasher</a>) is used. String cyc/wk false false dishwasher_place_setting_capacity Dishwasher: Number of Place Settings The number of place settings for the unit. Data obtained from manufacturer's literature. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-dishwasher'>HPXML Dishwasher</a>) is used. String # false false dishwasher_usage_multiplier Dishwasher: Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the dishwasher energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-dishwasher'>HPXML Dishwasher</a>) is used. String false false refrigerator_present Refrigerator: Present Whether there is a refrigerator present. Boolean true false true true true false false refrigerator_location Refrigerator: Location The space type for the refrigerator location. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-refrigerators'>HPXML Refrigerators</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto conditioned space conditioned space basement - conditioned basement - conditioned basement - unconditioned basement - unconditioned garage garage other housing unit other housing unit other heated space other heated space other multifamily buffer space other multifamily buffer space other non-freezing space other non-freezing space refrigerator_rated_annual_kwh Refrigerator: Rated Annual Consumption The EnergyGuide rated annual energy consumption for a refrigerator. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-refrigerators'>HPXML Refrigerators</a>) is used. String kWh/yr false false refrigerator_usage_multiplier Refrigerator: Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the refrigerator energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-refrigerators'>HPXML Refrigerators</a>) is used. String false false extra_refrigerator_present Extra Refrigerator: Present Whether there is an extra refrigerator present. Boolean true false false true true false false extra_refrigerator_location Extra Refrigerator: Location The space type for the extra refrigerator location. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-refrigerators'>HPXML Refrigerators</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto conditioned space conditioned space basement - conditioned basement - conditioned basement - unconditioned basement - unconditioned garage garage other housing unit other housing unit other heated space other heated space other multifamily buffer space other multifamily buffer space other non-freezing space other non-freezing space extra_refrigerator_rated_annual_kwh Extra Refrigerator: Rated Annual Consumption The EnergyGuide rated annual energy consumption for an extra rrefrigerator. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-refrigerators'>HPXML Refrigerators</a>) is used. String kWh/yr false false extra_refrigerator_usage_multiplier Extra Refrigerator: Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the extra refrigerator energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-refrigerators'>HPXML Refrigerators</a>) is used. String false false freezer_present Freezer: Present Whether there is a freezer present. Boolean true false false true true false false freezer_location Freezer: Location The space type for the freezer location. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-freezers'>HPXML Freezers</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto conditioned space conditioned space basement - conditioned basement - conditioned basement - unconditioned basement - unconditioned garage garage other housing unit other housing unit other heated space other heated space other multifamily buffer space other multifamily buffer space other non-freezing space other non-freezing space freezer_rated_annual_kwh Freezer: Rated Annual Consumption The EnergyGuide rated annual energy consumption for a freezer. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-freezers'>HPXML Freezers</a>) is used. String kWh/yr false false freezer_usage_multiplier Freezer: Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the freezer energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-freezers'>HPXML Freezers</a>) is used. String false false cooking_range_oven_present Cooking Range/Oven: Present Whether there is a cooking range/oven present. Boolean true false true true true false false cooking_range_oven_location Cooking Range/Oven: Location The space type for the cooking range/oven location. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-cooking-range-oven'>HPXML Cooking Range/Oven</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto conditioned space conditioned space basement - conditioned basement - conditioned basement - unconditioned basement - unconditioned garage garage other housing unit other housing unit other heated space other heated space other multifamily buffer space other multifamily buffer space other non-freezing space other non-freezing space cooking_range_oven_fuel_type Cooking Range/Oven: Fuel Type Type of fuel used by the cooking range/oven. Choice true false natural gas electricity electricity natural gas natural gas fuel oil fuel oil propane propane wood wood coal coal cooking_range_oven_is_induction Cooking Range/Oven: Is Induction Whether the cooking range is induction. