open Core type callback_id = int let latest_callback_id: callback_id ref = ref 0 let latest_cell_id = ref 0 type 'a cell_type = InputCell | ComputeCell of {one: 'a cell; f: 'a -> 'a;} | ComputeCell2 of {one: 'a cell; two: 'a cell; f: 'a -> 'a -> 'a;} and 'a cell = { cell_id: int; eq: 'a -> 'a -> bool; value: 'a ref; callbacks: (callback_id, ('a -> unit)) Hashtbl.t; cell_type: 'a cell_type; observers: 'a cell list ref; } let next_cell_id () = let cell_id = !latest_cell_id in latest_cell_id := succ !latest_cell_id; cell_id let apply x f = f x let callbacks_tbl = Int.Table.create let value_of {value; _}: 'a = !value let create_input_cell ~(value: 'a) ~eq = let cell_id = next_cell_id () in latest_cell_id := succ !latest_cell_id; { cell_id; eq = eq; value = ref value; callbacks = callbacks_tbl (); cell_type = InputCell; observers = ref []; } let add_callback cell ~k = let id = !latest_callback_id in Hashtbl.set cell.callbacks ~key:id ~data:k; latest_callback_id := succ id; id let remove_callback cell id = Hashtbl.remove cell.callbacks id;; let call_callbacks cell = Hashtbl.iter cell.callbacks ~f:(apply !(cell.value));; let dedup_cells (cells: 'a cell list): 'a cell list = List.dedup cells ~compare:(fun c1 c2 -> c1.cell_id c2.cell_id) let update_compute_cell_value (cell: 'a cell) = let computed = match cell.cell_type with | ComputeCell {one; f} -> f !(one.value) | ComputeCell2 {one; two; f} -> f !(one.value) !(two.value) | InputCell -> failwith "cannot call update_compute_cell on an input cell"; in if cell.eq !(cell.value) computed then false else begin cell.value := computed; true end let breadth_first_update_compute_cells (cell: 'a cell): 'a cell list = let update c = List.filter !(c.observers) ~f:update_compute_cell_value in let rec go cells acc = let updates = dedup_cells (List.concat_map ~f:update cells) in if List.is_empty updates then acc else go updates (updates @ acc) in go [cell] [cell] let set_value (cell: 'a cell) (x: 'a) = match cell.cell_type with | InputCell -> if not (cell.eq !(cell.value) x) then begin cell.value := x; let cells = breadth_first_update_compute_cells cell |> dedup_cells in List.iter cells ~f:call_callbacks; () end | _ -> failwith "cannot set the value of a compute cell";; let create_compute_cell_1 one ~f ~eq = let callbacks = callbacks_tbl () in let value = ref (f !(one.value)) in let c = {cell_id = next_cell_id(); value; callbacks; observers = ref []; eq; cell_type = ComputeCell {one; f}} in one.observers := c :: !(one.observers); c let create_compute_cell_2 one two ~f ~eq = let callbacks = callbacks_tbl () in let value = ref (f !(one.value) !(two.value)) in let c = {cell_id = next_cell_id(); value; callbacks; observers = ref []; eq; cell_type = ComputeCell2 {one; two; f}} in one.observers := c :: !(one.observers); two.observers := c :: !(two.observers); c