#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 require "bundler" Bundler.setup $:.unshift(File.expand_path("../../../../lib", __FILE__)) require 'amqp' require "amqp/extensions/rabbitmq" AMQP.start do |connection| puts "Connected!" channel = AMQP::Channel.new(connection) channel.on_error do |ch, channel_close| puts "Oops! a channel-level exception: #{channel_close.reply_text}" end x = channel.fanout("amq.fanout") channel.queue("", :auto_delete => true, :arguments => { "x-message-ttl" => 1000 }) do |q| puts "Declared a new server-named queue: #{q.name}" q.bind(x) EventMachine.add_timer(0.3) do 10.times do |i| puts "Publishing message ##{i}" x.publish("Message ##{i}") end end EventMachine.add_timer(0.7) do q.pop do |headers, payload| puts "Got a message: #{payload}" end end EventMachine.add_timer(1.5) do q.pop do |headers, payload| if payload.nil? puts "No messages in the queue" else raise "x-message-ttl didn't seem to work (timeout isn't up)" end end end end show_stopper = Proc.new { AMQP.stop { EventMachine.stop } } EM.add_timer(3, show_stopper) Signal.trap('INT', show_stopper) Signal.trap('TERM', show_stopper) end