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-cooking-range-oven'>HPXML Cooking Range/Oven</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto true true false false cooking_range_oven_is_convection Cooking Range/Oven: Is Convection Whether the oven is convection. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-cooking-range-oven'>HPXML Cooking Range/Oven</a>) is used. Choice false false auto auto true true false false cooking_range_oven_usage_multiplier Cooking Range/Oven: Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the cooking range/oven energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-cooking-range-oven'>HPXML Cooking Range/Oven</a>) is used. String false false ceiling_fan_present Ceiling Fan: Present Whether there are any ceiling fans. Boolean true false true true true false false ceiling_fan_efficiency Ceiling Fan: Efficiency The efficiency rating of the ceiling fan(s) at medium speed. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-ceiling-fans'>HPXML Ceiling Fans</a>) is used. String CFM/W false false ceiling_fan_quantity Ceiling Fan: Quantity Total number of ceiling fans. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-ceiling-fans'>HPXML Ceiling Fans</a>) is used. String # false false ceiling_fan_cooling_setpoint_temp_offset Ceiling Fan: Cooling Setpoint Temperature Offset The cooling setpoint temperature offset during months when the ceiling fans are operating. Only applies if ceiling fan quantity is greater than zero. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-ceiling-fans'>HPXML Ceiling Fans</a>) is used. String deg-F false false misc_plug_loads_television_present Misc Plug Loads: Television Present Whether there are televisions. Boolean true false true true true false false misc_plug_loads_other_annual_kwh Misc Plug Loads: Other Annual kWh The annual energy consumption of the other residual plug loads. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-plug-loads'>HPXML Plug Loads</a>) is used. String kWh/yr false false misc_plug_loads_other_frac_sensible Misc Plug Loads: Other Sensible Fraction Fraction of other residual plug loads' internal gains that are sensible. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-plug-loads'>HPXML Plug Loads</a>) is used. String Frac false false misc_plug_loads_other_frac_latent Misc Plug Loads: Other Latent Fraction Fraction of other residual plug loads' internal gains that are latent. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-plug-loads'>HPXML Plug Loads</a>) is used. String Frac false false misc_plug_loads_other_usage_multiplier Misc Plug Loads: Other Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the other energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-plug-loads'>HPXML Plug Loads</a>) is used. String false false misc_plug_loads_well_pump_present Misc Plug Loads: Well Pump Present Whether there is a well pump. Boolean true false false true true false false misc_plug_loads_well_pump_annual_kwh Misc Plug Loads: Well Pump Annual kWh The annual energy consumption of the well pump plug loads. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-plug-loads'>HPXML Plug Loads</a>) is used. String kWh/yr false false misc_plug_loads_well_pump_usage_multiplier Misc Plug Loads: Well Pump Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the well pump energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-plug-loads'>HPXML Plug Loads</a>) is used. String false false misc_plug_loads_vehicle_present Misc Plug Loads: Vehicle Present Whether there is an electric vehicle. Boolean true false false true true false false misc_plug_loads_vehicle_annual_kwh Misc Plug Loads: Vehicle Annual kWh The annual energy consumption of the electric vehicle plug loads. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-plug-loads'>HPXML Plug Loads</a>) is used. String kWh/yr false false misc_plug_loads_vehicle_usage_multiplier Misc Plug Loads: Vehicle Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the electric vehicle energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-plug-loads'>HPXML Plug Loads</a>) is used. String false false misc_fuel_loads_grill_present Misc Fuel Loads: Grill Present Whether there is a fuel loads grill. Boolean true false false true true false false misc_fuel_loads_grill_fuel_type Misc Fuel Loads: Grill Fuel Type The fuel type of the fuel loads grill. Choice true false natural gas natural gas natural gas fuel oil fuel oil propane propane wood wood wood pellets wood pellets misc_fuel_loads_grill_annual_therm Misc Fuel Loads: Grill Annual therm The annual energy consumption of the fuel loads grill. