#! /usr/bin/ruby # encoding: utf-8 gem 'minitest', '=4.7.4' require 'minitest/autorun' require_relative '../../lib/y_petri' # tested component itself # require 'y_petri' # require 'sy' describe "Use of TimedSimulation with units" do before do require 'sy' @m = YPetri::Agent.new # === General assumptions Cytoplasm_volume = 5.0e-11.l Pieces_per_concentration = SY::Nᴀ * Cytoplasm_volume # === Simulation settings @m.set_step 60.s @m.set_target_time 10.min @m.set_sampling 120.s # === Places AMP = @m.Place m!: 8695.0.µM ADP = @m.Place m!: 6521.0.µM ATP = @m.Place m!: 3152.0.µM Deoxycytidine = @m.Place m!: 0.5.µM DeoxyCTP = @m.Place m!: 1.0.µM DeoxyGMP = @m.Place m!: 1.0.µM U12P = @m.Place m!: 2737.0.µM DeoxyU12P = @m.Place m!: 0.0.µM DeoxyTMP = @m.Place m!: 3.3.µM DeoxyT23P = @m.Place m!: 5.0.µM Thymidine = @m.Place m!: 0.5.µM TK1 = @m.Place m!: 100_000.unit.( SY::MoleAmount ) / Cytoplasm_volume TYMS = @m.Place m!: 100_000.unit.( SY::MoleAmount ) / Cytoplasm_volume RNR = @m.Place m!: 100_000.unit.( SY::MoleAmount ) / Cytoplasm_volume TMPK = @m.Place m!: 100_000.unit.( SY::MoleAmount ) / Cytoplasm_volume # === Enzyme molecular masses TK1_m = 24.8.kDa TYMS_m = 66.0.kDa RNR_m = 140.0.kDa TMPK_m = 50.0.kDa # === Specific activities of the enzymes TK1_a = 5.40.µmol.min⁻¹.mg⁻¹ TYMS_a = 3.80.µmol.min⁻¹.mg⁻¹ RNR_a = 1.00.µmol.min⁻¹.mg⁻¹ TMPK_a = 0.83.µmol.min⁻¹.mg⁻¹ # === Clamps @m.clamp AMP: 8695.0.µM, ADP: 6521.0.µM, ATP: 3152.0.µM @m.clamp Deoxycytidine: 0.5.µM, DeoxyCTP: 1.0.µM, DeoxyGMP: 1.0.µM @m.clamp Thymidine: 0.5.µM @m.clamp U12P: 2737.0.µM # === Function closures # Vmax of an enzyme. # Vmax_enzyme = lambda { |specific_activity, mass, enzyme_conc| specific_activity * mass * enzyme_conc.( SY::Molecularity ) } # Michaelis constant reduced for competitive inhibitors. # Km_reduced = lambda { |km, ki_hash={}| ki_hash.map { |concentration, ci_Ki| concentration / ci_Ki } .reduce( 1, :+ ) * km } # Occupancy of enzyme active sites at given concentration of reactants # and competitive inhibitors. # Occupancy = lambda { |ʀ_conc, ʀ_Km, cɪ_Kɪ={}| ʀ_conc / ( ʀ_conc + Km_reduced.( ʀ_Km, cɪ_Kɪ ) ) } # Michaelis and Menten equation with competitive inhibitors. # MMi = MM_equation_with_inhibitors = lambda { |ʀ_conc, ᴇ_specific_activity, ᴇ_mass, ᴇ_conc, ʀ_Km, cɪ_Kɪ={}| Vmax_enzyme.( ᴇ_specific_activity, ᴇ_mass, ᴇ_conc ) * Occupancy.( ʀ_conc, ʀ_Km, cɪ_Kɪ ) } # === Michaelis constants of the enzymes involved. TK1_Thymidine_Km = 5.0.µM TYMS_DeoxyUMP_Km = 2.0.µM RNR_UDP_Km = 1.0.µM TMPK_DeoxyTMP_Km = 12.0.µM # === DNA synthesis speed. DNA_creation_speed = 3_000_000_000.unit.( SY::MoleAmount ) / 12.h / Cytoplasm_volume # === Transitions # Synthesis of TMP by TK1. # TK1_Thymidine_DeoxyTMP = @m.Transition s: { Thymidine: -1, DeoxyTMP: 1 }, domain: [ Thymidine, TK1, DeoxyT23P, DeoxyCTP, Deoxycytidine, AMP, ADP, ATP ], rate: proc { |rc, e, pool1, ci2, ci3, master1, master2, master3| ci1 = pool1 * master3 / ( master2 + master3 ) MMi.( rc, TK1_a, TK1_m, e, TK1_Thymidine_Km, ci1 => 13.5.µM, ci2 => 0.8.µM, ci3 => 40.0.µM ) } # Methylation of DeoxyUMP into TMP by TYMS. TYMS_DeoxyUMP_DeoxyTMP = @m.Transition s: { DeoxyU12P: -1, DeoxyTMP: 1 }, domain: [ DeoxyU12P, TYMS, AMP, ADP, ATP ], rate: proc { |pool, e, master1, master2, master3| rc = pool * master2 / ( master1 + master2 ) MMi.( rc, TYMS_a, TYMS_m, e, TYMS_DeoxyUMP_Km ) } # Reduction of UDP into DeoxyUDP by RNR. RNR_UDP_DeoxyUDP = @m.Transition s: { U12P: -1, DeoxyU12P: 1 }, domain: [ U12P, RNR, DeoxyU12P, AMP, ADP, ATP ], rate: proc { |pool, e, master1, master2, master3| rc = pool * master2 / ( master1 + master2 ) MMi.( rc, RNR_a, RNR_m, e, RNR_UDP_Km ) } # Consumption of TTP by DNA synthesis. DeoxyTTP_to_DNA = @m.Transition s: { DeoxyT23P: -1 }, rate: proc { DNA_creation_speed / 4 } # Phosphorylation of TMP into TDP-TTP pool. TMPK_DeoxyTMP_DeoxyTDP = @m.Transition s: { DeoxyTMP: -1, TMPK: 0, DeoxyT23P: 1 }, domain: [ DeoxyTMP, TMPK, ADP, DeoxyT23P, DeoxyGMP, AMP, ATP ], rate: proc { |rc, e, ci1, pool, ci4, master1, master3| master2 = ci1 ci2 = pool * master2 / ( master2 + master3 ) ci3 = pool * master3 / ( master2 + master3 ) MMi.( rc, TMPK_a, TMPK_m, e, TMPK_DeoxyTMP_Km, ci1 => 250.0.µM, ci2 => 30.0.µM, ci3 => 750.µM, ci4 => 117.µM ) } end it "should work" do # === Simulation execution @m.run! # === Plotting of the results @m.plot_state sleep 20 end end