#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'utils'
require 'ollama'
include Ollama

def fetch_method(filename_linenumber)
  result = ''
  source_location = filename_linenumber.source_location
  lf = Tins::LinesFile.for_filename(source_location.filename, source_location.linenumber)
  if spaces = lf.match_backward(/^(\s*)def\s+(?:\S+?)(?:\(|\s*$)/)&.first
    line_number_begin = lf.line_number
    line_number_end = lf.line_number
    line_number_begin.upto(line_number_end) do |line_number|
      lf.line_number = line_number
      result << lf.line

def fetch_file(filename_linenumber)
  source_location = filename_linenumber.source_location

filename_linenumber = ARGV.shift or fail "require file_name as second argument"
method   = fetch_method(filename_linenumber)
#file     = fetch_file(filename_linenumber)
files = Dir['{lib,spec,test}/**/*.rb']
base_url = ENV['OLLAMA_URL'] || 'http://%s' % ENV.fetch('OLLAMA_HOST')
model    = ENV.fetch('OLLAMA_MODEL', 'llama3.1')
#file                = File.read(file_name)
#call_sites          = %x(cscope -L -3 "#{method_name}" $(find . -name '*.rb') | awk '{ print $1 ":" $3 }').lines.map(&:chomp).uniq
#methods             = call_sites.map { fetch_method(_1) } * ?\n

cheatsheet = <<EOT
# YARD CHEATSHEET http://yardoc.org

## May 2020 - updated fork: https://gist.github.com/phansch/db18a595d2f5f1ef16646af72fe1fb0e

cribbed from http://pastebin.com/xgzeAmBn

Templates to remind you of the options and formatting for the different types of objects you might
want to document using YARD.

## Modules

    # Namespace for classes and modules that handle serving documentation over HTTP

## Classes

    # Abstract base class for CLI utilities. Provides some helper methods for
    # the option parser
    # @author Full Name
    # @abstract
    # @attr [Types] attribute_name a full description of the attribute
    # @attr_reader [Types] name description of a readonly attribute
    # @attr_writer [Types] name description of writeonly attribute
    # @deprecated Describe the reason or provide alt. references here

## Methods

    # An alias to {Parser::SourceParser}'s parsing method
    # @author Donovan Bray
    # @see http://example.com Description of URL
    # @see SomeOtherClass#method
    # @deprecated Use {#my_new_method} instead of this method because
    #   it uses a library that is no longer supported in Ruby 1.9.
    #   The new method accepts the same parameters.
    # @abstract
    # @private
    # @param subject [String] The subject
    # @param from [String] ('nobody') From address
    # @param to [String] Recipient email
    # @param body [String] ('') The email's body
    # @param (see User#initialize)
    # @param [OptionParser] opts the option parser object
    # @param [Array<String>] args the arguments passed from input. This
    #   array will be modified.
    # @param [Array<String, Symbol>] list the list of strings and symbols.
    # The options parsed out of the commandline.
    # Default options are:
    #   :format => :dot
    # @example Reverse a string
    #   "mystring.reverse" #=> "gnirtsym"
    # @example Parse a glob of files
    #   YARD.parse('lib/**/*.rb')
    # @raise [ExceptionClass] description
    # @return [optional, types, ...] description
    # @return [true] always returns true
    # @return [void]
    # @return [String, nil] the contents of our object or nil
    #   if the object has not been filled with data.
    # We don't care about the "type" here:
    # @return the object
    # @return [String, #read] a string or object that responds to #read
    # @return description here with no types

## Anywhere

    # @todo Add support for Jabberwocky service
    #   There is an open source Jabberwocky library available
    #   at http://somesite.com that can be integrated easily
    #   into the project.

## Blocks

    # for block {|a, b, c| ... }
    # @yield [a, b, c] Description of block
    # @yieldparam [optional, types, ...] argname description
    # @yieldreturn [optional, types, ...] description

system = <<EOT
You are a Ruby code commenter that writes succinct, simple ruby YARD comments.
system = nil

prompt = <<EOT
Analyze this code:

#{files.map { File.read(_1) } * ?\n}

Then output a succinct YARD comment for the method below.

Follow the following guidelines:
- Do not repeat the ruby method code.
- Do not use `, `ruby, ```, ```ruby in your response.
- Start each line of your comment with a single # character.

Here's a cheatsheet for YARD you can peek into:


And this is the method you should document:


options = Ollama::Options.new(
  #repeat_penalty: 1.8,
  num_ctx: 8192,
  num_predict: 512,
  temperature: 0,
  #repeat_last_n: -1,
  ##seed: 1337,
  top_p: 1,
  min_p: 0.1,

if ENV['DEBUG'].to_i == 1
  File.open('debug.log', ?w) do |log|
    log.puts "system:\n#{system}"
    log.puts "prompt:\n#{prompt}"
    log.puts "filename_linenumber: #{filename_linenumber}"
    log.puts JSON.pretty_generate(options)

ollama = Client.new(base_url:, read_timeout: 120)
ollama.generate(model:, system:, prompt:, options:, stream: false, &Print)