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-fuel-loads'>HPXML Fuel Loads</a>) is used. String therm/yr false false misc_fuel_loads_grill_usage_multiplier Misc Fuel Loads: Grill Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the fuel loads grill energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-fuel-loads'>HPXML Fuel Loads</a>) is used. String false false misc_fuel_loads_lighting_present Misc Fuel Loads: Lighting Present Whether there is fuel loads lighting. Boolean true false false true true false false misc_fuel_loads_lighting_fuel_type Misc Fuel Loads: Lighting Fuel Type The fuel type of the fuel loads lighting. Choice true false natural gas natural gas natural gas fuel oil fuel oil propane propane wood wood wood pellets wood pellets misc_fuel_loads_lighting_annual_therm Misc Fuel Loads: Lighting Annual therm The annual energy consumption of the fuel loads lighting. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-fuel-loads'>HPXML Fuel Loads</a>)is used. String therm/yr false false misc_fuel_loads_lighting_usage_multiplier Misc Fuel Loads: Lighting Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the fuel loads lighting energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-fuel-loads'>HPXML Fuel Loads</a>) is used. String false false misc_fuel_loads_fireplace_present Misc Fuel Loads: Fireplace Present Whether there is fuel loads fireplace. Boolean true false false true true false false misc_fuel_loads_fireplace_fuel_type Misc Fuel Loads: Fireplace Fuel Type The fuel type of the fuel loads fireplace. Choice true false natural gas natural gas natural gas fuel oil fuel oil propane propane wood wood wood pellets wood pellets misc_fuel_loads_fireplace_annual_therm Misc Fuel Loads: Fireplace Annual therm The annual energy consumption of the fuel loads fireplace. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-fuel-loads'>HPXML Fuel Loads</a>) is used. String therm/yr false false misc_fuel_loads_fireplace_frac_sensible Misc Fuel Loads: Fireplace Sensible Fraction Fraction of fireplace residual fuel loads' internal gains that are sensible. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-fuel-loads'>HPXML Fuel Loads</a>) is used. String Frac false false misc_fuel_loads_fireplace_frac_latent Misc Fuel Loads: Fireplace Latent Fraction Fraction of fireplace residual fuel loads' internal gains that are latent. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-fuel-loads'>HPXML Fuel Loads</a>) is used. String Frac false false misc_fuel_loads_fireplace_usage_multiplier Misc Fuel Loads: Fireplace Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the fuel loads fireplace energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#hpxml-fuel-loads'>HPXML Fuel Loads</a>) is used. String false false pool_present Pool: Present Whether there is a pool. Boolean true false false true true false false pool_pump_annual_kwh Pool: Pump Annual kWh The annual energy consumption of the pool pump. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#pool-pump'>Pool Pump</a>) is used. String kWh/yr false false pool_pump_usage_multiplier Pool: Pump Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the pool pump energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#pool-pump'>Pool Pump</a>) is used. String false false pool_heater_type Pool: Heater Type The type of pool heater. Use 'none' if there is no pool heater. Choice true false none none none electric resistance electric resistance gas fired gas fired heat pump heat pump pool_heater_annual_kwh Pool: Heater Annual kWh The annual energy consumption of the electric resistance pool heater. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#pool-heater'>Pool Heater</a>) is used. String kWh/yr false false pool_heater_annual_therm Pool: Heater Annual therm The annual energy consumption of the gas fired pool heater. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#pool-heater'>Pool Heater</a>) is used. String therm/yr false false pool_heater_usage_multiplier Pool: Heater Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the pool heater energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#pool-heater'>Pool Heater</a>) is used. String false false permanent_spa_present Permanent Spa: Present Whether there is a permanent spa. Boolean true false false true true false false permanent_spa_pump_annual_kwh Permanent Spa: Pump Annual kWh The annual energy consumption of the permanent spa pump. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#permanent-spa-pump'>Permanent Spa Pump</a>) is used. String kWh/yr false false permanent_spa_pump_usage_multiplier Permanent Spa: Pump Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the permanent spa pump energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#permanent-spa-pump'>Permanent Spa Pump</a>) is used. String false false permanent_spa_heater_type Permanent Spa: Heater Type The type of permanent spa heater. Use 'none' if there is no permanent spa heater. Choice true false none none none electric resistance electric resistance gas fired gas fired heat pump heat pump permanent_spa_heater_annual_kwh Permanent Spa: Heater Annual kWh The annual energy consumption of the electric resistance permanent spa heater. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#permanent-spa-heater'>Permanent Spa Heater</a>) is used. String kWh/yr false false permanent_spa_heater_annual_therm Permanent Spa: Heater Annual therm The annual energy consumption of the gas fired permanent spa heater. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#permanent-spa-heater'>Permanent Spa Heater</a>) is used. String therm/yr false false permanent_spa_heater_usage_multiplier Permanent Spa: Heater Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the permanent spa heater energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. If not provided, the OS-HPXML default (see <a href='https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.0/workflow_inputs.html#permanent-spa-heater'>Permanent Spa Heater</a>) is used. String false false geometry_unit_cfa_bin Geometry: Unit Conditioned Floor Area Bin E.g., '2000-2499'. String true false 2000-2499 geometry_unit_cfa Geometry: Unit Conditioned Floor Area E.g., '2000' or 'auto'. String sqft true false 2000 vintage Building Construction: Vintage The building vintage, used for informational purposes only. String false false exterior_finish_r Building Construction: Exterior Finish R-Value R-value of the exterior finish. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 0.6 geometry_unit_level Geometry: Unit Level The level of the unit. This is required for apartment units. Choice false false Bottom Bottom Middle Middle Top Top geometry_unit_horizontal_location Geometry: Unit Horizontal Location The horizontal location of the unit when viewing the front of the building. This is required for single-family attached and apartment units. Choice false false None None Left Left Middle Middle Right Right geometry_num_floors_above_grade Geometry: Number of Floors Above Grade The number of floors above grade (in the unit if single-family detached or single-family attached, and in the building if apartment unit). Conditioned attics are included. Integer # true false 2 geometry_corridor_position Geometry: Corridor Position The position of the corridor. Only applies to single-family attached and apartment units. Exterior corridors are shaded, but not enclosed. Interior corridors are enclosed and conditioned. Choice true false Double-Loaded Interior Double-Loaded Interior Double Exterior Double Exterior Single Exterior (Front) Single Exterior (Front) None None geometry_corridor_width Geometry: Corridor Width The width of the corridor. Only applies to apartment units. Double ft true false 10 wall_continuous_exterior_r Wall: Continuous Exterior Insulation Nominal R-value Nominal R-value for the wall continuous exterior insulation. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu false false ceiling_insulation_r Ceiling: Insulation Nominal R-value Nominal R-value for the ceiling (attic floor). Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 0 rim_joist_continuous_exterior_r Rim Joist: Continuous Exterior Insulation Nominal R-value Nominal R-value for the rim joist continuous exterior insulation. Only applies to basements/crawlspaces. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 0 rim_joist_continuous_interior_r Rim Joist: Continuous Interior Insulation Nominal R-value Nominal R-value for the rim joist continuous interior insulation that runs parallel to floor joists. Only applies to basements/crawlspaces. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 0 rim_joist_assembly_interior_r Rim Joist: Interior Assembly R-value Assembly R-value for the rim joist assembly interior insulation that runs perpendicular to floor joists. Only applies to basements/crawlspaces. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 0 air_leakage_percent_reduction Air Leakage: Value Reduction Reduction (%) on the air exchange rate value. Double false false misc_plug_loads_other_2_usage_multiplier Plug Loads: Other Usage Multiplier 2 Additional multiplier on the other energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 misc_plug_loads_well_pump_2_usage_multiplier Plug Loads: Well Pump Usage Multiplier 2 Additional multiplier on the well pump energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 0 misc_plug_loads_vehicle_2_usage_multiplier Plug Loads: Vehicle Usage Multiplier 2 Additional multiplier on the electric vehicle energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 0 hvac_control_heating_weekday_setpoint_temp Heating Setpoint: Weekday Temperature Specify the weekday heating setpoint temperature. Double deg-F true false 71 hvac_control_heating_weekend_setpoint_temp Heating Setpoint: Weekend Temperature Specify the weekend heating setpoint temperature. Double deg-F true false 71 hvac_control_heating_weekday_setpoint_offset_magnitude Heating Setpoint: Weekday Offset Magnitude Specify the weekday heating offset magnitude. Double deg-F true false 0 hvac_control_heating_weekend_setpoint_offset_magnitude Heating Setpoint: Weekend Offset Magnitude Specify the weekend heating offset magnitude. Double deg-F true false 0 hvac_control_heating_weekday_setpoint_schedule Heating Setpoint: Weekday Schedule Specify the 24-hour comma-separated weekday heating schedule of 0s and 1s. String true false 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 hvac_control_heating_weekend_setpoint_schedule Heating Setpoint: Weekend Schedule Specify the 24-hour comma-separated weekend heating schedule of 0s and 1s. String true false 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 use_auto_heating_season Use Auto Heating Season Specifies whether to automatically define the heating season based on the weather file. Boolean true false false true true false false hvac_control_cooling_weekday_setpoint_temp Cooling Setpoint: Weekday Temperature Specify the weekday cooling setpoint temperature. Double deg-F true false 76 hvac_control_cooling_weekend_setpoint_temp Cooling Setpoint: Weekend Temperature Specify the weekend cooling setpoint temperature. Double deg-F true false 76 hvac_control_cooling_weekday_setpoint_offset_magnitude Cooling Setpoint: Weekday Offset Magnitude Specify the weekday cooling offset magnitude. Double deg-F true false 0 hvac_control_cooling_weekend_setpoint_offset_magnitude Cooling Setpoint: Weekend Offset Magnitude Specify the weekend cooling offset magnitude. Double deg-F true false 0 hvac_control_cooling_weekday_setpoint_schedule Cooling Setpoint: Weekday Schedule Specify the 24-hour comma-separated weekday cooling schedule of 0s and 1s. String true false 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 hvac_control_cooling_weekend_setpoint_schedule Cooling Setpoint: Weekend Schedule Specify the 24-hour comma-separated weekend cooling schedule of 0s and 1s. String true false 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 use_auto_cooling_season Use Auto Cooling Season Specifies whether to automatically define the cooling season based on the weather file. Boolean true false false true true false false heating_system_has_flue_or_chimney Heating System: Has Flue or Chimney Whether the heating system has a flue or chimney. String true false auto heating_system_2_has_flue_or_chimney Heating System 2: Has Flue or Chimney Whether the second heating system has a flue or chimney. String true false auto water_heater_has_flue_or_chimney Water Heater: Has Flue or Chimney Whether the water heater has a flue or chimney. String true false auto heating_system_rated_cfm_per_ton Heating System: Rated CFM Per Ton The rated cfm per ton of the heating system. Double cfm/ton false false heating_system_actual_cfm_per_ton Heating System: Actual CFM Per Ton The actual cfm per ton of the heating system. Double cfm/ton false false cooling_system_rated_cfm_per_ton Cooling System: Rated CFM Per Ton The rated cfm per ton of the cooling system. Double cfm/ton false false cooling_system_actual_cfm_per_ton Cooling System: Actual CFM Per Ton The actual cfm per ton of the cooling system. Double cfm/ton false false cooling_system_frac_manufacturer_charge Cooling System: Fraction of Manufacturer Recommended Charge The fraction of manufacturer recommended charge of the cooling system. Double Frac false false heat_pump_rated_cfm_per_ton Heat Pump: Rated CFM Per Ton The rated cfm per ton of the heat pump. Double cfm/ton false false heat_pump_actual_cfm_per_ton Heat Pump: Actual CFM Per Ton The actual cfm per ton of the heat pump. Double cfm/ton false false heat_pump_frac_manufacturer_charge Heat Pump: Fraction of Manufacturer Recommended Charge The fraction of manufacturer recommended charge of the heat pump. Double Frac false false heat_pump_backup_use_existing_system Heat Pump: Backup Use Existing System Whether the heat pump uses the existing system as backup. Boolean false false true true false false Whole Building.Space Types Measure Type ModelMeasure string README.md md readme 2FCFA5AD README.md.erb erb readmeerb 513F28E9 OpenStudio 2.9.0 2.9.0 measure.rb rb script 4E5136C9 constants.rb rb resource A21EDCB5 resstock_arguments_test.rb rb test 6DD62440